Chapter 201

Rachel who was still being overwhelmed by the atmosphere wasn’t able to even check her things . When she finally got a hold of herself and was ready to check her suitcase, someone knocked on the door .

"Lady Rachel, dinner is ready . "

Rachel didn’t know how to respond so she just said whatever first came into mind .

"Wait a minute . " Once the words came out of her mouth, she was confused as to why she said that . So in a panic, Rachel quickly got out of her school uniform and changed into her normal everyday clothes . Once she was done changing she suddenly had a thought .

’Is what I’m wearing appropriate?’ Alex’s mansion coupled with the numerous maids and butlers made Rachel confused . Still, she didn’t bring any dresses that seem to be appropriate for this kind of place . Because she was panicking Rachel had forgotten that there was a whole room filled with designer clothes that she could’ve worn .

"Lady Rachel, is everything alright? Do you need any help?" When Rachel heard what the maid said she finally calm down a bit and answered .

"No, I’ll be right out . "

Without any other choice, Rachel went out of the room as is . Outside of the room, was a young maid, that looks really cute . Now that she thought about it, most of the maids in this place, as well as the butlers, were above average in the looks department, and they were all in different age categories .

The maid who saw Rachel come out of the room did a curtsy and spoke .

"Lady Rachel, I am Annette I will be your personal maid for the duration of your stay . "

"Sorry for the trouble Annette . "

"No need to worry Lady Rachel . This is my job after all . " Annette with her business smile looked at Rachel .

Rachel didn’t know what to say to that, she also felt a bit weird because Annette was older than her, but she was speaking so formally at her . In this situation had no other response but to nod her head .

Seeing Rachel had nothing else to say, Annette spoke first .

"Please follow me to the dining room . "

Annette then guided Rachel to the dining room .

. . .

While walking to the dining room, Rachel couldn’t help but think that Alex’s mansion was actually bigger than the school . Cause they have been walking for quite some time, and they still weren’t in the dining room .

The hallway was filled with precious items, from sculptures to vases, and all of them look like they cost at least more than a few hundred thousand .

Rachel was admiring the decor, but she didn’t have the guts to get close, seeing as she was scared to break them .

. . .

It took the two of them quite sometime before they were able to get to the dining room . The moment Rachel step into the dining room, she was transported . It felt like she was now inside a fairy tale . The dining room had one long table, and at the side were numerous maids and butlers, on top of the table was a chandelier .

Alex and Lilitth were already sitting down when they saw Rachel .

"I hope you found your room comfortable . "

Alex spoke as Rachel approach the two and sat beside them . The first thing she noticed was the casual wear the siblings were wearing . Alex had a pretty normal look of a shirt and some shorts, which made him look a bit out of place in this room .

Lilitth, on the other hand, was wearing a dress, which made her look like a cute little princess . Now she was the one that felt like she was meant to be living here .

"Yes, it’s a beautiful room . Thank you for having me . " Alex noticed that Rachel’s movement seem a bit awkward so without knowing the reason why, of course, Alex asked .

"Is everything alright Rachel?"

"Yeah, why do you ask?"

"You seem to be fidgeting, and the way your talking seems a bit more formal than usual . "

"You’re just overthinking things again . I’m okay . " Of course, Rachel was not okay since this was a new experience for her . After she answered Alex, she felt a small hand holding her left hand . This hand was of course none other than Lilitth’s hand .

"Rachel nee-san, are you really okay . " Lilitth who was more emotional today than usual because of Niki looked at Rachel with upturn eyes full of worry . This was a devastating move from Lilitth, which made Rachel pat the little girl’s head .

"I’m alright Lilitth . Just trying to get used to the new environment . "

"Really?" Lilitth asked still a bit worried about Rachel . Seeing herself making a little girl worried, finally calm Rachel’s nerves . She smiled at the cute little sister of Alex and answered .

"Really, really . I’m alright if you want after this, we could play a game . "

"Really?!" This time hearing what Rachel said, the worried Lilitth smiled cheerfully and excitedly asked .

"Of course, you pick whatever game you want to play . I’m sure your onii-sama over here would love to play with us . " Seeing the excited Lilitth beaming with joy, made Rachel less nervous . Lilitth who heard that her onii-sama could join took a peek at Alex and hesitated for a bit before asking .

"Will you join us onii-sama?"

Alex looked at the hesitating Lilitth, and the smiling Rachel answered . "Sure I will join, but I can only play one game . I have something else to do after this . "

’Something else? What would Alex be doing during this hour?’ Curious Rachel was about to ask Alex what he was going to do but was cut off by Lilitth’s delighted scream .

"Yay! Onii-sama is going to play, and even Rachel nee-san is going to play! I wonder, what should we play? Oh right, how about we invite Em-" Before Lilitth could finish her sentence she saw her onii-sama blinking his eyes, it was morse code, he was telling her not to speak about Emily .

"Em?" Rachel asked confused as to why Lilitth stopped talking .

"Emma is one of the maids that play with Lilitth . Sorry about that Lilitth, today Emma can’t play with us since she has work to do . " Instead of Lilitth answering it was Alex who answered, and it seems like he was diverting the conversation away from Em?

This was very suspicious, and Rachel was about to ask for more details, but as if it was timed, a bunch of maids and butlers entered the room, bringing the food for dinner .

They cut in between Rachel and Alex and placed the food on the table . The table was instantly filled with different kinds of food, from normal everyday food to exotic food . After placing all the food on the table, one of the butlers spoke to Rachel .

"I’m sorry Lady Rachel since we weren’t sure as to what you might like, the head chef made an assortment of food . If this is not to your liking, then please say so . Just tell us any food you would want, and the head chef will cook it . "

Rachel shook her head and responded . "No, it’s alright the food looks fantastic . Please tell the head chef, thank you for the meal . "

The butler bowed and left the room .

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