Chapter 67

Joseph and his brothers’ who their father gesturing them to come, made them truly excited . Their father had finally returned and their wish to show him what they can do has finally arrived . Without any signal the three brothers charged forth .

The three seem faster and more coordinated, compared to when they fought Alex . It was because the fight they had with Alex showed them how lacking they were . So the three started to retrain themselves, and this was the result .

Dan seeing the incoming attacks from all sides, smiled . He evaded the attacks with ease, he then noticed the style of fighting that was used by the three, was the same one he taught Alex, though incomplete it was still the same .

Joseph did an upward front kick, which Dan simply sidestepped to evade, after successfully evading Dan pushed the leg that kicked upward, making Joseph lose balance and fall on his butt . Roland and Gabby attacked Dan on both sides, Roland did a roundhouse kick, while Gabby did a simple jab . Dan added a bit of force in the direction their attacks where heading . The added momentum disrupted Roland and Gabby’s sense of balance thus making them trip .

The brothers couldn’t care less that their attacks weren’t hitting, nor did they care that they were being toyed with, all they wanted to do, is show their father the improvements they had . They wanted to show how they polish their skills to this degree . They wanted to convey to their father all the hard work they have done to catch up to him . So the next time he goes on a trip, they would be able to follow him .

Dan could feel what his sons wanted to convey to him . Though their skills where leagues away from a monster like Alex, but to be this strong for their age, and without even stepping into the battlefield, was an accomplishment by itself . He could really feel how much the three had pushed themselves to become this strong .

Dan kept on evading, until the three brothers decided to stop attacking . Dan who looked at his three sons knew what they wanted . They wanted their father to attack them, and see how far they can go .

Dan was happy his three sons have grown to be manly men! There where no words said but they could understand each other using their fists . Truly men of the Regius line .

Dan finally released a bit of his bloodlust . The three brothers who have never been in a life or death situation before, shuddered before their father’s bloodlust, that was born from countless killings .

The brothers tried their hardest not to cower before their father’s bloodlust . What is this? the fear of death? What is merely dying, in the face of showing an embarrassing reaction such as cowering in fear in front of their father? Death would have been the better choice . These where the thought of the three who withstood Dan’s bloodlust .

Seeing his sons showing such impressive resolve, made Dan extremely proud . This level of bloodlust would have made a normal new recruit pee their pants . Alex was actually jolted awake for a bit, he even pointed his gun at Dan, but when he noticed where the bloodlust was coming from, he hid his gun . It was a good thing all the focus was on Dan, so nobody noticed him draw his gun, actually nobody even noticed he was around . While the family was distracted with their abrupt reunion, Alex was trying to rest while he can .

Rachel looked at her father with disdain . ’So what if you got stronger? Was it worth it to leave your family? Mom did her best in taking care of us for the last ten years, and where were you? You where out there having fun, thinking only about yourself!’ The more Rachel thought of her father, the angrier she got .

Unaware of his daughter’s anger Dan changed his stance . When the three brothers saw their father change his stance, they knew what was coming will be the last strike .

"You have shown me your growth, as well as your impressive resolve . . . Fine then my sons let me show you the final secret technique I invented . This might hurt a little, but I trust you trained your bodies well . " They didn’t answer their father’s question with words, the three brothers answered with their actions .

Seeing that his three sons taking defensive stances, made Dan smile with glee . The three brothers who where looking at Dan without blinking saw something was starting to change in his demeanour .

Dan was trying to remove the restraints his mind has placed on his muscles . This was the final technique Dan created as he fought things like tanks, helicopters, and even bunkers . The human flesh had more potential than anyone could imagine, so as he fought Dan found a way to unleash that potential, he called it ’RELEASE . ’

RELEASE was indeed a powerful technique, that makes Dan turn into a superhuman . This was also the same move, he used to defeat Alex on their last confrontation . Alex was able to use RELEASE as well, but only around sixty percent of it . Dan on the other hand could use, ninety percent of the full capability of the technique .

Dan was trying to surpass this limit, but unfortunately his age has made it difficult to use this move at full force, without him dying from it . The RELEASE is a last resort move, since every time it is used, after a few minutes depending on how strong your body is, the technique will backfire .

After awhile the human body wont be able to handle the stress of using more muscle power than what was intended . So the user of RELEASE will give the user extreme muscle pains, and will also make the user, be incapacitated for a few minutes or a whole week depending on how much strength was used .

If timed properly the use of RELEASE will not lead to too much muscle pains . Dan can use this technique for around five minutes without getting hurt from the side effects, but if he goes beyond that five minutes, the pain will make even the battle hardened Dan lose consciousness . That was also the end result of the fight between him and Alex . Since they fought for more than ten minutes, with the use of RELEASE, Dan fainted from the sheer pain of the backlash . Dan might’ve won that fight, but it wasn’t a clean win .

