Chapter 61

The delinquent looking guy was extremely scared at the moment, but he still didn’t apologize for his statement, since he was very angry at the student council president . It was because of the the merit system the student council president implemented, his beloved club was dying, he had been a member of the club ever since his first year, and now that he was a second year, he thought the fun will continue . Yet now even the former club president has left, and the once fun club, filled with excited gamers, was left with five members .

The computers they were using where all that’s left of the once great club . So when he saw the student council president go back and forth from inside the Mercenary Club he grew curious . What he saw from the window of the clubroom, made him angry beyond belief . The clubroom of the recently made club had nice furniture, an AC, a bed, and other assortment of things . How could a newly created club get all of these things if they haven’t gain enough merit? That would mean the student council president was favoring them .

Then he heard the members of the club were some popular freshmen, and even the super popular Niel was a member . Hearing that Niel the guy who gets everything he wants without even trying was in the club, he figured that it must be because of Niel that Evangeline Kain, who was a girl is so nice to that new club .

There where none that could resist, especially girls that could resist Niel’s charms, if he decided to go all out .

He was sure that his assumptions were correct, Kim Suho couldn’t forgive the biased president nor the so called Mercenary Club . He couldn’t move nor could he fight back, but he will never say sorry for what he said .

"Ok let’s all calm down, I think there has been a grave misunderstanding here . " One of the members of the Gaming Club spoke . It was a girl who had a child-like appearance, as she has a petite physique, and is flat-chested . She has long, shiny, black hair that reaches her calves, and grey sleepy eyes .

The girl with sleepy eyes went near Alex and his group . "I’m the one who called you, so please can you let our club president go?" Even after hearing the girl’s request, none of the Mercenary Club members moved .

"We’ll only stop, if this guy apologizes . " Oliver answered the girl with the sleepy looking eyes . Kim Suho looked at the sleepy eyed girl with an angry glare .

"The president here just has some misgivings, about your club’s relationship with the student council president . It’s just a misunderstanding that he has . So no need to take him too seriously . " The girl was trying to persuade the Mercenary Club members to let go of the club president, which was somehow working on Oliver .

"Tell us the misunderstanding first, and we will decide what to do after . " Hearing Oliver’s reply the girl could only sigh, but before she could answer, someone answered before her .

"Kim Suho age seventeen, a second year in Cromer High School . Was made into the President of the Gaming Club, after the previous President quit . Based on some sightings of students, Kim Suho has been looking at the window Mercenary Club’s clubroom every now and then . In conclusion Kim Suho must think that the Student Council President is favoring us, since we have-" Kei who was reading some of his notes stopped talking because everyone was now looking at him funny .

He only answered cause he thought this was the right time to prove his skills to the club . Since the whole reason he was invited to join the Mercenary Club was because he had good information gathering skills .

Alex hearing Kei’s explanation, remembered the weird guy who kept on showing up in the camera placed outside the clubroom . Still because he did nothing unusual aside from looking from the window, Alex didn’t bother with him, also because Lyner was currently located in the clubroom, Alex didn’t need to look at the clubroom cam that much anymore, since they had acquired the strongest guard dog .

The other members now finally understood the reason for the stupid delinquent looking guy’s reaction . He was being extremely paranoid, and his anger for the student council president has clouded his mind from thinking straight .

"All the items in that room where bought with our own money, also we haven’t even received any financial support from the school yet, since we just started out as a new club . " Oliver explained to the angry looking Kim Suho . Of course he didn’t say that the furniture was bought by Eva, cause that will cause a whole other issue .

"So now that you know, you’re in the wrong . Apologize for calling Eva the b word . " It was Saya who spoke, still not moving the ballpen away from Kim Suho’s eye .

Kim Suho didn’t want to apologize even knowing that the whole situation was a misunderstanding . True that he misunderstood the situation regarding the Mercenary Club, but to say sorry for calling his most hated enemy a b*tch? The girl who created the merit system and destroyed his happy high school life .

Kim Suho was extremely conflicted inside . He knew he was wrong, but at the same time he knew that what he said about the student council president being a b*tch is true, though not for the reason of the misunderstanding but because of her creation of the merit system .

Because of the merit system, dozens of clubs had disbanded . The happy times of the school had disappeared and the remaining clubs had turned super competitive .

"Fine I will apologize for the misunderstanding, but I won’t apologize for calling her a b*-" Before Kim Suho could finish the word b*tch, Alex pressed his finger on Kim Suho’s throat which made him scared, and what frightened him even more was the ballpen that Saya was holding seem to be coming closer .

The girl with the androgynous face approached the group, and held Saya’s hand . "I know the president is in the wrong for saying such things . But your reactions are too much . The President has his own reasons for hating the Student Council President . This club is everything to the president it’s were he finds his happiness in his high school life . The student council president is the reason for the current decline of the Gaming Club that the president loves, so at least allow him to feel the way he does, without doing this . "

The Mercenary Club members except for Alex, understood why Kim Suho was acting like this but . . .

"No matter the reason, he had no right to call her that . Unless he apologizes, I’m really going to pierce his eyes . "

The androgynous girl was trying to stop Saya from moving her hand, but the strength Saya was using seem to be double than hers . Saya was moving closer and closer to the eye, Kim Suho gritted his teeth, as the ballpen inches closer to him .

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