Chapter 152

While Alex and the others were practicing, in the Drama Club . Kyle as he was ordered by Carlo was watching over Lilitth, who was talking to her friend Niki . The two little girls were chatting and giggling as they waited for their brothers to fetch them .

Kyle who has been watching over Lilitth for three days now, was bored beyond belief . There was nothing happening . He wasn’t even allowed to interact with either Alex or Lilitth, he was only allowed to interact with them if an emergency occurs .

What categorizes as an emergency as stated by Carlo was very strict . Carlo had explained to Kyle that he was only allowed to have direct contact with Alex or Lilitth only if the situation is truly dire . What constitutes as dire is if Kyle has determined that he was unable to deal with the problem from the shadows, then and only then could he show himself .

Kyle always admired Carlo for his preparedness, but this time he thought that this seems a bit too much . Though There is a possibility of enemy forces going deep into enemy territory just to try and kidnap Lilitth, but that possibility was very miniscule . Not only is Lilitth almost always near Alex, the whole city is under surveillance by the maids and butlers of the Samarita household .

Doing anything to Lilitth would be much harder than kidnapping the prime minister of Berdonia . It would take a lot of manpower and planning to do anything to this one little girl . Well to be fair every time Lilitth goes to school is when she is most vulnerable . If anyone would want to do something to Lilitth the time she was in school, would be the perfect opportunity .

Still knowing that there is a chance someone might actually try something stupid, didn’t really make it any easier for Kyle . As Kyle continued watching Lilitth from the scope of his rifle, Kyle finally noticed someone suspicious . There was a man in the neighboring house one much nearer to the school than the building Kyle was renting . The man was standing on the third floor veranda of the house looking at the school grounds . He seemed to be looking directly at Lilitth and Niki . Kyle wasn’t sure what the man’s purpose was, but it was obviously not a good one .

Kyle loaded his rifle with some rubber bullets, since he wasn’t sure what the purpose of the man was but waiting for him to do something was idiotic . If he was wrong well at least he didn’t kill him .

The man was getting something from his bag, but before he could take anything out, Kyle shot at him . One shot exactly barely hitting the back of the man’s head . This one shot was more than enough to make the man faint . Kyle then checked the surrounding area and once he saw that everything was clear, Kyle headed towards the house the suspicious man was at .

Once Kyle got to the house and went to the veranda . He saw the man on the ground was a seemingly fat middle aged man . Kyle then saw the bag the man had, and inside was a slr camera . Kyle checked the contents of the bag, and saw a lot of pictures of little girls . This guy wasn’t a kidnapper, well he could be . . . But he was basically just a pervert .

Kyle contacted one of the maids in the mansion and informed them to take care of the thrash . Once he was done with that he went back to his position .

. . .

Kyle continued watching Lilitth, waiting for Alex and his group who will arrive thirty minutes later . Alex was a punctual person and is also a person of habit, so you can always count on him to do things in a schedule .

While waiting for Alex to fetch Lilitth, Kyle noticed something weird happening . There were three people looking at the school in the veranda of nearby houses . The first one might be a coincidence . But this time around was too much to be considered a coincidence .

Kyle didn’t hesitate and shot all three of the men in quick succession . He then immediately contacted the people in the mansion . He told them to send out a recon party . He proceeded to tell them the address of the men, he just shot .

Kyle was talking on the phone while still looking in the scope of his rifle . Something big might happen, but a few minutes passed and nothing else happened . Finally Alex and his group arrived and took Lilitth and Niki with them .

. . .

When Alex and his group left with Lilith and Niki, Kyle contacted the recon team . "So who were those people?"

"Two of them looked like they were perverts same as the previous one, but when we checked their identifications, we learned that they weren’t citizens of Berdonia . Based on a quick investigation they might be from the Granado Empire . We need to conduct further investigations to learn more . " The maid who was part of the recon team responded .

"You said two, what about the third one?"

"The third one had an actual gun, and it seems like the two were simply distractions . We also have another thing to report Sir Kyle . "

"What is it?"

"The third one, the one with the gun . He left his equipment here, and escaped . "

When Kyle heard that the third one escaped he was shocked . He was sure his shot was perfect, and the rubber bullet he used was non lethal but it was still powerful enough to knock out a grown man .

"All right . . . Continue your investigation and report to me when you made progress . Also do not under any circumstances inform Alex . "

"Sir yes Sir!" After hearing the maid’s response Kyle hanged up .

’The Granado Empire is making a move . . . But why try assassinating Lilitth? Was Lilitth really the target? Or was it someone else on the school grounds that was the real target? This job got even more tiresome . . . I wanted it to be a bit more exciting, but not this exciting . ’

Kyle sighed as he lit a cigarette, and started smoking .

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