Chapter 138

Immediately after, a sudden violent pain distorted ZhiXia's expression for a moment.

Pei Jing hurriedly sat up, "What's the matter? Is it time to give birth?"

"My stomach hurts." This could already be seen from her facial expression.

"An ZhiXian, ZhiXia is going into labor, hurry and grab the stuff." Pei Jing hurriedly picked her up and rushed out the door.

The rented cart had already been prepared in the courtyard. Upon hearing Pei Jing's words, An ZhiXian had already spread a blanket on it. Pei Jing carried her out and placed her on the cart, then pushed it out.

Behind them, Zhou Granny and Zhou Nan brought the pre-packed childbirth supplies at the fastest speed, closely following the three.

They had been preparing for this period, so although the speed was fast, there was no panic at all, and nothing was missing that should have been brought.

The hospital was not far, Pei Jing ran all the way, and arrived in ten minutes. By the time she was carried down, this wave of contractions had passed.

Not many people came to the hospital to give birth at this late hour.

She had just been carried into the delivery room when more intense pain hit, making her involuntarily let out a soft moan.

When she was examined, everyone was kicked out. She was nearly delirious from the pain, and could only hear the midwife telling her to breathe with her rhythm and not push too hard.

ZhiXia had some knowledge about this, and knew that pushing too hard could easily cause tearing, so she was extremely careful.

Outside the delivery room, Zhou Nan and Zhou Granny anxiously waited with the baby's swaddling clothes already taken inside by the nurse.

Pei Jing's bare arms were wet halfway, drenched by amniotic fluid when he carried ZhiXia in.

An ZhiXian told him to go clean up, and he finally reacted.

Although it was her first birth, the baby came very quickly. By the time Pei Jing came back from the bathroom and waited another two hours or so, the baby's cries came from inside.

After a while longer, the nurse finally opened the door, "Family of An ZhiXia, the baby is born, it's twins, the bigger one is the brother, the smaller is the sister. The mother is a little weak, is there a female family member to come help her get dressed?"

"That's us."

Zhou Granny pulled Zhou Nan in, while Pei Jing wanted to go in but was stopped by the nurse, "Are you planning to go home to recuperate, or let the mother rest in the ward first?"

"Rest in the ward first." Although it wasn't far, going back now would be a hassle, it was better to let her rest well here and go back tomorrow.

By the time Pei Jing could go in, ZhiXia had already passed out from exhaustion. The two babies were bundled and placed to the side.

He went to take a look, then carried ZhiXia to the arranged ward. The two babies were held by Zhou Nan and Zhou Granny respectively, and the rest of the things were handed to An ZhiXian.

The ward had two beds, but the other one was unoccupied.

After placing ZhiXia on the hospital bed and covering her with a blanket, Pei Jing finally had time to look at the babies.

Zhou Granny's eyes were full of joy, "I've been a midwife my whole life, but this really is the first time I've seen such beautiful newborns. Just look at those eyebrows, that nose, those little lips, that translucent smooth skin, so good looking..."

As Zhou Nan looked at the twin sister, she couldn't help but think of when she had just given birth to her fourth son ZhiXia.

She had wanted to dote more on the little girl, the only daughter out of her previous four sons, yet she hadn't expected...

Oh well, no point thinking about those days gone by.

Zhou Nan held the little girl in her arms, utterly reluctant to let go.

The two babies were skinny and the girl chubbier, but clearly, they didn't look premature at all.

Pei Jing, a grown man, also couldn't help but soften as he looked at them. He tentatively poked the brother's face with a finger.

The little guy opened his mouth, showing a face that said he was disturbed and wanted to cry, but didn't cry out before puckering his mouth again to go back to sleep.

Seeing his silly first-time dad manner, Zhou Nan wanted to hand over the baby girl in her arms to him, "Little Jing, hold your daughter."

Pei Jing looked but didn't dare reach out.

The little one wrapped in the yellow baby blanket looked like a caterpillar, with just her head poking out, barely the size of half his palm. He felt she was as fragile as a newborn kitten.

"Support her with both hands, it's fine." Zhou Nan put the baby in his hands and adjusted his posture.

Pei Jing's whole body was stiff, not daring to move at all.

An ZhiXian watched, highly amused, and also called out to Zhou Granny, "Granny, let me hold my little nephew too."

"Be extra careful if I let you, look at you two clumsy oafs." Zhou Granny said impatiently.

An ZhiXian had never taken care of a child either, where would he know how.

Pei Jing was a bit clumsy, but still managed to get the milk into the baby's mouth.

An ZhiXian happened to see ZhiXia waking up, and urged Pei Jing, "Stop feeding first, the little sister's awake, let the baby suckle some colostrum first."

In the time he said that, Zhou Granny had also returned from the bathroom. She quickly asked about ZhiXia's condition.

Hearing that she was cold, Zhou Granny added another blanket before chasing An ZhiXian out.

ZhiXia opened her eyes, too weak to even lift her arms. Luckily Pei Jing had even bathed her, so there was nothing to be shy about, and she simply let him attend to her.

Zhou Nan went back to cook some porridge, afraid she couldn't eat much, at least she'd feel better after drinking it all.

It wasn't convenient to keep so many people at the hospital, so Pei Jing let the three of them take the babies back first while he stayed to take care of ZhiXia alone.

He didn't dare say it in front of Zhou Granny and Zhou Nan, but privately, Pei Jing pulled An ZhiXian aside and told him to watch the babies closely - someone had to be by the babies' side at all times, even at home.

After all, Pei Jing didn't want a repeat of the muddled incident where ZhiXia had gone missing.

An ZhiXian understood what he meant, but being more cautious didn't hurt.

Sometimes he also wondered, his mother wasn't very smart, but Granny didn't seem muddled either, yet they had let someone switch the baby right under their noses back then, so Pei Jing's extra concern was understandable.

After everyone left, it quieted down all at once.

ZhiXia, bundled under two blankets, was still shivering from the cold. Pei Jing held her hand by the bedside, "ZhiXia, you've worked hard."

ZhiXia smiled, "It wasn't hard work, but I'm so cold right now. Can you hold me and sleep for a while?"

Pei Jing ran hot, his body warm in the winter. ZhiXia envied that warmth she couldn't have, so she could only huddle in his embrace.

"Let me close the door first."

Pei Jing had just finished speaking when ZhiXia's expression changed, "I need to use the bathroom."

Below her was the newspaper padding Zhou Nan had helped put down. With the recent gush, she didn't know what state it was in now.

With Pei Jing's assistance, she went to the bathroom, then changed into an adult diaper before feeling more at ease.

Indeed, his embrace was warmer than even two blankets.

And feeling the shivering of the little woman in his arms who couldn't help trembling, Pei Jing also deeply felt the difficulty of childbirth, and his heart ached for her even more.

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