Chapter 130

Alex, Emily, and Lilitth started to watch the anime . After a few minutes into the story Alex asked the first question he encountered .

"That cat like thing talked?" Alex pointed at the furry mascot character that looks like a cat but obviously wasn’t .

"That’s a magical creature not a cat . " Emily who was enjoying the show patiently answered Alex .

"Okay then, another question why is the magical creature, that is not a cat, picking a little girl that looks to be just twelve years old and making her save the world? Aren’t there more qualified people to this?" Alex pointed another thing that he noticed .

"That’s because he needed someone with a pure heart to wield the power of the other world . "

"Okay, then how does that little creature determine who has a pure heart? I haven’t seen it use a scanner or anything of the sort . He just literally falls on that little girl’s head, and because she helps it recover from its wounds that makes her pure of heart? That doesn’t make any sense?"

"There is more to it than that . He picked Haru because not only did she help him recover, she also showed her bravery in the face of danger . " When Emily was about done answering Alex’s question . She saw Alex was about to ask another question, so she cut him off before he was able to speak .

"Alex let’s just watch this episode first then I will answer all your questions . " Emily couldn’t get into watching one of her favorite anime’s because of Alex’s constant interruptions . So she just wanted to finish this one episode before answering Alex’s questions .

"Fine . "

While the two were talking Lilitth was wholly focused at watching the anime . Even though in her mind she knew about the implausibility of what she was watching, but she just found it weirdly entertaining . The bright colors, the fast pace action sequence, and the girl who was practically her age being the lead was one of many reasons why this show interested her .

When the episode was over, Alex wasted no time to ask his questions .

"Okay the episode is done . I have a ton of questions to ask . "

"Bring it on!" Emily readied herself for what was to come .

"Following my question earlier, wasn’t the little creature called Kerun looking for a warrior to save his world, and in turn save the world of Haru? So then why among the millions of people in that whole world did he pick Haru? She was just a little girl that, who was a bit above average in both courage and intelligence, yet that was it just a bit above average for the standards of a girl her age . Your answer awhile ago doesn’t add up . I’m sure there were many people in that show that had that supposed pure heart, and I’m sure they would have been more qualified than a little girl to save the world . "

Emily wanted to answer this with a don’t take it too seriously because this was a kid show kinda answer . Yet if she answered like that it would be a total betrayal to her status as a fan of Magical Girl Harurun .

"The reason Kerun picked her and no one else in the whole world is because like you said it was a time sensitive mission . So he didn’t have time to thoroughly look at all the candidates . Haru was the first candidate he saw that fit all the requirements, to acquire the power of the other world . Seeing as he was in a hurry he chose Haru . "

"Okay so next question, what’s with that transforming scene? Does it really take that long for her to transform into her magical girl outfit? If so then why doesn’t the enemies attack during that interval? Or why does she even transform in front of them? Couldn’t she transform before going into battle?"

"The magical transformation happens instantly that was just a frame per frame showed to us viewers for dramatic effect . "

While the two were having there own Q and A . Lilitth had her eyes glued at the T . V waiting for the next episode . She waited for awhile and noticed that it wasn’t going to the next episode so she went and took the remote to press play . The next episode started playing which stopped Alex and Emily’s Q and A .

When the two noticed what was happening, Emily wanted to press pause again, but saw Lilitth’s look . Wasn’t this her plan all along to get the two siblings hook on anime . So first she just needed to hook Lilitth, then try to hook Alex later .

Alex seeing Lilitth was fully engrossed in watching Magical Girl Harurun, decided to wait for all the episodes to end before asking his questions .

. . .

It took a whole five hours to finish the whole season of the anime . When the last scene was shown Lilitth who was crying moments ago, because she thought Harurun was dead, was now doing poses of the transformation scene . Lilitth was so into the show, that she found it fun to do the poses and say some of the lines .

"The smile on everyones faces is the true magic . " Lilitth copied one of the poses and lines in the final episode . When Emily saw this she couldn’t help but squeal . Even though Lilitth was wearing cat ear pajamas the way she delivered those lines were so serious, which mad Emily actually think she saw Lilitth wearing the Magical Girl uniform .

Alex on the other hand wanted to continue his questioning .

"Hey Emily why does nobody die in that world? I saw how powerful most of Magical Girl Harurun’s attacks were . They were strong enough to blast a portion of a high rise building . Don’t tell me everyone had evacuated by the time she attacked? Actually didn’t she kill all those other monsters, why does she not seem fazed by that? But she was fazed by the idea that she could have accidentally killed a random thug? Wasn’t it at that point she already killed dozens of monsters? That would mean she killed a lot already so why did she acted fearful at the possibility that she actually killed a human being? Does she treat the monsters as something not alive? While it was already explained by Kerun that those monsters were formerly residence of his world . "

Emily who heard Alex’s question answered as best as she could . Then Alex would question her something else, until finally Alex was almost able to suck away most of the magic the anime once gave Emily . The only good thing showing this anime brought was that Lilitth was now hooked .

It was at this moment that Emily decided to use her plan B . She told Alex they needed to watch another anime called, I’m the Demon Lord but I died and now I’m the hero’s best friend . Lilitth thinking that this would be similar to the Magical Girl Harurun anime was excited to watch .

Alex on the other hand was a bit hesitant but decided to watch as well . The moment the first episode was over, Alex had a bunch of questions, but when he watched the second episode most of his questions were answered . The whole anime was like that, one episode left Alex full of questions while the next episode answered those questions .

By the end of the anime Alex had only one thing to say .

"That was pretty good . "

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