Chapter 139

"It’s been a long time Ryu . " Ken who was in a lotus position, stood up and looked at a specific tree behind him . He spoke but no one answered, which made Ken chuckle .

"No matter how hard you try to hide from me, you’re a swordsman not an assassin . Your way of being stealthy is a bit good, but not as good as an assassin . Those guys can actually become one with the environment . The best ones not only become one with the environment, they go beyond such a simple concept . You on the other hand . . . I guess you’re pretty good but not that good, that I can’t sense you . "

The leaves of the tree that Ken was looking at suddenly shook, and as if appearing out of thin air was a middle aged man . The man wasn’t too tall but he was indeed a bit taller than most . His face had two large scars, one across his forehead and another on his left cheek . He was wearing a normal red polo shirt, with a grey jacket, as well as some jeans . On his waist was a sword that looked to be at least 1 . 6 meters long .

This man had a very sharp aura surrounding him it was as if touching him was enough to cut you in half . This man was none other than Alex’s sword instructor, Ryu Yamato .

"It looks like your skills have improved Ken . "

"Well I don’t want to always be called the second best swordsman of this generation . "

"Aren’t you suppose to call yourself the third best at this point?"

"Heh, are you talking about your student? True he is strong, and the me of fifteen years ago might not be able to face him . . . But if both of us were just using a sword, the current me can still beat him . Not only him, I dare say I can beat his master as well . "

"You really talk too much, same as before . "

"Well I’m charming that way . Also the only time I talk this much is when I talk with you . Since between the two of us, you’re not really much of a talker . "

"I guess you’re right . "

Even though the two were talking like normal friends, the atmosphere surrounding them was deadly . This was their sword intent, it was as if their understanding of the way of the sword was clashing with each other .

"Tell me Ryu, what is the sword to you . "

"My answer is the same as before . The sword is a tool for murder . Sword techniques are just killing skills . Since it is for killing, then obviously it should seek to kill in one strike . Superfluous things are all abandoned in pursuit of the limit of speed and power . Concise and precise movements are all one needs . How about you Ken what is the sword to you?"

Hearing Ryu’s question the right end of Ken’s lip curved a bit upward, before he answered .

"To me the sword is endless possibilities . It is a thing of beauty, that can show me the path towards eternity . It is my friend, my lover, my precious companion . To me the sword is my everything, my one true desire . "

"As usual such an idealistic answer . I guess we can never agree with each other, when it comes to the sword . "

After saying what they wanted to say, the two stood in front of each other in silence . The distance they had from each other was around five meters, to a normal person this distance will take them a few seconds to reach, but to these two masters, it will only take them a step to breach that gap .

Without any warning both of them moved at the same time . Ryu didn’t used the sword on his waist nor did Ken used any of the swords he had laid hidden on the ground . The two masters only used their hands to attack .

In that one flash of an instant the two had already passed each other by . Ryu’s polo shirt had been sliced, and even a bit of his skin started to bleed . Ken smiled, as he placed his hands on his neck that started to spray blood . Just a tiny bit more and Ryu would’ve been able to cut his common carotid artery .

"You have indeed improved Ken . "

"So have you Ryu . "

"To think the man that wasn’t even able to see my sword strike, is now able to avoid my lethal blow . Well you did escape that lethal blow before as well, but this time it seems it wasn’t by luck . "

"How lucky to be able to make the famous Ryu Yamato to talk so much . I’m truly honored . " Ken chuckled, even while he was bleeding .

" . . . "

"So Ryu, how about we see who among our disciples is better? Right now you are a tiny bit ahead of me, but that doesn’t mean you are a better teacher than me . "

"Your student might die . Alex is not at the level of a disciple . Though he isn’t really at the level of a master swordsman as well . He relies too much on his superior physical abilities, than he does technique . . . Fine if you are okay with the chance that your student might die, then our two disciples can fight . "

"So arrogant as always . . . Do not worry my disciple isn’t as weak as you think he is . "

"Fine let us continue this conversation another time . I still have some other bussiness to attend to . "

After saying what he wanted Ryu walked down the mountain path . Ken looked at the fading back of his rival and smiled .

"So I still haven’t attained it yet . The way of the sword is truly deep and endless . "

. . .

When the two masters had finished their sword fight, Alex had already won the giant bear for his little sister . The way he won the bear was truly outrageous that a group of people had gathered to watch .

"Here you go Lilitth . " Alex tried to hand over the bear, but seeing that the bear was even bigger than Lilitth, he decided to hold onto it for now .

"Thank you onii-sama!" Lilitth happily hugged a portion of the bear as well as her brother . Everyone who was watching this scene couldn’t help but have this irritating itch of wanting to hug Lilitth . Sayaka on the other hand couldn’t help it anymore, so once Lilitth was done hugging Alex, she charged forth and hugged her .

"Lilitth-chan! How can you be so cute!" Sayaka shouted in a high pitch voice, as she thoroughly savor hugging Lilitth .

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