Chapter 278

After escaping from Cromer city Sarah Resti alongside the others retreated to the Capital of Berdonia, Regon . It was a good thing that her family was currently in the Souther Union were it’s relatively safer .

Right now Sarah was in an newly created orphanage helping the children who suddenly became orphans, due to the sudden attack of the Granado Empire . In this orphanage she became the children’s teacher and was using art to help the children calm themselves . She knew that this was in the end was something that wouldn’t truly help them . . . But she hoped, she truly hoped that somehow this would make them forget for even a moment all the horrible things that happened . It has been three months now since that incident and she hasn’t seen Kyle or his sister Emily for all that time .

She knew that Kyle was a mercenary, since he told her when he left her in that safe room . So it was possible for him to be doing his part in this war . Sarah didn’t know Kyle for that long, but it still felt somewhat weird for him not to pick her up after work . It was a weird feeling, she didn’t know if she liked him or not, but he was indeed in her mind a lot for the past days .

She wondered if at this point did she really like him, or was it like what some call the suspension bridge effect . She just couldn’t understand her current feelings due to the rapid changes that was happening in the world around her .

While Sarah was thinking about her current feelings, a little boy came near her, bringing his drawing with him .

"Teacher look . " The little boy happily sat beside Sarah as he showed her the picture he drew .

"What is it?" Sarah who was deep in thought looked at the boy and smiled . She saw the drawing it was a bit messy drawing, that one should expect from someone that young . Still Sarah was able to piece out what the picture represented . It was a picture of a happy family .

"Look, I drew Daddy and Mommy, and there’s me . I’m the one holding that cool robot toy . Daddy promised to buy me one, if I was good boy . . . Teacher, when do you think Daddy and Mommy will come back from their work?"

When Sarah heard the little boy’s question, she gritted her teeth, as she tried to stop herself from crying . She couldn’t look directly at the little boy’s honest eyes .

’As an adult, what am I suppose to do in this situation?’ Sarah smiled back at the little boy .

"Your Mommy and Daddy need to stay at work for a bit more . So while waiting for them, you better behave well . So that when your daddy comes back, you’ll see him carrying the robot toy you’ve been asking for . "

"For real teacher?!" The boy joyfully asked . Sarah simply smiled at the little boy while nodding her head . Seeing his teacher do that, made the little boy happy as he scurried off back to his friends .

Sarah who saw the little boy happily talk to his friends about the robot toy he wanted, made Sarah want to cry, yet she couldn’t . It was at that moment she heard someone actually crying . Sarah stood up and headed towards the direction of where she heard the crying, there she saw a little girl .

"What’s the problem, are you hurt?" Sarah worriedly approached the little girl .

"I want my Mommy! Where’s my Mommy! Why hasn’t Mommy come to pick me up?" The little girl suddenly screamed at Sarah .

"It’s alright little one, your mommy’s just a little bit late . We just need to wait for her here . " Sarah hugged the little girl as the girl continued crying . Sarah’s heart was breaking, as she heard the little girl continue crying until she tired herself out and slept .

. . .

Sarah who has been trying to calm down the kids who were getting a bit more agitated, since its been months since they last saw their parents . Sarah who has been really stressed out by the events that happened today, started painting .

In her painting she drew the little boy and the little girl reuniting with their parents .

"At least in my painting they could be reunited . " Sarah softly whispered while she continued painting . As she was fully focused in her painting, Sarah didn’t notice that someone was behind her, watching her paint .

Once she was done painting, Sarah heard a familiar voice .

"Such a beautiful painting . " Sarah hurriedly look back, and as expected there stood Kyle Hunt .

"Long time no see my pretty little teacher . " Kyle stood there smiling at Sarah, who almost cried when she saw him . It has been one hectic day for her, she was almost force to tears multiple times . Seeing that smiling face of his, made Sarah smile a bit as well .

She approached Kyle and embraced him, laying down her head on his chest tired from the events of the day . Sarah under the comfort of Kyle’s chest fell asleep in his embrace .

"Good work . " Kyle softly whispered in Sarah’s ears .

. . .

For the first time in the past few months, Sarah was able to sleep well . She somehow felt safe and secured as she believed that Kyle was watching over her . She woke up and looked around seeing that she was in her bed . Sarah then finally noticed that Kyle wasn’t here with her .

"Was that all a dream? Did I actually dream of Kyle?" As Sarah mumbled this she noticed a letter on the table beside her .

It was a letter that was obvious addressed to her . She opened the letter and read it .

"To my pretty little teacher,

I wanted to talk to you some more, but it seems like you’re very tired today and needed some rest . It was fun watching your sleeping face . . . Wait . . . Did that sound a bit creepy? Oh well, but it’s the truth you know, you looked really pretty while you slept so peacefully . Yet I saw that you were a bit stressed as well, don’t bother lying I have the eyes of the best sniper in the world . I can spot your anxiety from a mile away . I hope you stop thinking of those negative things, so that you can stay healthy and happy . If you continue to stress over the things you can’t change, the kids you’re trying to help will notice something and it might make them a bit more gloomy . So smile my pretty little teacher, smile for the children that you’re trying to save, and most importantly smile for yourself .

Don’t worry about the small stuff . Like I said before, everything is going to be alright, there’s no need to worry . As long as I’m here, I’ll shoot down all the bad things away . So Sarah I will do my very best to end the war, and when that happens I have something important to say to you .

P . S . I’ll be coming back to look at you’re beautiful paintings .

From yours truly


Reading the letter made Sarah smile as tears fell down her face . She then started laughing a bit, as she hugged the paper hoping that it would somehow give her courage .

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