Chapter 42

Oliver was the one who broke the ice by asking Lyner directly . "Sir . Lyner can you please become the advisor for our club?" He said this as sincerely as he could possibly say it . His eyes looked straight at Lyner showing his resolution . Yet Lyner took a look at him and quickly dismissed it .

"That it? If that’s all your offering . . . Pass it sounds boring, I don’t want to do it . You guys woke me up for this? I’m going back to sleep . " Lyner was about to go away but Oliver blocked his path .

"What do you think your doing kid?" Lyner asked Oliver almost growling . Oliver and the others aside from Alex backed away a bit when they heard Lyner’s threatening voice, but Oliver stopped himself from backing away and stood firm .

"Sir, Lyner please let me explain what our club does before you reject it . " Oliver then started explaining what the Mercenary club does, which caught Lyner’s interest for the time being, but after the explanation Lyner felt a bit disappointed .

"That’s it? that’s all? Your concept is ok, but your club basically has no goal . . . Help the other clubs? Up to what end? Is your help only a temporary thing, or are you willing to help to the end of their goals? If that’s all your selling, sorry kid but I’m not buying . Well see ya, it’s back to sleeping for me . "

"We have a bed in our clubroom!" Saya added which made Lyner stop dead in his tracks .

The word bed made him hesitate for a moment . "Does your clubroom have an AC?" The answer to that was a no, when Rachel was about to answer, Alex answered before her .

"We will have an ac installed tomorrow . " Alex said with his usual nonchalance as if buying an ac was cheap for a student . The other members like Rachel started shouting in her mind, ’What the hell is this idiot saying?!’

"Really?" Lyner would have dismissed it if any other student said that they could install an AC by tomorrow, but aside from Evangeline Kain, Alex was the only other student that could afford to waste money like this .

Rachel tugged on Alex’s arm . "What are you saying we can’t afford an AC!"

"Don’t worry I can afford one . I’ll even buy it later . You can come and help me pick" Alex said this like he was going out to be some eggs . Rachel on the other hand forgot for a moment that what Alex was saying is ridiculous and could only focus on one thing . ’Is this guy actually inviting me to a date? A shopping date?’

Everyone looked at Alex dumbfounded, was this guy actually loaded . Saya who could never stop her curiosity asked . "Alex how much is your allowance?"

"Allowance?" Alex tilted his head confused at the question .

"How much money do you have?" Saya rephrased the question, remembering the guy in front of her had little to no common sense .

"I have about 30,000 zigs right now . " Everyone aside from Lyner was shocked hearing this number, even the supposed perfect human look perturbed by this information . 30,000 zigs! With that kind of money you could buy 10 AC’s! That’s as much money a normal salary man makes in a month .

"Alex are you perhaps rich?" Saya the spokesperson of the group asked Alex .

"If your talking about, rich in a sense of having a lot of money then yes I am Rich . " When they heard Alex’s answer the group dryly gulped .

"How rich are you? As rich as the Kain’s or like someone who owns a building or a small business?" Saya continued the questioning which confused Alex even more .

"Is this relevant to the situation at hand?"

"Yes it is!" Saya shouted in which everyone aside from Lyner nodded their head . Even the delusional Oliver agreed that this piece of information of how rich Alex was is relevant to the situation .

"Hmm alright then, if you compare my personal wealth to Evangeline’s family then I would say we are about the same, but if you add my father to the mix then my family would be richer . " The group from the Mercenary club gasped except for Niel who just stood their dumbly his aura of perfection was flickering on and off .

"You did it Rachel! You hit the jackpot! This guy is freaking loaded! His personal assets alone match those of the Kain family! You know the Kain’s who own most of the shopping malls in the nation! Alex himself is as rich as that!" Saya was getting excited but Rachel only looked at Alex dumbfounded .

She started thinking does it matter if he was rich? No it doesn’t! ’I have already been asked out by a bunch of rich guys, none as rich as Alex, but still if I was only looking at money I would’ve dated those rich playboys long ago . ’ Rachel main concern right now was the supposed shopping date with Alex .

"Are you done with your Q and A? So do you or don’t you have an AC in your clubroom?" Lyner who was getting impatient asked .

"Yes we will have one installed tomorrow if you become our advisor" Alex declared .

Lyner started thinking of how to answer and after a short silence Lyner smiled mischievously . "Alright I’ll agree to be your advisor"

"Yes!" Most of the Mercenary Club members rejoiced, but before they can bask in their success, Lyner continued what he was saying .

"I will agree IF you win in a game of tag . "

"Tag?" Oliver and the other asked at the same time .

"Yup tag, but this is not an ordinary game of tag . In this game of tag you can use anything to touch me . You can use arrows, stones, guns anything at all if you so much as graze me you will win . Later at around seven o’clock come back to school, the gates would be open and we would have the whole school to ourselves . Don’t worry about destroying things I will handle that . So any questions?"

Everyone aside from Alex was bewildered, did this teacher say that they could use actual weapons like guns in a game of tag is he crazy?

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