Chapter 183

While his son was having a very weird and amazing high school life, Carlo was in the middle of the enemy base, with his future wife, and his two best friends . The four of them had finally figured out the whole layout of the building . It took them quite some time but they finally did it .

They were now heading towards the place where the mastermind of this whole mess was hiding in this building . The four had bypassed the security and were now inside a room filled with paintings of historical events . It even had two balconies on opposite sides . At the end of the room placed in a higher ground sat a fifteen-year-old boy, who was wearing the formal wear of an ancient Berdonian nobleman .

"Oh, so you’re finally able to reach me here . It’s really nice to see you face to face, and you even brought your friends . " The boy stood up from his chair and looked down upon Carlo and his group .

"So who do we have here . Carlo Samarita the messenger of Death, Dan Regius the blond devil, Ryu Yamato the silent blade, and even Michel Dodger the lady with a thousand weapons . Four of the seven strongest of Berdonia are gathered here today . What a delight this is, I would’ve liked it if your son was able to come as well, Alexander the silent flash . You should’ve invited his teacher as well, Lyner the monster of the battlefield . Then if everyone was present I would have called for the Shadow as well . "

The fifteen-year-old boy who hasn’t named himself was obviously the mastermind of all the cr*p that was happening to Carlo and his family . He even in front of four strong mercs, was casually talking as if he were meeting his longtime friends . He may look like a young boy but Carlo and the group knew he was very dangerous .

"How rude of you, you know our names but we don’t know yours," Carlo spoke with a wry smile on his face .

"Oh, you’re right, how silly of me . I am Reghinald Berdonia . " When the four heard the name of the boy, they were a little surprised . He had the exact same name as the brother of the founder of Berdonia . He either named himself as such, or there was a deeper meaning behind this .

"Don’t be so tense, why don’t you guys seat for a minute while I call one of my men to bring us some refreshments . "

"Don’t bother we’re not staying for long . " When Carlo said this, he and his companions got their weapons out .

"Oh, so we’re going straight to business, Very well . " Reghinald snapped his fingers, and a torrent of soldiers came from the other side of the walls . Some were even positioned in the balconies aiming the rifles at them .

"How about taking a seat while we talk business?" Reghinald once again offered .

"No thank you, we prefer to stand . " Even in this situation, Carlo kept his cool . He then proceeded to do some hand signals behind his back . The hand signals he used is only known by him and his companions . When they saw his signals they knew what to do next .

"I see, as you wish . So why did you come here? Heh, who am I kidding it’s obvious you came to assassinate me, seeing as you four are traitors of Berdonia . . . "

"How are we traitors? We’re mercenaries and whatever BS you’re blaming on us, it’s just part of our job . "

"Hmph, mercenaries . . . Lyner the strongest merc of Berdonia has never taken a mission against his country . Unlike you four who has sometimes dealt with Berdonian forces . "

"Heh, you mean those killers, that were attacking a civilian group . "

"Those weren’t killers, they were the angels of justice for those things . Those things that they killed weren’t people, they were Granado Empire scum . It was their bad luck to be born as those disgusting creatures . They should thank those soldiers for killing them, if they’re lucky they would be reborn as Berdonian . "

Carlo and the others knew that Reghinald was crazy, but when they heard what he said, they just reaffirmed it .

"Oh, I see that foolish looks in your eyes . It’s the same look my brother showed me all those years ago . He thought I was crazy! He said that if we do it my way, we would become the thing we hated the most! Yet look who is still alive, and who’s rotting in the ground! If only he listened to me, he would be standing here right beside me!"

Carlo and his group couldn’t understand what Reghinald was ranting about, as they remained vigilant of the surrounding soldiers .

" . . . Sorry about that, I lost my, what do the kids say again . . . Oh, right I lost my cool . So let me ask you for one last time . Will you join me, and save the world . "

Carlo looked at his companions and the four of them nodded at each other .

"Before I answer can you tell me, what you mean by saving the world . " Hearing what Carlo said made Reghinald smile .

"So you are interested, well obviously you are since you’re Berdonian . What I mean when I say save the world, it’s by ridding itself of all the other inferior races . Only Berdonians can be called human, everyone else is just a pack of wild animals . So, Carlo, can I expect you and your team as comrades? Of course, you should kill all the non-Berdonians in your group before we could accept you . "

"Sorry to disappoint you Reghinald, but no way in hell would I and my team will join a psycho like you . That’s my answer, the long one, and here is my short answer . " Carlo and his group all showed Reghinald their middle fingers and pointed at him .

Seeing this made Reghinald frown . "I expected more from a Berdonian . " Reghinald was about to give the signal to shoot, but before he could do so Carlo smilingly showed Reghinald a button, which he pressed .

The moment Carlo pressed the button something under the floors exploded .

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