Even though they were confused they didn't question it any further, everyone has their secrets even them. Another text appeared, "Can you ask for Alex's email address so I can contact him?"

Rachel was the one to ask Alex, and when they heard Alex's answer all the club members took note of his email address. Emily was finally able to communicate with Alex. "Hi Alex ?? it seems like your phone is heavily guarded, even your email is quite something. Ever since you gave it to me, I've been trying to access it, but no matter what trick I use, I can't seem to get in ?????? What kind of magic are you using?"

Alex for some reason didn't want to make Emily feel uncomfortable, so he did something he wouldn't be doing in the past, he actually replied to Emily.

'I hope we get along.' It was a simple message, but everyone who saw Alex message Emily back was astonished. Even Lyner made an expression that he wasn't expecting Alex to do this. Rachel on the other hand felt a bit happy with Alex's progress, even though what he emailed was in no relation to what was asked.

Saya as per her character was as usual having fun, while messaging Emily. The two seem to be quite compatible with each other, and they had a blast messaging each other.

"Hey Saya no need to message me, you just need to talk. I had tapped into you phone's microphone??so you just need to talk and I will hear you." Reading this message, Saya was amazed at Emily's skill and happily replied. "You're amazing Emily!"

Niel and Oliver on the other hand where trying to ease the new comer Kei, who was in a daze like state.

Lyner seeing everyone already warm up to the new recruits, spoke. "So now that everyone is acquainted, let us-" Before Lyner could speak he heard the bell. "Fine I'm going back to sleep, you guys just come back after classes. Will continue our conversation then."

Lyner without even waiting for anyone's reply laid on the new bed and cozily hugged the blanket and went to sleep. The group wasn't even shock anymore to see how fast Lyner falls asleep, they didn't bother him anymore, and since Lunch break was over the group needed to go back to class.

When Alex, Rachel, Oliver, Saya, and Kei where walking back to their respective classrooms, a lot of people notice the new addition which was Kei. This ordinary guy who didn't seem like he had any redeeming feature was actually standing side by side with the idol like group. What was happening? Where there eyes working properly? Is there a hidden camera somewhere, and they where being punk'd.

"Hey, am I seeing things? I think I see some random guy walking with Rachel's group..."

"I don't think you're seeing things, cause I'm seeing it too."

"How come someone like him is with them?"

"Do you think he was one of those that got accepted to join their club?"

"Can't be... I heard even Roland Grey the second most popular after Niel was rejected."

Hearing everyone's comments about him, Kei was overwhelmed. He knew he wasn't fit to be in this group. Yet before he could separate himself from the group, Oliver placed his hand over Kei's shoulder. Saya then came face to face with Kei and smiled. "Don't bother with what they're saying. You're one of us now, so hold your head up high. If anyone bothers you just ask these two and they'll help you out" Saya pointed at Alex, and Oliver.

When everyone heard what Saya said the crowd suddenly erupted with conversations. The boy who looked like he was meant to be a background character like them, turned out to be part of the protagonists. These news shocked everyone who had heard it.

"Sh*t so it's true! He is part of that club!"

"Holy f*ck how did he join?!"

All of them where a buzz on how someone like Kei was able to join the Mercenary Club. Even though they wanted to discuss more about the topic, they couldn't continue their conversations since classes was about to start.


Kei was sitting down for class but he couldn't concentrate on what the teacher was saying, since the people behind him where staring at him. Even though he was placed in the middle of the class, usually no one would bother with him, but now everyone was noticing him.

Kei wasn't used to this much attention, even his parents haven't given him this much attention ever since he turned fourteen.

It was an uncomfortable experience, that lasted all throughout the teacher's lecture. When the teacher left, a bunch of students surrounded Kei.

"Hey how did you get into the Mercenary Club?"

"How does being in the same room with Rachel feel?"

"Is Niel really in the same club as them?"

A lot of them kept asking question after question without giving Kei a chance to talk back. Before anyone noticed the next teacher had arrived for the next class. Everyone was forced to stop their questioning and returned to their seats.

The classes passed and finally school was over, the crowd immediately surrounded Kei, but before they could say anything a bright cheerful voice was heard.

"Hey Kei let's go to the club together." A bright cheerful girl appeared before Kei, holding a sturdy looking guy. Who was accompanied by a beautiful girl beside a stoic looking boy. This was Alex's group, when they saw them approaching the students surrounding Kei made way so that the group can get near Kei.

The students in the class, could only stare at the group, since none of them had the courage to start a conversation with them.

"Hey Kei let's go already." Saya told the bewildered Kei.

Kei didn't respond, since he was still trying to process what was happening before his very eyes. Finally remembering that he was now part of this group, Kei could only nod in response.He then stood up and followed the group with reluctance.

Seeing Kei leave with Alex's group caused an uproar in his classroom.

"Did you see that?! They actually went here to fetch him!"

"No sh*t how can someone like him make Goddess Rachel move?"

Kei could hear other such comments while walking with Alex and the others heading towards the clubroom. It was about this time he realized that he had no choice but to follow this group, now that he has been identified as a member he couldn't escape anymore... Wait wasn't this what he wanted all along? To become one of the protagonists? Now that he had the chance, isn't he suppose to clench it harder?

Kei casted away his worries and stood tall as he walked side by side with main character level people, now he too wasn't just a side character!

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