"Damn! All our hard work will be for nothing since this foolish light will attract everyone here"

An angry youth exclaimed in frustration.

"Hopefully it opens before the others get here. Otherwise, it would be hard for us to acquire it"

Another voice spoke calmly.

"Shit! We spent the past two months searching for this, we didn't even search for any good items to increase our strengths. If not for the abundant essence here, then we wouldn't have made any improvements"

A third voice said.

Five young men were currently standing in front of what looked like a sealed door that led underground. The light which shot upwards came from that door.

They were the group sent here to acquire the unknown treasure which would likely boost the strength of the hidden family.

Amongst the young men, there was one who had some resemblance to the middle-aged man at the study room.

'It's weird father attached such importance to this treasure. No one has seen it before, what if it isn't what they expected'.

The youth contemplated.

The fact that his father, grandfather, and even his ancestors all placed their hopes in something they haven't seen before surprised him. Although from the looks of the door, it might still be there. What if the treasure was taken by the people who stayed here previously, then what?

"As long as the treasure is still here, then no one will be able to take it from our hands even if they come here"

The youth said confidently.

He had the right to be this confident because even before coming here, he had already broken through to the Second stage of the Origin Plane. The two months he had spent here had seen him advanced to another stage. He was also a rare multi Elementalist wielding three elements respectively.

They are lightning, fire, and darkness element. Each of his elements was destructive on its own, now combined, they were a terrifying force. With one rare and another extremely rare element that has terrifyingly destructive powers, even if he faces off against someone in that Fifth stage, he wouldn't lose. But if the Elementalist is a Dual Elementalist, then his chances of winning are below forty percent.

He believed no one had reached the Fifth stage yet since it has only been two months hence he isn't worried.


The others nodded.

They all knew just how strong he was. Not just that, but they were all also in the Origin Plane. With two being in the First stage, and the other two being in the Second stage.

They could be said to be one of the strongest groups, if not the strongest, that is in this place amongst the youths who entered.


"Uh! What's that?"

Grey looked at the light in the distance, intrigued.

"It's best I check it out"

Without further delay, he started moving in the direction of light.

Grey felt anything that could give off a light like that isn't something ordinary, also given how extraordinary this place was, he knew there was something good to be acquired there.

He came out of seclusion about a week ago and hasn't been able to find anything good. This place had been searched by so many people over the years that it was hard to find something good. Apart from those places which are trials and also that garden, he didn't think there was anything else worth finding. He had already decided to focus his time on cultivating and finding tough beasts to battle.

Unless they decide to head deeper into the place which they were advised not to because there have been sightings of beasts in the late stages of the Origin Plane, and also beasts in the Overlord Plane. So unless you're certain you could protect yourself, going there is equivalent to a death wish.

The place didn't seem close, and it might probably take him about a day or two to get there.


'Hmm, the others will probably head there. I should also go, I wonder how much they've advanced'.

Klaus thought excitedly.

Since the first two weeks of entering this place, he hasn't seen his friends again. So the thought of teaming up again made him happy.

Reynolds and Alice were also heading in the direction of the light, with the former being a good distance away and the latter being closer.


The next day…

The light still hadn't gone off yet, so a lot of people were still heading in the direction of it. Some who were closer to the place had already gotten to the place and just like the group who discovered the place, they were waiting for the light to die down, so they would enter the place.

'I should be able to reach before the end of today'

Grey looked at the light that was getting bigger compared to the first time he noticed it.

He had been rushing here since he noticed the light the previous day. Although he had encountered some beasts, he was able to easily finish them off. On the way, he had also met others who were also heading towards the light. But they all went their separate ways since there were no profits to be made if they fought.

"Hehehe, who knew we would cross parts again"

A weird laugh came from behind Grey.

Turning around, he saw two people. One was a familiar face, and the other was an above-average-looking girl who had a nice figure.

"Oh! It's you"

Grey smiled when he saw the youth.

The youth was Bernard from the Azure empire. Grey never expected to meet him again, but he still remembered what he promised his friends.

"Given that I'm in a hurry, I wouldn't have spared a glance at you. But I promised your friend before I killed him that I would kill you anytime I see you"

He started walking towards Bernard.

"You overestimate yourself. Heh, you're still in the Arcane Plane and you dare to spout nonsense in front of me. I don't know if you're just stupid, or you're acting like one"

Bernard scoffed.

He had already broken through to the First stage of the Origin Plane after escaping from Grey the previous time. Now he was confident he would be able to defeat him.

"I'm in a hurry, so I can't entertain you for long, you've already lived past your expiry date, now it's time to die"

Grey didn't seem bothered even after noticing Bernard was in the Origin Plane.

"Kill him quickly. Others have already reached there by now"

The girl gave Grey an apathetic look.

"I know you're trying to find a way to delay me so you could create that mysterious symbol you did the last time. But sadly, you won't live that long"

Bernard attacked instantly not giving Grey any chances to inscribe.

"For the likes of you, I don't need it"

Grey felt it was beneath him to inscribe when facing off against a single opponent.

Since it took time and focus, he rarely used it against a single person. Actually, over the course of his previous battles, as long as his opponents are single individuals, the thought of using inscriptions hadn't crossed his mind. It was only when he was facing off against a group does it come to his mind.

Using one of the few wind techniques in combination with his lightning element, he moved at a fast speed. When he first came here, he still hid the fact that he had other elements. But he recently realized he only had to hide that fact from those who knew him, he could freely use a third element in the presence of others since there were Multi Elementalist.




Grey and Bernard exchanged moves for a minute with Grey easily deflecting most of his attacks. He didn't focus on attacking him, it was like he wasn't interested in the battle.

Bernard sent another attack towards Grey.

Using both his lightning and wind element, he easily evaded the attack and charged forward. But his target was surprisingly not Bernard, rather, it was the girl who accompanied him.


Grey sent a wind blade towards Bernard to act as a deterrent, so he wouldn't stop him.

Bernard who was about to give chase stopped and defended himself.

"What are you doing?!"

The girl shrieked in fright.

Just like Grey, she was still in the Ninth stage of the Arcane Plane. But with the few exchanges she saw between Grey and Bernard, she knew she wasn't his match.

"Removing the ants"

A cold glint flashed through Grey's eyes as he went closer.

'This time, no one will escape'

Grey thought coldly.

Within two strikes, he had killed her. Due to fear, the girl couldn't even put up a defense.

Everything happened so fast that before Bernard could discern what was going on, the girl was dead. Five seconds ago he was still battling with Grey, now five seconds later, his partner was dead.

"You bastard! I'll kill you!"

Bernard's eyes turned bloodshot.

"Oh! Seems something was going on between you two. I'm usually not a heartless person, so I'll quickly send you on your way, so you can meet her again. Although, I'm not sure your friend will allow that"

Grey laughed lightly.

"I'll kill you! Ahh!"

Bernard roared like an animal and charged towards Grey.

"Okay, I'm done playing"

One minute later…

"Origin Plane, Heh! Just so so"

Grey said looking at the corpse of Bernard.

After saying this, he continued his journey towards where the light was coming from.

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