Chapter 110

When Oliver, Kei, and Niki saw what Alex did, it made their jaws drop . Yet after awhile Oliver got super excited at what he saw . Someone his age got to become so strong, that would mean he too had the possibility to become just as strong or even stronger .

Kei on the other hand couldn’t comprehend what had happened . Was Alex some sort of superhuman? Was he an alien or something? A cyborg perhaps? Or does this incredible strength of his is attributed to the martial art he was learning .

Niki on the other hand just kept on convincing herself that her nii-nii was better, stronger, and cooler than Alex .

When Alex noticed what he had done, he immediately called his dad . Which made him a bit irritated, cause ever since he came back, he kept on calling his dad to fix something he did .

Carlo picked up the phone, and without waiting for Alex to say anything he spoke .

"I already know what happened . Don’t worry after a few more seconds the wifi signal in that are will disappear and the broadcasting of that video will disappear as well . Every share, and passing of the video will be removed . The only thing you need to do is bribe the ones who originally took the video and make them delete it . . . Hmm I guess you’re not really good in that kind of negotiations . . . It’s fine, just distract them, for about ten minutes . I’ll be there as quickly as possible . "

Alex who was suppose to distract the audience so they wont leave, first decided to pay for the boxing machine he broke . Alex went near the stunned manager and asked how much the machine was . The manager couldn’t understand what Alex was saying at first, since he was in a daze .

When he finally got ahold of himself he was able to answer Alex, and gave him a rough estimation of how much the machine cost . Alex then gave a cheque to the manager with the exact amount that he was told the machine cost .

Alex then turned around to the people in the arcade and announced . "Who wants to play this fighting game with me? If you win I will give you 20,000 zigs . " When the people heard Alex’s announcement they got excited .

No matter how good Alex was, he shoult make a mistake sometime . Also 20,000 zigs is a lot of money . That’s basically what the manager of the arcade made in four months of work .

Oliver who heard Alex’s announcement went near him and whispered in his ear . "What do you think you are doing comrade? Why bet that amount of money?"

"I need to distract them long enough, until my dad gets here . Cause I need to delete the videos of me destroying the boxing machine . " Alex explained to Oliver, after which he accepted his first challenger .

Kei who was still in shock by how Alex destroyed the boxing machine, was now shocked on how rich Alex was .

"Um Oliver, is Alex some kind of young master of a very rich family?" Oliver who heard Kei’s question looked at him confused, wasn’t this already explained before? Then he remembered that Kei joined the club after Sir Lyner, so that meant he hasn’t heard how rich Alex was .

"Do you remember Evangeline Kain?"

"Yes, but what does that have to do with Alex?" Kei asked confused .

"Do you know how rich her family is?" Oliver didn’t bother to answer Kei’s question .

"I know her family is super rich . Still what does this have to do with Alex?" Kei still asked confused as to how this was relevant to his initial question .

"Alex’s wealth matches the whole Kain family’s wealth, and that’s just Alex’s personal wealth . If you count his family they’re wealthier than the Kain’s . " When Kei heard the answer to his question, he felt like his eyes would pop out of his eye sockets, like a cartoon character .

’So Alex is that rich! He’s even handsome, strong and extremely talented . Also if rumors are to be believed he’s incredibly intelligent as well . What kind of guys is this? Is somebody so perfect suppose to even exist? He’s like one of those characters in harem novels who are always perfect in whatever they do . . . So there was another person who was like Niel, no wait now if I factor in everything I know about Alex, isn’t he on a higher level than Niel? Also that would explain why he wasn’t fazed by the rare card, I wanted . I also thought that the men with his father were his friends, but those might just be his employees . ’

Kei was having a very extensive monologue in his mind . While Alex was already on his third opponent . After a few more rounds Carlo finally appeared .

"Tou-chan!" Lilitth trotted towards Carlo, and hugged him . Carlo happily hugged Lilitth back . When the people heard the cute little girl shout tou-chan they all looked at the person who came into the arcade .

It was a middle age man, wearing a very expensive suite . He was quite a handsome gentleman . "Thank you for coming dad . " Alex greeted Carlo in his usual indifferent tone .

The crowd were even more surprised when they heard Alex called Carlo Dad . That would mean that the little girl and the mysterious hottie were related, they were actually siblings!

The chat room was quiet at the moment, ever since awhile ago the bloggers couldn’t get any wifi signals and were disconnected from the internet . So when they saw the shocking scene in front of them they were very sad and irritated that they couldn’t do a live stream at the moment . So instead they just took videos of the whole thing .

"Alex Lilitth take your friends outside, I’ll be talking with the people here about something . " When the two heard the command of their father they did as they were told .

Alex took Kei and Oliver outside with him, and Lilitth took Niki . Outside of the arcade there were two men wearing butler uniforms blocking the entrance .

"Young master, Ojou-sama . " The two butlers bowed towards Alex and Lilitth . Kei who saw this, had more proof that Alex was really a young master of a rich family .

Niki on the other hand felt really amazed . "So Lilitth you were a rich young lady?"

"I guess so . " Lilitth didn’t know how to reply to that question .

"You guess so? No you really are one! You’re like a princess, since not only are you rich, you as cute as me . " This was the ultimate compliment one such as NIki could give . Comparing another as an equal to her cuteness was what she felt was the best compliment .

"Thank you Niki . " Lilitth smiled at her excited friend .

"Hey my comrade Alex, where did you learn that move you used to destroy that punching machine?" Oliver asked with an excited tone .

"Huh? Oh that, it’s a move thought in the Ultimate martial art . "

"What’s the name of the martial art? I want to learn it as well . " Oliver got extremely excited when he heard the words Ultimate martial art . At the moment he was learning sword play from the old man Ken Seto from Hillman High school

"That’s it’s literal name the martial art I use is called Ultimate . Rachel’s father owns the Dojo, that teaches the art . "

"What a coincidence! Is that how you met with comrade Rachel? Did you guys really know each other before transferring to our school?"

"No it was by coincidence that Rachel was the daughter of my instructor . I didn’t know at the time . "

While the group were having there own conversations, Kei was simply listening in on Alex and Oliver’s conversation .

. . .

In an apartment without furniture, someone was watching a video of someone breaking a punching machine, but then the video suddenly disappeared, but the person had enough time to see who the man in the video was .

The person smiled and spoke . "I finally found you Alex . This time you wont escape me . For you are mine and mine alone . "

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