Chapter 84

At the same time, Alex was trying to save Eva, Niel was in school noticing the disappearance of the other members of the Mercenary Club .

It was lunch time, and usually the Clubroom would be noisy at this time . Yet right now it was awkwardly silent, Lyner was sleeping in his bed, while Kei kept on staring at Niel for some reason he was even fidgeting like a girl .

The first thing Niel did after he was done contemplating, was approach Kei . When Kei saw the approaching Niel, he began to feel even more anxious . In Kei’s point of view, even amongst the high spec people in this club, he thought Niel was a cut above the rest, not knowing the true backgrounds of the other members, of course he would think this way .

That’s why today, when he noticed that the others, didn’t attend school, he started to panic, when he knew he was alone inside the clubroom, with the most popular guy in school . Of course due to him panicking, Kei forgot about the presence of Lyner .

In Kei’s mind, he was the exact opposite of Niel . So seeing he was alone with someone who was beyond him, he didn’t know what to say, and the moment he saw him approaching, for some reason he felt like he needed to get away from this awkward situation .

Once Niel stood in front of Kei, his glowing aura doubled, and he showed Kei his shining smile . "Hey my junior, no need to panic . It might just be the two of us today, but we still need to do our best alright?"

Kei who was in a daze, unconsciously nodded his head . Seeing the response he wanted, Niel pressed on with his agenda . "So my junior Kei, you’ve been brought here to become our information gathering guy correct?"

Kei could only nod at Niel, since he was having difficulty using his words . When Alex and everyone else was here, he could somehow have a proper conversation . But now that it became something like a one on one talk with the most popular guy in school, Kei just had noway to respond .

"So my awesome junior, since we were assigned to help the Gaming Club, why don’t you scout on the people who actually joined this tournament, and learn their skill level . Here I got you, a pass, this was given by our kind vice-principal, so that you can skip the classes today, and focus on gathering intel . Don’t worry I already informed the gaming club, that you will be using one of their PC’s for gathering intel . " Of course Niel had a similar kind of pass . It was easy to get since he had high grades, and was very charismatic, finally the vice-principal was a woman so to Niel it was a piece of cake to get this pass .

Kei robotically took the pass, and left the clubroom . He wanted to get out of the awkward situation as fast as possible . When Niel saw Kei finally leave, he walked towards Lyner and tried to wake him up . Before Niel was able to touch him, Lyner took hold of the hand that was trying to touch him, and as if wanting to tear off Niel’s arm, Lyner’s grip was tightly holding onto him .

Niel who was in great pain, shouted at Lyner . "Sir Lyner it’s me, Niel!" Once Niel shouted, Lyner’s grip loosened, and Niel could see that Lyner was now wide awake looking at him .

"What is it kid? Why did you try to wake me up? If you didn’t scream at that exact moment, I would’ve teared your arm off . " Lyner with his usual yawning, questioned Niel, as he did some stretches .

Niel looked at Lyner his usual, smiling face had disappeared, and what replaced it was a serious looking Niel, though he was surrounded by his radiant aura, one could still feel the seriousness in his gaze .

"Sir Lyner, I know that you aren’t a simple teacher . It’s pretty obvious on the day we had that game of tag . "

Lyner who had witness the changing mood of Niel, finally started to take him a bit seriously . He looked at Niel, with his own piercing gaze .

"So? What is it to you?" Lyner suddenly released a bit of his bloodlust at Niel . Feeling Lyner’s bloodlust, Niel felt a bit disoriented, and was even almost about to faint . He then bit his lower lip until it bled, forcefully waking him up .

Lyner seeing the resolution in Niel’s eyes, even going so far to make himself bleed . He receded his bloodlust, and sighed .

"Tell me kid what is it that you want? If I find what you say to be stupid, I won’t hesitate to kill you . Let me tell you this, what I said isn’t a bluff, or a joke, I will do it . Even if I kill you, the government wont fault me for it, they would instead try their f*cking hardest to cover it up . So think of what you will say next, for it might be your last . "

Hearing Lyner’s blatant threat, Niel knew that he truly wasn’t bluffing, he will kill him, and as efficiently as possible . Yet Niel still wanted to continue onwards and directly ask what he wanted from him . The reason for this resolve of his, was because on that night when he played that game of tag with Alex and the others, something started to burn from within Niel .

The excitement he felt on that night as he fought Lyner, was the greatest thrill he had ever felt . It was like a whole new world had opened up for him . Not only that, on that night Niel had witness something his inborn talent couldn’t overcome, and he found out there was something even beyond that .

This realization made Niel’s heart race, as if he was in love . He felt a thrill like no other, and he too wanted to step on the same world as those two . He wanted to go beyond what he was now, and truly be as perfect as he claims to be . If talent isn’t enough then one needs to add in a bit of hard work as well .

But Niel doesn’t know where he should place his hard work . He didn’t know how to step on that world, so he needed a guide, he needed a teacher, someone who was already in that world would be ideal . So the man in front of him, Lyner was the perfect candidate to be his guide .

"Sir Lyner, please teach me!"

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