Chapter 102

Carlo looked at Oliver, and tried to assess him . The kid in front of him was so carefree, it seem like Carlo’s reputation hadn’t even faze the young man . Carlo grabbed his cane, he wanted to test Oliver, by scratching him a bit, using his sword .

Oliver who had already imagined this kind of talk in a coffee shop with a similar kind of scenario multiple times in his head, also each time he was imagining it he was talking with different characters . This made Oliver ready to say a bunch of stuff depending on what Carlo said or did .

So when he saw Carlo grip his cane, Oliver chuckled .

"What are you going to do now? Hmm, are you going to test me, by attacking me with that sword of yours disguised as a cane? Well of course, now that I said it out loud, you wont do it anymore, since you think the element of surprise is gone . Also don’t bother doing your next move, which is most probably ordering the men you have inside this mall, to shoot me with tranquilizers . Oh I’m sorry that I said that out loud . You see Mr . Carlo I have been in many similar situations, so it’s going to be a very difficult task for you, to try to catch me off guard . "

Carlo looked at Oliver, stunned . It was like Oliver could read his mind . Was every move he made really so predictable? This was the first time he ever met Oliver, and vice versa this was the first time Oliver met him . So then why is it, he who was a much more experienced merc, was having trouble reading his opponent, who has live less than half the amount of time he has . Even more surprising was this opponent could read him like an open book .

Carlo looked at the time, and the end was of the bet was nearin . He had no time for this charade, so Carlo raised his hand and did some weird hand signs that look like they had no meaning . This was the secret code Carlo and his men used that even Alex didn’t know about .

He basically told his men, to not bother with Oliver, which was so clearly the distraction, and just find the two Amamamis that are hiding in this mall .

"Sending a secret signal to your men . You do know it’s pointless now . No matter what you do at this point, we basically won already . " Oliver proudly declared, which made Carlo frown .

"Kid, I know that you are my son’s friend and all that crap, and I do know you think your some hot shot merc, but let me advise you, stop talking like you’re looking down on me . If you don’t stop, then it doesn’t matter if your from this so called Shadow Mercenaries, or that you are my son’s comrade in arms . I will discipline you in such a way, that you would regret ever living in this world . " Carlo who was backed into a corner, nearing the moment of his loss was a getting a tad angry at Oliver .

He was even openly directing his bloodlust at Oliver, who simply mistook it as a sudden chill, which basically didn’t bother him . Though it did bother him a little that his friend’s dad was looking a bit angry at him . But he got over it the moment he remembered that they were in some sort of game and this was all just role playing .

’Alex’s dad is really good at this . I better up my game as well . ’

Oliver unaware of the dangerous situation he was in, continued to drink his coffee without a care in the world .

"Why are you so angry? Is it because I told the truth? Also please don’t threaten me like that, it just makes you look like a sore loser . Oh well, I guess it’s about time anyway, so I guess I can just tell you . The people you are looking for are not here . "

When Carlo heard Oliver’s statement he was about ready to strike, but then he stopped himself, when he heard what he said in the end . He looked at Oliver and asked , "why should I believe you?"

"I don’t need to answer that question . It really doesn’t matter to me if you believe me or not . So it’s your call . "

It was at this moment, Carlo had a sudden realization . He had looked into this too deeply, what if everything was as simple as it sounded . That would mean . . . Carlo felt like he wanted to slap himself in the face, but he hadn’t much time .

"Oliver the next time we meet you better improve your manners . " Without waiting for a response, Carlo left the table .

. . .

Once Carlo got outside he was met with the leader of Team Alpha, who was restraining a man . "Sir, we have located Kenzo Amamami . " Yes the man who was here right in front of him was Kenzo Amamami .

"Good job, bring him back to HQ . I’ll be going back first . "

"Sir, won’t we search for the other target?" The leader of team Alpha, was confused . Since he was pretty certain the remaining target Seiji Amamami, was the third person in the group that entered the mall .

"No need, the other target is back in HQ . Isn’t he Kenzo?" Carlo looked at kenzo, who didn’t answer . Well Carlo didn’t even bother to wait for a reply, and simply ran off into his car . He still had time to get home, and will have only a few more minutes too spare .

While driving back, Carlo contacted the head butler .

"Simon, you didn’t give me a report, so I’m guessing Alex didn’t do anything out of place . "

"Yes, he simply stayed in his room . " Carlo, who heard this answer felt even more sure now . Even his stoic son Alex, who could keep cool in almost any situation, wouldn’t just do nothing . This could only mean, he was so sure of his victory that it he didn’t bother anymore .

"Simon, did you do that thorough sweep of the mansion, like I asked?"

"Yes sir, we checked every place, every corner of the mansion, even the underground passageways, as well as that ’room’, but we couldn’t find anything out of place . "

"Did you check even Alex’s room? As well as Lilitth’s?"

"Sir those were the two rooms we checked first . We even actually searched everything thrice, just to be sure . "

"That’s all I need to know . Just keep your eyes glued to Alex . "

After hanging up the phone, Carlo smiled since he finally figured it out . He finally knew where Seiji Amamami was hiding .

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