Chapter 142

Unaware of his dad’s operation providence, Alex was still accompanying Lilitth walking around the amusement park . Well at this point it looked like it was Rachel and Evangeline accompanying Lilitth, while Alex was just there to hold the huge teddy bear .

The group had already tried almost every possible ride that allowed Lilitth and Niki to ride . The only ride left was the carrousel which didn’t have much of a line . Alex who saw the carrousel was having a hard time understanding how that would be a fun ride .

Actually throughout the entirety of their trip in the amusement park, Alex was never truly amused . The haunted house had too much flaws if there purpose was to surprise and frighten . The ferris wheel was just them going up to see a better view of the city, which was not as good as looking down from a fighter jet . The other attractions were the same as they just couldn’t amuse him .

Alex was confused, Lilitth who had no experience whatsoever with these kind of things same as him, and pretty much has almost the same technical knowledge as him, was amused by this experience . Why? What was the difference? Why could Lilitth enjoy these things, while he could not?

While Alex was thinking, Rachel and Evangeline were still trying to please Lilitth as much as they can . Emily was still taking candid pictures of Lilitth . Kei was now looking at his phone accessing the internet, and double checking on then information about the members of the Drama Club . Oliver was truly enjoying himself, going around the amusement park with his newfound friends .

Oliver was so happy in fact that every now and then he would actually go out of character, and forget about being James Bourne . Niel and Niki were also enjoying the amusement park like any normal siblings .

Sayaka was also enjoying the amusement park while thinking about what kinds of games she could play with the two lolis, but as she was blissfully thinking such things, Sayaka’s daydreaming was interrupted by a message .

She wanted to ignore it at first, but it was from her other phone, the one she uses for the family business . It was a message from her father telling her to come home immediately . She didn’t want to go, but she needed to .

"Hey guys, something came up and I need to go home . So can I please get that picture with Lilitth and Niki, before I leave?" Sayaka said all of those things, with irritation and even a melancholic feel, both emotions you wouldn’t expect from Sayaka .

"Is everything all right?" Rachel asked concerned for her friend .

"I’m not sure, but I don’t have much time, so can I please get that picture?" Sayaka was really in a hurry now, so she wanted to get this over immediately .

The two little girls stood beside Sayaka and hugged her . Sayaka excitedly handed her phone over to Oliver, and asked him to take a picture .

Once she got the picture she wanted Sayaka reluctantly said goodbye and left . Seeing her so reluctant the group wanted to tell her to stay, but they knew that if Sayaka was that reluctant and still went, something must have happened back home that needed her immediate attention .

The group was curious but they didn’t want to dig in too deep . If Sayaka wants to tell the reason to them she would . Sayaka was the most open person among them, so if she wanted to say something she would .

. . .

After a few minutes of talking about Sayaka’s abrupt departure, the group were finally going to ride the carrousel . Before they got to the ride, Lilitth tugged at Alex’s shirt to get his attention .

"Onii-sama can you sit next to me on one of those horses?" Ever since they won the bear, it was either Rachel or Evangeline that rode with her, and not her brother . So for this last ride Lilitth wanted to enjoy it with her brother .

Rachel hearing Lilitth’s request immediately took the big teddy bear from Alex . Evangeline who was also thinking the same thing, was too slow to act .

"Alex go and ride with your sister, I’ll be skipping this one to hold onto the bear . " After Rachel said this, somebody took the bear from her .

"No, I’ll be the one holding onto this teddy bear . Go on and enjoy your youth my comrade . " Oliver easily carried the huge teddy bear, looking at the muscular Oliver, holding a cute huge teddy bear, looked so surreal that it could make some people laugh .

Actually some people looking at Oliver wanted to laugh but seeing his enormous biceps they hesitated to do so .

"Thank you Oliver . " Rachel wholeheartedly thanked Oliver, as she wanted to ride the carousel with Alex and Lilitth .

"No problem comrade Rachel, go have fun . " Rachel and Evangeline took a seat inside a carriage right behind Alex and Lilitth . The two looked at each other and didn’t speak .

Oliver and Kei were both not joining this ride, since one was busy doing some research, while the other was holding onto a huge teddy bear .

. . .

The ride started and a song began to play . As they went round and round, Lilitth was smiling so brightly that everyone looking could feel the joy oozing out of her . Alex who was looking at Lilitth couldn’t help but ask .

"Lilitth why are you so happy? Why are you enjoying this so much? I know you understand that we are riding a fake horse, simply going round and round to the same song . Why do you find this so enjoyable?"

Lilitth who heard her brother’s sudden question, looked at him and started to think for a bit before answering . Lilitth answered with a smile similar to when she was first acknowledged as a Samarita .

"I’m having fun because I’m experiencing something new, and I’m experiencing it with onii-sama, and everyone else . I do not think of why I should enjoy it, I simply enjoy it . "

Such a simple answer, but the truth in it was rather profound . Lilitth was enjoying every moment not because the ride or anything else was so fun, but the experience itself was fun . She enjoyed it simply because she felt it was enjoyable, nothing more nothing less .

Alex was too busy analyzing the rides, and looking at its flaws that he failed to enjoy the ride the way it was . He was surrounded by his friends and sister, that were enjoying the whole experience because they were together having fun .

Alex for a moment discarded his logic, and for that moment Alex enjoyed the experience . He smiled, Alex smiled as he was finally enjoying the experience . It was at the last moment but he still felt the enjoyment .

Lilitth who saw her brother smile for the first time, was shocked for a moment, but then she smiled even brighter than before . Her brother was finally having fun, this made Lilitth even happier . She was truly glad that Rachel invited her to the amusement park . This place had given her a lot of new experiences .

The other members of the mercenary club, except for Rachel looked at Alex stunned . Alexander Samarita the one they thought would have the same stoic expression, even if the world would blow up was actually smiling . Emily who was taking pictures of Lilitth, snapped a shot of the smiling Alex, with her mouth wide open .

Evangeline on the other hand was trying to memorize Alex’s smile, each and every detail of it .

Oliver felt happy for his comrade, he was happy that they’re are things that even that stoic face could enjoy . Kei on the other hand was so busy looking at his phone that he didn’t notice this moment .

Niel and Niki were also stunned to see that kind of expression coming out of the expressionless face of Alex . Still the siblings didn’t show a stunned expression, since that would go against their image .

Rachel on the other hand who has seen this smile of Alex every now and then, couldn’t help but smile as well .

’Like I told you Alex, as long as everyone pitches in, your story will be a happy one . ’

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