Seeing the changes happening to their father’s muscles, the three brothers had become even more vigilant . Dan moved, to a third person’s perspective Dan simply passed by the three, yet after that move the three brothers where holding their stomachs in pain . Something fast and heavy hit them in the gut, and they were sure it was the fist of their father .

Dan looked at his sons truly proud of their growth . The strike that he used was meant to incapacitate them, even though he controlled his strength to make sure they survived, still Dan had judged that strike wasn’t something their current bodies could handle . His sons are most probably still conscious simple because of their fighting spirit .

Dan was relishing in the victory which led him to let his guard down, and without him detecting her, Kumiko was already right beside him ready to strike .

The whole fight between her husband and their sons, Kumiko was simply waiting for an opening in Dan’s defense, and like she thought the weakest time for her husband was when he was rejoicing in victory .

’It has been ten years and he has grown into a superhuman, but he still couldn’t fix this problem of his . ’

Kumiko attacked while Dan while he was distracted, but because he was in his RELEASE state, he could easily dodge this attack, or so he thought . Kumiko’s upper palm strike suddenly increased in speed . Dan could barely evade the attack, so after evading Dan quickly distanced himself from Kumiko, when he got a good look at Kumiko he noticed the changes in her muscles .

Dan was shocked this was the technique RELEASE, but he was pretty sure he hadn’t created this technique until just recently so how was Kumiko able to use it as well?

What Dan didn’t know was Kumiko herself was shocked to see Dan used a much more completed version of the technique RELEASE . Still she wasn’t surprise for long, her husband who was a martial arts nerd, would’ve probably reached the same conclusion as her, and realized that the human body has so much potential . Thus allowing him to achieve a similar technique .

Dan who saw his wife use RELEASE was super excited, he felt a bit aroused from the situation . He didn’t wait for Kumiko to attack, Dan was the first to initiate the attack . Kumiko not wanting to be the one on defense also attacked at the same time . The two of them where fighting in a speed the normal human eye couldn’t follow .

Joseph, Roland, Gabby, and Rachel looked at the fight between their parents, and it was a jaw dropping scene . Dan and Kumiko where having their long awaited dance, this was a dance only this couple could perform . It was a violent, awe inspiring dance .

Dan couldn’t remember anything about Kumiko, aside from the knowledge that she was his wife . He couldn’t remember their first date, nor their first kiss . He couldn’t even remember how he fell in love with Kumiko, but seeing her bewitching smile, and her perfect body move as she evaded the torrent of punches and kicks, and the perfect motion of her kicks using those beautiful legs of hers was enough to make Dan fall in love once more .

Kumiko looked at her husband’s smiling face, and felt satisfied . The man who she thought had died had finally returned to her, and as promised he has gone beyond fighting unarmed against guns, now he can fight against tanks . The long years in the battlefield couldn’t remove that childish smile of his, and the excitement he felt was also shared by her .

The couple didn’t need to speak, they communicated using their bodies . Dan and Kumiko stopped moving, and they both returned to their normal forms .

Without saying another word, Kumiko jumped towards Dan’s chest . Kumiko placed her head on Dan’s muscular chest, and hugged him tightly . Dan patted Kumiko’s head, after awhile Kumiko let go of Dan and looked at him, the two smiled at each other, a childish innocent like smiles . It felt like they returned back in time, back to the time when they where still teenagers, Kumiko couldn’t take it anymore, and kissed Dan .

The three brothers who saw this scene felt happy for their parents . Rachel on the other hand had conflicting feelings, she was happy that her mother was able to meet her father again, and she truly did look happy to see him again . Even her brothers look genuinely happy . Still Rachel felt anger at how easily her father was accepted back into their family, even though he left them to fend for themselves for ten whole years .

After kissing his wife, Dan hugged her again, he then looked at his children and gestured them to come and hug him as well . The three brothers who had recovered a bit ran towards their parents and did a group hug .

Dan noticing Rachel wasn’t moving from her spot, spoke to her . "Rachel come and hug your Dad . "

Hearing Dan call himself her Dad, something inside Rachel snapped . "DON’T YOU DARE CALL YOURSELF MY DAD!" Without listening to what Dan was about to say Rachel ran off . Alex who noticed Rachel running away followed her .

Dan looked at Rachel’s shrinking silhouette, and sighed . ’So it really isn’t going to be that easy . ’

"It’s alright dear . . . Rachel has a lot going on in her mind, it might take time, but I’m sure we can be happy again . . . Also dear, I saw Alex follow after her . . . Alex came with you right?" Hearing Kumiko’s question Dan wryly smiled .

"Well it’s a long story . "

"We have all the time in the world . " Kumiko embraced Dan’s right hand and the couple slowly walked back into their house . The three brothers where a bit worried about their little sister, but since their brother in law was following her, they weren’t that worried . So the three followed their parents into the house, wanting to listen to their father’s riveting tale on why he was gone for the last ten years .

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