The result was a bingo. The magic stone I inserted into the tablet took up a spot in the slot just as it was. Naturally, I felt like I was flying. I had some expectations, but I never thought it would turn out to be one of Sub-dragon’s magic stones.

Honestly, this single magic stone was a significant reason why I became an intern at <Judgment of Fire>. Now, there are only two magic stones left until the seal on the tablet is completely unlocked. It was progressing much faster than I had anticipated.

“Yeah. I had a brief meeting with the Clan Master the day before yesterday, and I received all the rewards as of yesterday. I got such great rewards that I wondered if it was okay for an intern to receive them.”

The auction price for the [Penitent’s Sword] was a whopping 29 billion won at the time. It was almost equivalent to receiving 30 billion in additional rewards alone. Add to that, the raid rewards, additional rewards based on our contributions, and the magic stone. Even though I had performed well and worked hard, I still had doubts about whether I should be receiving all of this.

But when I said this, Kang Juyeon furrowed her eyebrows slightly.

“Did you… meet with my father?”

“Huh? Oh, yeah, I did. All the team members did.”

“…Did my father say anything?”

Kang Juyeon’s eyes looked somewhat uneasy for some reason. Her expression reminded me of the meeting from the day before yesterday.

-What exactly is your relationship with my daughter?

-Is my daughter not attractive enough?

-I was about to kick you out of the clan right away.

I stopped thinking about it. Conversations with the doting Clan Master were always painful memories. Then I awkwardly smiled and replied to Kang Juyeon.

“Just that he was impressed by my performance, you know. Master values both work and personal character.”

Valuing both work and personal character? Even though I said it, it still pricked at my conscience. But there was nothing I could do. It was a well-intentioned lie for the sake of Kang Juyeon and me.


Kang Juyeon didn’t seem to agree with my response. I deliberately ignored her and reached for the bulgogi with my chopsticks.

Hmm. This place’s food is really good.




I had already showcased my multiple abilities to many people and clan members, but there were still some abilities I needed to keep to myself.

For example, runes related to enhancing the bodies of monsters, like [Sturdy Fangs], [Sharp Claws], and [Quadruped Combat], or entirely new runes acquired from this dungeon raid, such as [Penetrating Brain Strike] and [Gaze of Stiffness].

If I were to display monster runes or new runes one after another, even the trusted Hunting Team 5 would find it strange, no matter how much they trusted me. So, it was essential to practice these runes alone.

Thanks to that, I spent my golden weekends in the dungeon once again. This time, the location was the underground dungeon of the Academy, like a training ground for real combat.

[When dignity is established, presence remains unshaken. Your charisma becomes even more pronounced when confronting weaker opponents.]

[The level of the ‘Oppression’ rune has increased.]

[Acquired 1 point of Willpower through the rune’s affinity.”

After sweeping away the lizardmen in the early stages, the level of [Oppresssion] increased. [Oppression] was one of my runes that grew particularly slowly. It was only natural. [Oppression] was a rune that primarily exerted its power when facing opponents weaker than me, but most of the opponents I fought were higher-tier monsters with significantly higher stats. I had to cover the difference in stats with the versatile use of various runes and high proficiency. Therefore, the growth of [Oppression] was naturally slow.

But even so, it wasn’t just [Oppression] that was effective in this situation. When facing lower-tier C-grade lizardmen, I had no trouble at all. Moreover…

“Doesn’t this have an incredible taste?”

After wiping out all the lizardmen in the early stages, I looked at the sword in my hand with admiration.

The [Penitent’s Sword].

The epic item I received as a reward from the raid, in <Judgment of Fire>. It felt like it was trying to downplay itself. From the moment I held it in my hand at the start of battle, I could sense that it was different, and after cutting down the lizardmen, the feeling was incredible. Whether I used the [Water Sword Technique] to deflect the enemy’s attacks or the [Wave Sword Technique] to exploit their weaknesses, I could cleanly fend off opponents without any resistance, no matter the situation. The sensation was more pronounced in slashing rather than thrusting, providing a clean feeling akin to cutting food with a sharp kitchen knife. I couldn’t help but be amazed by the true value of this high-quality item that I was experiencing for the first time.

“So, this is why people use expensive items.”

Moreover, the [Penitent’s Sword] increased its power based on the recovery value. Currently, my recovery value is 15. While it was significantly lower than my main attributes, in terms of the increase rate, it was not to be ignored.

Combining the special effects of [Oppression] with the performance of the [Penitent’s Sword] and my existing combat capabilities, I could deal with lizardmen easily using just the sword.


Kya, kya-!!

Just as the saying goes, when you mention a tiger, it comes running; the same seemed to apply to lizards. Once I passed the early stages and reached the middle portion of the dungeon, I encountered lizard monsters that were challenging to deal with using ‘only the sword’.

Sizzling Salamander and Poisonous Iguana, a total of ten surrounded me.

“Crap. Why are there so many?”

Perhaps the composition had changed abnormally, or maybe I had left the dungeon vacant for too long. The monsters that had come now had a different composition from what I had initially seen. I was sure there were only about six Poisonous Iguanas at first…

“Still, well. More is better.”

The rewards I obtained from conquering the ‘Forest Covered by Snakes’. The more monsters there were, the better I could test the effects. After all, that was why I came here today. It was to check their exact performance. I smiled and looked at the lizards.

“Let’s start by splitting the ground.”

I began with [Power Break], a derivative skill of the newly acquired [Fragmented Earth Garden].

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