Chapter 96

Kenzo was at a loss, he couldn’t say anything, he simply looked at Carlo in a daze . Who could’ve thought that he the patriarch of the Amamami family would be treated like a baby . He wasn’t even qualified to called an opponent for the other party .

All of his arrogance had left him, he simply stood there wallowing in regret . He even thought for a moment that this was all a bad dream, a simple nightmare . . . But of course at the end Kenzo had no choice but to accept that this was reality .

’How did this happen? Isn’t he suppose to be an upstart? How come he has so much power? Who is he really? SHIT! DAMNIT! What have I done?! What kind of monster had we provoked?!’ Kenzo who was kneeling on the ground his face pale, was now having very disoriented thoughts . It was at this moment Carlo threw a gun at him .

"Kill your son, then yourself . If you do this I’ll spare your worthless family . Well it doesn’t matter if I don’t destroy your family or not, at some point based on how your family operates, you will once again provoke someone you shouldn’t and that will be the end of you . Still if you do what I say and kill your son and yourself, your family might last longer . So decide and do it quickly, I need to cuddle with my cute daughter . " Carlo spoke to the distraught Kenzo, like he was nothing more than a minor annoyance .

Kenzo looked at the gun on the ground in a daze . The man in front of him wasn’t even willing to kill them himself, it was as if he was saying that the killing them was beneath him . This was the first time in his whole life Kenzo felt so ashamed .

He picked up the gun, since he already knew that there was no other choice . Kenzo looked at his unconscious son who was being carried by one of his bodyguards, and pointed the gun at him . The bodyguards who were with Kenzo were shocked by this action of his . So the prideful tiger has really fallen, the bodyguards were not strangers to death, so at that moment they already accepted that they would die on this day .

Kenzo who was pointing the gun at his son, started to tremble . After awhile he threw the gun back at Carlo, who caught it . Kenzo who had a pale face awhile ago, had color return to his face, and now he was even smiling .

"What’s so funny? Do you think I’m bluffing? Do you think I wont really destroy your whole family?" Carlo who was in total control a minute ago, was now confused by Kenzo’s bizarre actions .

"No I don’t think you’re bluffing . I really do believe that you’ll do what you claim . " Kenzo calmly replied .

"So then, why?" Carlo asked a bit confused .

"Why? Why wont I kill my own son? Well even if he is a wimp, and a disgrace, he is still my son . Or are you asking me, why I’m smiling even though you told me you will annihilate my entire family . Well as I was pointing a gun at my son, and even considering doing what you said, to kill him . I had a sudden thought, why should I?" Kenzo started to chuckle as he was talking, which made Carlo look at him as if he was looking at a lunatic .

"Why should I kill my own son? For the Amamami’s? It’s just as you said, my own family has been corrupt, and it might not be you who finishes us off, but at some point we will be killed . So I thought why not now, why don’t I let you have the honor, or maybe the disgrace of killing off the Amamami’s . At least this way I decide how I die, and who will kill me . So Carlo Samarita, I know that this means nothing now, but I truly regret not teaching my son properly, and arrogantly thinking I was the one on top . " Kenzo’s solemn voice, and slight chuckles, made him look a bit dignified compared to the way he looked like awhile ago .

Carlo then pointed the gun at Kenzo . "Hmph, it’s too late for regrets . It’s too late for suddenly gaining a little humility . Still I appreciate that you understand your mistakes, and you took responsibility as the patriarch . I respect that resolution your eyes are now portraying . So as a sign of respect I will kill you first, so that you wont see how your son dies . "

Kenzo who heard what Carlo said, had the right side of his lip curve upwards . "Heh, well I wont say thanks . So then, see you in hell, I’ll be waiting for you . Saving a seat just for you . "

Carlo who was about to pull the trigger was stopped by a sudden shout . "TOU-CHAN NO!!!" Lilitth suddenly ran towards her tou-chan and stood by his side .

"Lilitth, go back inside and tend to your friend . This will be over soon . "

"No tou-chan, please don’t kill them . " Lilitth then hugged one of Carlo’s leg, and looked at him with upturned eyes, begging him to stop . Seeing this devastating cute attack by his daughter made Carlo reconsider for a moment, but then he gritted his teeth and, tried to endure .

"Sorry, my cute little daughter, that’s one thing tou-chan can’t agree too . Even if you look at me like that, even if Lilitth, might . . . might . . . might . . . . h-h-h-haate tou-chan later . I still need to do this for Lilitth . " Carlo was having a difficult time, saying those words . Simply imagining Lilitth telling him that she hates him, was threatening to kill him from the inside .

"So tou-chan, will kill because of Lilitth . I don’t want that! So please tou-chan, please don’t do this!" Lilitth tried her best to convince Carlo, but it was to no avail .

"I’m really sorry Lilitth, but someday I hope you would understand why tou-chan did this . " Carlo was once again ready to shoot . Lilitth on the other hand wanted to forcefully stop Carlo, but she simply can’t do that to her tou-chan .

When Carlo was about to pull the trigger, something flashed from the distance . It was a military grade knife, and it was able to accurately get stuck on the muzzle of Carlo’s gun . Lilitth who was surprised by the sudden events, looked at the place where the knife came from .

A motorcycle was fast approaching, and riding it was a stoic looking high school student .

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