Chapter 47

When Alex who was carrying Niel exited the school premise with Lyner, he saw Oliver, Rachel, and Saya waiting for them . Alex set aside Niel and looked at the group, who were looking at him and Lyner expectantly . This was except for Oliver who seem to be trying to evade Lyner’s gaze .

’I’m sure no one saw me . Yup if they did they would’ve said so already . ’ Oliver was reassuring himself as he tried to act calm .

’Is Oliver trying to deny his involvement in the fight? It is true Sir . Lyner was really focused at fighting me, that he shouldn’t have noticed Oliver . . . Fine then, if Oliver wants to stay low profile in this situation then so be it, as his comrade I will support him . ’ Alex once again misunderstood Oliver’s actions .

"So what’s the verdict?" Saya anxiously asked, this was the first time Alex saw this expression on her face . Saya who was like a cloud in the sky was acting worried? . . . Alex didn’t bother to understand what was going on inside Saya’s head, since the moment he says the result, she would most probably scream in happiness .

Before Alex could answer Saya’s inquiry, Lyner answered for him . "Before I say the verdict . First I need all of you to listen since I wont repeat this twice . So that means I need to wake this guy up . " Lyner then tapped some of Niel’s pressure points, which jolted Niel awake .

"What happened?" Even though he was confused and disoriented by suddenly waking up, Niel still asked this question with a bit of elegance to it .

Rachel started explaining the current situation to him, which made Niel look at Lyner with a smile of expectation .

"So the conclusion of our game of tag . . . It’s the Mercenary club’s victory . Be happy I’m going to be you’re adviser . " When Lyner announced the result of the game, Rachel, Saya, and Niel looked happy . Specially Saya for some reason she was even crying tears of joy . Seriously what’s going on with her? Oliver on the other hand seem distracted by something and doesn’t seem to be enjoying the result like he should be .

"Yay! We’re now officially a new club! Let’s go celebrate!" Saya announced her intention to go and have fun, but the response she got was not what she expected it to be .

"Nah you guys go and have fun, I’m going to sleep . My bones aren’t like they use to be, I need to rest after a workout like that . So go enjoy your youth and all that sh*t" Lyner yawned as he rejected Saya, with his usual reason of sleep .

"I can’t go, I have another mission I need to accomplish . Farewell my comrades until tomorrow . " Oliver didn’t even wait for Saya to respond before he left .

"I and Rachel cannot attend as well . " Alex told Saya with the usual indifference .

"WHY?" Saya said aloud a bit irritated that no one wants to celebrate their success, she started pouting . While it was drowned by Saya’s loud voice, Rachel shouted as well since she couldn’t understand why Alex answered for her .

"Have you guys forgotten? We still need to buy an AC for Sir . Lyner . Right now it’s exactly 20:10 only a few more shops selling AC’s are open so we need to find one . We also need to buy a bed . " Alex started to explain to the Saya the reason for his rejection .

"So the two of you are going to a da-" Saya who was about to say something was stopped by Rachel who covered her mouth .

"Since everyone will be doing something . I will be escorting junior Saya back home . " Niel told the remaining three his plans to accompany Saya back home .

"Fine then, thank you Niel . Rachel you better text your mom where you’re going . " Saya who was leaving with Niel reminded Rachel with her little devil snicker .

"Of course I will! Don’t treat me like I’m the child here!" Rachel shouted to the leaving Saya, who then turned around and stuck her tongue out .

Rachel who saw this gesture wanted to say something else, but was unable to since Niel, and Saya had already turned at a corner street .

"So shall we go?" Rachel awkwardly asked Alex .

"Inform your mom first, I’ll be informing my dad as well . " Alex answered Rachel while typing something in his smartphone .

Carlo who received a message from Alex, when he read he had a variety of emotions, confused, happy, thrilled . The content of Alex was as usual concise and simple .

’Going to buy an AC and bed with Rachel . ’ When Carlo read this message he was confused at first . ’What the hell happened, first he tells me his going to play tag with a SS rank merc, now his going on a nighttime shopping date . . . ’

It took Carlo a bit of time to understand the words he just thought off . ’Wait Alex is going on a date? . . . Did it finally happen, has my boy’s spring finally come!? Did he finally hit puberty? . . . ’ After a his moment of excitement, Carlo finally had his moment of clarity .

’Wait his said they’re going to buy an AC . . . That kid most probably needed someone to guide him to the appliance store . ’ Carlo sighed his excitement dissipated .

"Well I guess this is okay for now . " Carlo stared at the window in his room . Then he suddenly jolted . "Wait did he say he’s going to buy a bed as well!?"

. . .

Rachel also texted her mother which also had a big reaction .

Rachel texted ’Going to buy an AC and bed with Alex, will come back home a bit later . ’

Kumiko who was reading this message was smiling happily . ’First she went out with her bow and arrows, then now she’s telling me she’s going on a date . Did she perhaps have a duel with that Evangeline girl? Maybe the two of them fought, and the prize was Alex . . . Well with my daughter’s personality that wont happen . Still this is a huge improvement for her, going out at night with a boy . . . Wait a minute did she text buying a bed as well?’

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