Chapter 149

While Alex was training his new subordinates, Rachel was talking with her mom, in their living room . The two were sitting across from each other, while some tea was on the table .

"So mom tell me why did you let that deadbeat of a father leave again? Just, why?" Rachel was trying her hardest not to scream at her mom, but it was proving to be a difficult task . Kumiko on the other hand simply sip her tea, as she calmly replied .

"Well your dad needed to go and help a friend . "

"What kind of friend is more important than his family?! He just got back and he left again! So what kind of friend is this that he actually went and left without hesitation . "

"Well the kind of friend that helps a person who has amnesia . The kind of friend that took your father in when he had no where to go . The kind of friend that helped him when he was most helpless . " When Rachel heard what her mom said, she looked at her in shock .

"You mean, Alex’s dad asked for help? . . . Wait a minute, isn’t Alex’s dad supposedly a CEO of some huge company or something? . . . What can dad do to help that kind of person? The only thing that deadbeat is good at, is fighting . "

"Then your dad must be helping him for security reasons . "

’Did Alex know about this? No it can’t be, he was shocked as well when he heard dad left . . . Maybe he didn’t know my deadbeat of a dad will be accompanying his own dad . ’

As Rachel started thinking, Kumiko interrupted her thoughts .

"So is that all you wanted to talk about? Or do you have anymore questions?"

"Huh? . . . Oh yeah, that’s all I wanted to know . " As Rachel said this, she took a sip of the tea her mother prepared .

"Okay then it’s my turn to ask some questions . How are things going with you and Alex? Are you guys officially a couple now?" The moment Kumiko asked this, Rachel was so surprised that some of the tea she just drank came out of her nose .

"Why are you asking this now mom!" Rachel was coughing a bit, as she wiped her nose .

"No need to react that way . I just wanted to know how your relationship is progressing . I don’t know if this might motivate you or not, but your father doesn’t approve of Alex as your boyfriend . Well to be fair your father doesn’t approve of anyone as your boyfriend at the moment, since he claims you’re too young . "

"It doesn’t matter if he approves of it or not! It’s my decision who I want as my boyfriend, not his! Also why are we having this conversation?!"

"Well as your mother I am curious about your love life . Also I heard from Saya that you got new competition . Emily was it? I hear she’s Alex’s childhood friend . Not only that I hear that Alex’s little sister favors her more than you . "

"Alex and Emily are just friends, alright . There’s nothing going on between them . Also Emily told me that she supports me . "

"Supports you in what?" Kumiko smiled mischievously .

"Support me in my fee- Wait a minute! . . . Well anyway bottom line is, Emily and Alex are just friends . Okay? They’re just friends nothing more, nothing less . " Kumiko couldn’t help but giggle at her daughter’s innocence .

"Why are you so shy my baby girl? It’s alright to tell your mother that you like a guy . In my book Alex is a great catch . Also I heard from Saya that the Emily girl, is of the scheming kind . So if I were you I would be more wary of her than the Kain princess . "

"Enough of this! I’m going to my room!" Rachel whose face was turning red, headed to her room . Kumiko seeing this sighed at her naive daughter .

"You better snatch his heart, before someone else steals ahead . "

. . .

Rachel was now on her bed looking at the picture Emily sent her . It was a picture of Alex smiling .

"Hey you big idiot, are you interested in Emily? She is your childhood friend, and she does know you better than me . . . Damn it! Your such an idiot Alex! I already know you like me and all that, but not once have you invited me out on a date . . . Okay, you did invite me to shop with you, but that doesn’t count . "

Rachel was talking to the picture of Alex, while getting irritated .

"How come your so good in everything else, but not in this? You just need to ask me out, and I would have gladly say yes . " Rachel started to roll on her bed .

"So why don’t you ask me out? Are you not interested in me anymore? I’m sure that’s not it, is it? No it can’t be, he still sticks to me like glue . . . Well not as much as before, but that’s an improvement, or is it not? Damn it Alex now I’m the one confused . "

Rachel who was talking to the picture of Alex, was looking a tad crazy . If anyone else saw her like this they might think she had gone insane .

"Well I can be the one to ask you out, but that might make me look desperate . . . Wait do I really care if I look desperate? I’m sure I like Alex, I already understood that, but does that really mean we need officially be a couple? If we do that I don’t know how Eva will react, and it’s not like I hate her or anything . I do somehow like her as a friend . . . Damn it what should I do? . . . Should I make a move? Or should I wait for Alex to make a move?"

"I should wait for Alex to make a move . Since if I’m the one to make the move they might think I forced Alex . That idiot does follow my every order for some reason . . . " As Rachel got even more confused, she once again looked at Alex’s picture .

"What the hell are you smiling at?! You know this is all your fault!"

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