Chapter 117

The tournament had officially begun and both Alex and Emily were pumped up . When the opposing team saw that their first opponent was Alex’s team, they were thrilled since they can finally let off some steam . Some of the other teams in the tournament wanted to play with Emily’s team as well, since they wanted to embarrass her in front of her fans .

In their first game Alex’s team were the mercenary’s the opposing team were the soldiers .

"Hey guys no need to move I will do everything myself . I’ll kill them all, so please don’t plant the bomb . " Emily informed her teammates about what she was planning to do . Obviously they didn’t want to sit idly by as Emily does all the work, so the other members still did what they could .

Both Alex and Emily picked the same weapon which was a sniper rifle . Yet the way they used it were totally different . After Emily bought her sniper rifle she immediately used the scope mode, and didn’t remove it all throughout the game . Alex on the other hand didn’t even use the scope as he killed the opponents .

The audience weren’t shown what was happening while the tournament was in the preliminaries, they were simply told which team won and which team lost . The games would only be shown once they get to the quarter finals .

If they could see how Alex and Emily were playing the crowd would’ve been amazed by it . The only ones who noticed how Alex and Emily played were their teammates . Seeing how much Alex improved made both Blair and Kim Suho feel like losers . They weren’t even better than a person who was a total newb a week ago . Only Niel could somehow accept Alex’s amazing improvement .

’As expected of the person who is in the way of my perfection . ’

The first game ended with total victory for Alex’s team . Emily got three kills, while Alex got two kills . The next round of the preliminaries was going to start after two more minutes . While they were waiting the other teams that have finished early were shocked at the results .

’So she can somehow play after all . But I bet she was simply there because her team needed five players and she’s just an extra or a mascot . ’

’They actually won and quite fast too . . . ’

’It must’ve been a fluke . ’

’The other team must be pretty weak . ’

’Hmph, well I guess I will acknowledge you as rival to this shooting Goddess . ’

The other players started to speculate on why Alex’s team won . Since none of them could watch the other play, they had no idea how good Alex’s team was .

With that the next round of the preliminaries started . Same as the first round Alex and Emily chose similar guns and did the same thing as the first round . They were unstoppable, with Emily’s understanding of all the game’s maps, and Alex accurate shooting and fast reactions the two were playing the game two vs five .

This time around the other players were truly interested on how Alex’s team keeps on winning . So before the eliminated team left, the other players questioned them about how they lost . The eliminated team only answered by saying they were hit by headshots .

With that the other players only got even more curious . Who among the five could be the Godly player that can do headshots all the time? So after the next three rounds of the preliminaries, the other players couldn’t deny it anymore, Alex’s team was strong . Since their last opponent at the end of the preliminaries had A God level player . That could only mean either Alex’s team had great coordination or they too posses a God level player that was better than the one that lost .

At this point Alex and Emily could care less what the other teams thought of them . To the two of them the other teams weren’t really the enemy, it was their teammate that was the enemy . The score for their kills were Alex with twelve kills, while Emily had thirteen . No matter what Alex did he couldn’t catch up, but even then he couldn’t just give up . He just needs to understand how his opponent will move and predict what they will do next . That way he could kill the enemy faster than Emily .

Emily on the other hand was also feeling pressured, she didn’t know that her young master was this good . The last time she saw him play, he was still making some mistakes using a handgun . Now he was playing using a sniper rifle and he had high accuracy . To top it all off he was doing this no scope .

Still Emily felt like she couldn’t lose . If this pace keeps up, and as long as her young master doesn’t improve too drastically, victory was hers for the taking . She was now imagining what kind of cosplay would best suite her young master, as well as Lilitth ojou-chan . She also started to think of a costume for Oliver, and everyone in the Mercenary club . Seeing as everyone in the club aside from Kei were handsome boys and pretty girls if they all started cosplaying the effect would be devastating .

Emily was happily imagining various cosplay designs for her and her clubmates this made her excited and almost made her nosebleed . While Emily was imagining about cosplaying, the preliminaries had ended and the next round would be the quarterfinals .

The host of the event started to explain that for the quarterfinals the first two teams that will play against each other was to play on the stage provided and their fight will be broadcasted on the projector showing it to the people in the stadium .

This is were the game truly starts, but before it would start, the host announced that there was going to be a thirty minute break . When the host announced the thirty minute break, Emily’s fans started to cheer again .

"Queen! Queen! Queen! Queen! Queen!" The host seeing the same exact situation happen again like the start of the tournament . The host had no choice as he reluctantly gave his microphone to Emily, who happily took it .

"My peons! Rejoice! On the next round you will finally witness my beautiful fighting form! Burn the scene into your eyes, for it is your honor, and your obligation to witness my glorious form!"

"May the eternal night descend upon us! May the Princess’s glory last forever!" The fans were going rabid for Emily . While Emily was having fun on stage the other players didn’t seem to mind as much as before . Since Emily’s team had already proven that they weren’t all talk .

Alex and the others aside from Emily headed towards the audience area to see Rachel and the others who couldn’t join the tournament . When Alex saw Rachel’s expression he felt a bit threatened, Sayaka on the other hand couldn’t help but snicker . Oliver looked at Alex with sympathy in his eyes, Kei on the other hand was cowering in his corner unable to even look at Alex .

When Alex saw everyones expressions he was unsure as to what had happened, but his instincts told him to make a quick tactical retreat .

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