Chapter 69

The smoke in the sky, and the smell of gunpowder, had made a man smile . The man who was smiling had black hair in a crew cut, was wearing some casual clothes . He was scratching his chin as he smiled viciously . Behind him was a mountain of dead bodies .

This man with overwhelming strength was Lyner an S rank merc . Currently twenty six years old, this battle junkie had been in the battlefield, for sixteen years, currently he was the youngest to ever become a merc, also the youngest to reach S rank, and this was without the help of a squad . He got the rank with his skill alone .

Lyner was holding a katana in his left hand, and a Smith & Wesson . 500 in his right . Lyner was stretching his body, "Now that warm up is over, better finish off the enemy squad . " Lyner was getting excited, as he had gained info that the enemy squad consisted of three S rank mercs, and the remaining are A ranks .

Lyner’s thirst for battle skyrocketed every time he remembers how disadvantageous his current predicament was . Without a care in the world Lyner strolled through the battlefield, where the sound of explosions, gunshots, and sirens drowned the screams of the dying, this was the lullaby of the battlefield, and he loved it .

To everyone else this place was hell, but to Lyner this was his playground . Lyner merrily hummed as he walked through the dead bodies . Every now and then bullets would pass through Lyner, but he could easily dodge since he could feel the difference in the vibrations in the air .

Being in battlefield after battlefield, searching for the ultimate battle, Lyner could feel that the battlefield was a living organism, the movements of soldiers, the change in the air when shots are fired, Lyner could feel it all .

"Die you monster!" From the bushes a soldier started shooting at him, but Lyner easily evaded and shot the enemy soldiers head .


In that range using his Smith & Wesson . 500 the enemy soldier’s head exploded . Lyner continued walking leisurely as enemy soldiers appeared, he would either blow them up with his gun or sliced them up with his sword . The unbelievable thing in this scene was not how he killed them, it was how not one drop of blood manage to stain his shirt .

While walking towards the enemy base, Lyner was suddenly surrounded on all sides, yet the ones near enough was a group of three . Lyner was sure who these three were, he smiled showing his teeth, he looked like a predator ready to strike at his prey .

"I know that you guys are hiding, show yourselves, and let’s all have fun! If you guys don’t come out, well then you will die without knowing how you’re killed . " When Lyner made his threat, three men showed up from behind the trees . One of them started reciting something .

"Run, run, run, cause here he comes .

Run, run, run, for the monster comes .

A Swish of his blade and your head begone

With the shot of his gun, you’re all but done" The man who recited those words, smiled at Lyner .

"Do you know that was a verse created to scare new soldiers, and mercenaries who just enter the battlefield . You know the inspiration behind the verse is you . The God of War Lyner, he who lives and breathes for battle . Many people from the Empire are scared of you . You could have bother fame and fortune, and easily leave the battlefield to live a leisurely life . Yet you went and killed somebody you shouldn’t have . You actually killed the son of the patriarch of the Tang Clan, now he hired all of us to kill you . "

Lyner didn’t care for the reason as to why they’re trying to kill him, all he cared about is if they can give him the excitement he wants .

"I don’t care about that! If he has set foot on the battlefield, then he must have been ready to die! Who cares about the sh*t Tang Clan! All I want from you guys is an epic battle! As long as I get to fight that kind of battle it doesn’t matter if I die! Come on, I know it’s not just you three! I can sense it, hundreds are currently surrounding us!"

The three men smiled, "Fine, let’s get this over with . " The leader made some hand signals, and after a minute a hundred soldiers all equipped with rifles, had surrounded them .

"Accept your fate Sir Lyner, even for you this is-" The leader of the group wasn’t able to finish his sentence, because Lyner suddenly shouted .

"NOW THIS IS WHAT I’M TALKING ABOUT!" Without saying anymore Lyner dashed forward and started shooting, two soldiers instantly died . Seeing Lyner suddenly shoot, all the soldiers started to fire back .

Yet with nimble movements, Lyner evaded the gun fire, and the enemy soldiers actually hit their own . It was obvious that the soldiers were afraid of Lyner, with them making such rookie mistakes .

The three S rank mercenaries, tried to support the soldiers . Every now and then Lyner would get nicked, even for him this much of a quantity disadvantage was a bit hard to handle . Yet Lyner did not despair, quite the opposite he got even more excited .

While his excitement was rising, Lyner made a mistake and was hit by a a sniper bullet in his right shoulder . Another bullet grazed his left knee . He was getting in an even more disadvantageous situation, but that only made him even more happy .

Lyner started throwing shurikens with wires attached . The surrounding area after a few more minutes was full of wires .


. . .

None but one soldier survived that day, and he would forever remember the demon he saw . He kept on repeating the words "that wasn’t a God, that was a demon in human skin . "

The only reason Lyner didn’t kill this soldier was simply because he was the only one who didn’t direct killing intent his way .

After this battle, Lyner’s mercenary Rank rose to the legendary SS rank . It was this battle which gave Lyner his greatest joy, and it was after this battle that Lyner gained his misery . The ultimate battle Lyner sought could never be found, and he was forced to leave the battlefield .

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