Chapter 172

The moment Emily spoke, the whole room got a bit colder . They held each other hands as tight as they could, Evangeline in particular looked like she was going to rip off Oliver’s arms . Oliver could already pretty much guess, that Evangeline was really scared so he didn’t mind Evangeline’s gripping hand . To Oliver Evangeline’s grip strength couldn’t even leave a dent in his outer muscles .

On the other hand Rachel who was also holding Evangeline’s hand was kind of irritated . Though Evangeline’s strength wasn’t much her grip still hurt a bit . Knowing that it was also her fault why this happened, Rachel sucked it up, and just held on, this will only last until Emily’s story finishes .

"So my story is going to be a bit of fun, it’s going to actually summon a ghost . " When everyone heard this, they didn’t react much, but knowing Emily she might have something planned . On the other hand Evangeline was trying really hard to drown out Emily’s voice as she thought of different things while humming weakly .

"To summon this alleged ghost, one must tell her tale to a group of people . That someone would be me, and the group of people would be you guys . Once the tale is done the ghost will be summoned, and will be able to ask it, one question each . But here’s the hard part, after we ask our questions, the ghost will try to trick us to escape . The circle we made by holding hands is a prison that the ghost can’t escape, so the ghost will try to lie and trick you to make you let go of the other person’s hand . Still I trust everyone present isn’t gullible or stupid enough to fall for a ghost’s trick . So the next step is to unsummon her, to do that we must face the ghost look it in the eye and say goodbye . Once all of us say it, the ghost will disappear . So any questions? Oh right do not raise your hands, since the ritual has begun . Letting go of the other person’s hands is now risky . "

Evangeline who was trying to drown out Emily’s voice heard only parts of the explanation . All she knew was that Emily was trying to summon a ghost, and that letting go of the other person’s hands during the process will have dire consequences . Evangeline wanted to ask for Emily to repeat the explanation, but at this point she was too scared to even talk .

Oliver and Alex had remained cool throughout the entire explanation . Kei was having some misgivings about this event, while Rachel really wasn’t scared of ghost .

"Alright since there are no questions, let me begin . There was once a little girl called Alice, she was a normal little girl you can find anywhere . There was nothing special about her, well except for her mother . You see Alice’s mother was not right in her mind . Yet even though she was like that, she still treated Alice with the love a mother should give . But here’s the thing, Alice’s mother thought Alice was a doll . She treated her as a precious doll . So as Alice grew older, and was looking less and less like a doll, the mother got frightened . "

When Emily got to this part of the story, her voice got quitter and quitter . Still since her story was intriguing, no one except for Evangeline wanted to stop listening . Kei who had information about a lot of urban legends had never heard of this story before, making him even more interested .

"Okay now that we are in the final parts of the story I need all of you to close your eyes . No matter what, until you need to say goodbye do not, not matter the circumstances open your eyes . " When they heard Emily say this, everyone closed their eyes, at this point Evangeline was having trouble even thinking properly .

Seeing that everyone had closed their eyes Emily continued the story . "Witnessing her doll grow older had frightened Alice’s mother to death . Thinking that the doll was out to kill her, the mother acted first . Alice’s mother came to Alice’s room, and violently chopped her daughter with an axe . When the mother saw the blood coming out of the thing that she thought was a doll her mind collapsed . Alice’s mother for that one moment was able to understand that she had killed her daughter . Within that moment of clarity the mother killed herself . Now Alice who died with a lot of regrets, and was unable to have her vengeance roams around as a spirit, finding a place to vent her anger . . . Alice the story has been told, show yourself . "

After Emily said the last line, everything turned quiet . The only sound that could be heard was the ticking of the clock . The atmosphere was getting tenser and tenser as time passed by . A few minutes had passed and Emily hadn’t spoken since, Rachel and Kei were already getting a bit worried . Evangeline was so scared that she had almost fainted, Oliver on the other hand wanted to open his eyes to look at what was happening, but before he could do so, someone spoke .

"What is it you wish to hear?" It was voice that none of the members knew . Even Alex was surprised by the voice, even with his eyes closed he could still sense the surrounding area, and he was sure that there were still only six people in the room . Yet the voice he was hearing was completely different from everyone else’s, it sounded like the voice of a ten to twelve year old girl .

Everyone else who heard this voice felt their bodies grow a bit colder . Evangeline was now shaking uncontrollably . Rachel was getting a bit scared as well, in this unexpected situation . Kei was also scared by the unknown being that spoke, while Oliver wanted to open his eyes wanting to see what a ghost’s looks like .

"Why did you tell my tale! . . . What is it you wish to hear!" The voice of the little girl was getting angrier as the group remained silent .

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