Chapter 164

Kei who was doing some research on the Drama Club members, suddenly heard his phone ringing . When he saw that he had a message and it was from Emily, he quickly read it . The contents of the message he received was different from the message Emily sent to the other club members .

She messaged Kei saying that most of the members of the Mercenary Club were going to Rachel’s house and will be having a sleepover . If Kei wanted to come, he was welcome to join them . Emily even sent a picture of Rachel’s house along with the address .

When Kei saw this message he started thinking, if should go or not . It was a pretty hard decision for him to make . On one hand it was already pretty late, and he wasn’t sure if his parents would allow him to go . On the other hand he did join the Mercenary Club, so that he could change, and be more than what he was .

"Screw it! You only live once right?" After he was done motivating himself, Kei took a bag and packed his school uniform, his toothbrush, and other things he thought he might need . Once he was done packing he went straight to his parents room, and told them what he decided to do .

Kei was expecting a lot of things, but what his parents said were not one of them .

"Sure you can . Your friend Emily already explained all of this, over the phone . " Kei was shocked to hear what his father just said . Emily actually called his parents and was able to convince them to let him go . He was silent for awhile and was scared to even think about how Emily did all that, and seems to be in good terms with his parents .

. . .

As Kei was still shocked by his father’s answer and while some of the other members of the club plus Evangeline were heading straight to Rachel’s house . Rachel had finally finished cleaning her room, and was ready to let Alex in, but before he could enter Rachel handed him a piece of cloth .

"Use that to blindfold yourself . " Alex complied since he already agreed to do this . Once he was done blindfolding himself, Rachel let him in .

"You can stay in this corner . Here are some pillows and a blanket if you need it . " Rachel then proceeded to guide the blindfolded Alex to a corner of her room .

"I don’t really need any of these, but still thank you . " Alex who was handed some pillows and a blanket placed those things on one side, as he sat at the corner of the room .

"I know, I have no right asking this . Seeing as I told you to blindfold yourself, but can you sleep in that kind of position?"

"It’s alright, because I don’t plan to sleep . I stayed here to protect you . How can I do that if I’m asleep?" Hearing Alex’s ever serious reply, Rachel felt both bad and touched . Bad because she was the cause of him doing this . Touched because Alex was willing to be blindfolded not sleep, and protect her . He was doing all this for her .

Rachel then stood up and pulled on Alex’s arms . "I guess if you want to protect me better, you should be nearer to me . . . You know just in case . " Rachel guided Alex to sit at the side of her bed . She knew she was being weird by giving him a blindfold, but also placing him so close to her . Yet she couldn’t help it, this was a first for her, to feel this way . She wasn’t sure how to act with this kinds of emotions .

She wasn’t sure what to do, and she was just going by what she felt was right at the moment . She was also beings stopped by her embarrassment, which made it doubly hard for her to decided what to do .

"Here you can hold my hands, so that you’re sure that I’m safe . " Alex wanted to say that he didn’t really need to hold her hands, since even blindfolded he can pretty much sense the surrounding area . But he decided not to, since it feels like Rachel wanted to do this .

As Rachel felt Alex’s warm hand holding hers, she felt secure . It was like all the anxiety she had awhile ago just disappeared . Feeling safe Rachel was now slowly falling asleep, that was until she heard someone ringing the doorbell .

Alex who also heard this stood up, he removed the blindfold and looked outside Rachel’s window . There in the front door of the dojo, Alex saw twenty fully equipped men, and a familiar looking face .

Rachel too looked outside the window and saw Evangeline . ’What’s she doing here?’ When Rachel thought of this question, she proceeded to look at Alex, and was able to answer her own question . She could also guess that either Sayaka or Emily told Evangeline about this .

Evangeline who was ringing the doorbell, looked up and saw Alex and Rachel . The two of them were like Emily said inside the same room! Evangeline who saw this almost fainted on the spot . She looked at Alex and Rachel with her eyes almost bulging out .

Evangeline then started to calm herself by thinking that she wasn’t too late . It looks like they were still dressed . When she was done calming herself, Evangeline forced a smile as he waved at Alex and Rachel .

. . .

Alex and Rachel were now face to face with the creepily smiling Evangeline . "So what are you doing here Eva?" Rachel asked a bit miffed, that her alone time with Alex was interrupted .

"Emily messaged me, that you were being targeted, so I brought twenty of my family’s best men . With them around you could sleep even more soundly . "

"It is unnecessary Evangeline . I alone am enough to protect Rachel . " Rachel blushed when she heard what Alex said . Evangeline on the other hand was on the verge of crying, but she stopped herself . The twenty men Evangeline brought, didn’t know Alex and felt quite offended by his statement .

"Still Alex, having more men in the vicinity could prove useful . Don’t you think so?" Evangeline tried to convince Alex, but it was to now avail .

"Like I said I alone am enough . " When the twenty men heard Alex’s indifferent voice, saying that they were unnecessary, like he was so much superior than them, it made the twenty men extremely angry .

"Ojou-sama I think this boy is overestimating his abilities . Why don’t we forcefully relieve him of his duty, so that he could rest . " When Evangeline was about to scold the man for saying something so stupid and rude . Alex moved before she could say anything .

Like a flash of lighting Alex was now in front of the man who spoke, as his finger was about ready to poke the man’s throat . The man and his companions were shocked at Alex’s quick movement . The man who spoke was even more shock to feel the extreme pressure radiating from Alex .

"Like I said you guys are unnecessary . Also how long are you going to hide there, Emily . " Emily who was watching the show from the roof of a neighboring house, jumped down in front of Alex .

"I wasn’t really hiding . I was just waiting for you to finish . " Emily smiled her mischievous smile .

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