Chapter 112

The day finally came it was Sunday, and the FPS tournament was going to begin a few hours from now . Alex as per his usual routine was about to head out early to do some recon before the tournament starts . When he left his room, Lilitth had also left her room at almost the exact same time .

The little girl woke up a bit earlier than Alex . When she heard the sound of her onii-sama opening the door of his room, she went out as well .

"Good morning onii-sama . " Lilitth happily greeted Alex .

"Good morning . " Alex greeted her as well and afterwards was about ready to leave .

"Onii-sama, where are you going? Can I come with you?" Lilitth suddenly asked when she saw her onii-sama seem to be in a hurry .

"No, not today Lilitth . Also I heard dad and you are going to do something together for today . " When Lilitth heard what Alex said, she finally remembered what her tou-chan told her last night . She had forgotten that detail, and felt a bit embarrassed as she bowed her head in front of Alex .

"Oh that’s right . I’m sorry for delaying you onii-sama . " Once the two had cleared that up, Alex proceeded to head out of the mansion into the garage to get his motorcycle . When he got out the front door of the mansion, Alex saw a person who wasn’t suppose to be there .

She was a beautiful girl who had long black hair tied into two messy pigtails . This girl was none other than Rachel Regius . Alex spotted her in the distance hesitating to ring the door bell . When he saw Rachel, Alex felt a bunch of mixed emotions, but the most prevalent feeling he had at the moment was panic . Alex didn’t like the feeling of being unprepared, so this made him a tad irritable .

Alex spoke at the ear piece he was wearing . "Surveillance team, why didn’t you warn me she was here?!" Though Alex still had a stoic look, and still sounded indifferent, there was a minor change in the pitch of his tone, it was just a tiny bit, but the maid in charge of communications noticed it .

"It was to surprise you young master . It would seem that lady Rachel came here with that intent, so as to not look suspicious we didn’t inform you . Good luck young master . " The maid who was talking to Alex, was trying to stop herself from giggling, so before she accidentally giggled she ended the call immediately after responding to Alex’s question .

Alex couldn’t believe what he had heard . Even though the maids were employed by his dad, Alex was still technically also someone in charge . The maids were also former soldiers and mercs, so that means they had a better understanding about the meaning of ranks .

’How could they do this to a superior officer?!’ This was the sole thought screaming in Alex’s mind at the moment . While he was thinking about what to do next, Alex saw Rachel still in front of the button of the door bell hesitating .

Her finger would almost press the button, but then she would stop . Afterwards she would start to walk around in a circle, then she would stop head back to stand in front of the button of the door bell, try to press it then once again stop . She would then repeat the process all over again .

Watching her do this made Alex feel quite amused . After awhile Alex decided to greet her, since watching her do this made it feel like he was bullying her .

. . . .

"How long are you going to hesitate?" Hearing a voice out of nowhere, Rachel panicked and took a defensive stance . The gate of the mansion opened, and the person who appeared before her, was the person she kept on thinking about, while on that training trip with her family .

Black hair, sharp black eyes that seem to pierce ones soul . An ever stoic expression, and that calm indifferent voice, this guy was none other than Alexander Samarita . Rachel who saw Alex just stared dumbly at him while still maintaining her defensive position .

After a few seconds of awkward silence Rachel spoke in a stutter . "H-h-h-h-ooo-w how long have you’ve been there!?"

"If you’re talking about how long I’ve been watching you, the answer would be around ten minutes ago . I can actually see you while outside the front door . " Alex pointed at the front door of the mansion .

When Rachel heard Alex’s answer her face started to turn red . Without warning she attacked Alex out of embarrassment . This was a reflexive reaction she had acquired during the trip with her family . This was caused by her deadbeat father always doing embarrassing things . So for the time being every time Rachel’s embarrassment reaches a certain point she attacks .

Seeing Rachel’s movements surprised Alex . He evaded the incoming attacks easily but the improvement she had after a few days was incredible

’As expected of Instructor Dan . . . Or is this because Rachel is talented?’

At some point, Rachel wasn’t attacking Alex because of embarrassment anymore, she was now attacking Alex to show him how much she improved . So when Rachel saw her attacks weren’t working, she decided to use her trump card . Rachel suddenly sped up, which as she predicted caught even Alex surprised . Ever since awhile ago Rachel used a speed that was only slightly faster than what she had shown Alex before, but now she was using a speed that was greatly different .

This was her one and only chance, Rachel did an attack with as much speed as she can muster . To her at this moment, it doesn’t matter if the attack wasn’t strong, it doesn’t matter if it does no damage . All Rachel wanted to do was reach Alex and be able to hit him . This was so that she can convey to him that she was catching up, and she too could walk side by side with him .

It was to show that lonely boy that he wasn’t alone anymore . Yet as per usual Alex went beyond what was expected of him . He caught Rachel’s fist and pinned her down . This was out of reflex since Alex had somehow determined that attack of Rachel’s was actually dangerous .

Rachel was surprised that was a move that caught even her father off guard . Yet it didn’t work on Alex, and now she was pinned down . Alex immediately let her go, and apologized .

"I’m sorry it was a reflex, you’re attack was about to hit so I unconsciously moved to stop it . " Hearing Alex’s explanation made Rachel smile .

So that means somehow she was getting closer to that lonely boy’s back . "It’s alright I was the first to strike anyway . "

Rachel was satisfied with this, if it was before she would try to change Alex to her liking . But that was wrong, she liked Alex just the way he is . She was the one who had to change to match up to Alex not the other way around . Some girls like to be pampered and treated like a princess, but not Rachel Regius, not anymore .

After not meeting for a long time some girls would want to hug the other person that they like, but this exchange of blows and casual banter was something only she and this idiot could share . It was their special bond their little joke .

Thinking about that, made Rachel smile at Alex . The ever stoic boy who saw Rachel smile at him, felt like saying something . This feeling of her being with him, felt so natural to him now . It might have been just a few weeks since they met one another but aside from his dad, and sister Rachel was the only other person he had opened up like this .

"Welcome back Rachel . " Rachel was surprised at what Alex had said . Yet even though she was surprised, she still happily replied at the foolish boy who was still showing that ever stoic face of his .

"I’m back Alex . "

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