Chapter 54

The day after the extreme game of tag, Alex, Rachel, Saya, Oliver, and Niel where at the school gates . When they got there a sudden swarm of students surrounded them .

"Hey Alex I heard your looking for new members to join your club . How about letting me your classmate join you guys?"

"Huh? . . . Why would he pick you? Just let me join Alex we’re best buds aren’t we? We sit next to each other in class . If that’s not enough to persuade you, I’ll even lend you some DVD’s from my secret collection . "

"Rachel, how come you only invited Saya to the club, why didn’t you invite me as well? Aren’t we friends as well?"

"Don’t you have your own club already? Also when have you ever been Rachel’s friend? You even called her an attention hog yesterday . So Rachel don’t bother with this b*tch and invite me instead . "

"Saya let me join your club! You know me right?! You and I together will make the club the most fun place to be in . "

"Niel, I’ll quit my club and join your’s instead!"

"Yeah! I will quit my club as well! Niel I will follow you forever!"

"Oliver you’re the club president right? Why don’t you let me in, and I’ll make it worth your while . "

"Oliver don’t bother with that guy, he’s one of those who keep on calling you delusional . I on the other hand believe you 100% . "

Numerous students surrounded them, the wave of students utterly confused the members of the Mercenary club . They couldn’t understand why all of them suddenly wanna join their club . . . While they where being overwhelmed by students a familiar voice greeted Alex in excitement .

"Hey Alex, a bed and AC came early this morning . Don’t worry I handle all the procedures, it’s already installed in your clubroom . " Eva happily greeted Alex . She was happy since she found out immediately when she got home, that Alex made a purchase in one of her family’s stores . So without delay, she had ordered for the delivery to be done as early as possible .

Alex on the other hand couldn’t be bothered by what Eva was saying since they where surrounded . Though right now he can’t sense any threat by the surrounding students, he didn’t want to let his guard down and be ambushed .

"Hey Eva do you know what’s happening here?" Rachel asked the cheerful Eva, a bit irritated by her cheerful attitude as they were being surrounded by students .

Eva finally realized that there where a bunch of students surrounding Alex’s group . When she saw the rabid students, and the confused members of the Mercenary club, she finally remembered the poster she saw .

"They must be here because of this poster . " Eva showed Alex, and the others a poster . The poster that Eva showed was well made with pictures of each member of the mercenary club, except for Alex, and Oliver .

Written in the poster, were the words JOIN US NOW, ONLY TWO SLOTS AVAILABLE . When the group saw this poster, they could think of only one person who would do this . It was obviously their newly appointed adviser Sir . Lyner .

"Ok then everyone classes are about to begin . So you better get to class, or there might be consequences . " When everyone heard The student council president’s announcement that sounded like a threat, the crowd had disperse as quickly as possible . "You better get ready for lunch, since they will try to bother you again . " When they heard Eva’s warning the group form the Mercenary Club felt a shiver ran down their spines .

. . .

Lunch time quickly came, and as Eva predicted the students came swarming Alex, Oliver, and Rachel in the classroom . Oliver quickly escaped while using hand signals, telling Alex and Rachel to meet in the clubroom . When Alex saw the situation at hand he immediately carried Rachel and jumped out the window . Since they were located on the third floor, Alex obviously didn’t jump the whole way down, If he was alone he could do that, but he was carrying Rachel . So instead he jumped to the neighboring tree, and proceeded to descend from there .

Everyone who saw what Alex did was shocked at Alex’s swift and nimble movements . Rachel on the other hand didn’t bother with the amazing parkour skills of Alex, since her mother and brothers’ could do the same, what bothered her more, was Alex once again suddenly carried her without permission .

Once the two reached the ground, Alex put Rachel down, who then proceeded to smack his head . Alex not knowing the reason for this move, simply evaded .

"Just get hit properly ok!" Rachel angrily shouted at Alex .

"Why?" Alex asked, clearly confused at the whole situation .

"When you do something wrong, you need to obediently get hit . " Rachel responded trying to calm herself .

"What did I do wrong?"

"You carried me without permission!" When Alex heard Rachel’s answer, he had finally realized something . Wasn’t this the same as that time?! Alex hadn’t forgotten about the event of him carrying Rachel, but when he saw her in trouble, his body automatically reacted to protect her .

’Did I perhaps made her feel uncomfortable?! Am I about to fail the mission!?’ Alex mind was in disarray, with his usual indifferent tone trembling a bit, he asked "Did I perhaps made you feel uncomfortable?"

When Rachel heard Alex’s question, and noticed that his usual indifferent tone was a pitch higher, Rachel knew something was up . She then noticed that Alex’s poker face wasn’t as dull as it usually was, it had tinge of something else . . . Is this anxiety?

’Is he worried that he made me uncomfortable? This guy really cares so much about me . . . ’ Rachel could only sigh at her current feelings .

"You didn’t make me feel uncomfortable, just a bit surprised . Next time before doing something like that, ask my permission first, alright?" Rachel told Alex as gently as possible .

Alex sighed in relief, for some reason he wasn’t just scared of failing the mission . . . For some unknown reason he felt scared that Rachel might actually hate him, and then he felt relief that Rachel didn’t actually hate him . He couldn’t understand what he was currently feeling, but for now the mission was not a failure, so he was still okay .

"Roger that!" Alex saluted at Rachel .

"Also stop saluting, a simple okay would do . "

Alex startled by the sudden request, didn’t reply immediately . After a short pause he answered, "Okay . "

Rachel hearing Alex’s answer couldn’t help herself from smiling . She had finally succeeded in changing Alex a bit . ’If I knew it was going to be this easy, I should’ve just told him everything that I want to change about him . . . No Rachel, you need to calm down, who knows what this idiot would do if you ask him to change drastically like that . Better do it one step at a time, baby steps . ’

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