Acquired the Scam Rune in the Academy

Chapter 66: Judgment of Fire (2) (1)

“Ah, greetings, Holder Kang Juyeon.”

In response to the sudden appearance of Kang Juyeon, Shin Yuna lowered her head.

Kang Juyeon looked at her with an expression that wasn’t particularly friendly and replied, “… Yes, nice to meet you, Holder Shin Yuna.”

“Where have you been? Haven’t seen you all day,” Shin Yuna asked.

I heard that Kang Juyeon had been assigned to Hunting Team 5 with me. So, I had planned to go to work with her today, partly to receive the Clan Tower introduction that I missed yesterday, but she hadn’t even shown up this morning.

Kang Juyeon turned her head in response to my question.

“I have something to discuss with the Master about the upcoming operation for Hunting Team 5.”

“Operation? I heard that’s going to be discussed in tomorrow’s meeting.”

“That’s an internal planning review meeting. The selection for the deployment is already done.”

Hunting Team 5 operation. And an operation significant enough to warrant personnel selection. Given the scale of <Judgment of Fire>, the possibility of dungeon conquest seemed likely.

With a slightly expectant expression, I asked her, “Could it be…”

“Yeah. It’s a long story related to your issue. Directly deploying an intern Clan member for an operation is quite unusual.”


I silently rejoiced and tried my best not to show it.

If it had come to this point in the conversation, there was a high chance that I had been included in the deployment lineup for the conquest. Even one day of work in the Clan had been a headache, but now I had a chance to escape for a mission before even a single day had passed.

’This is why people say Kang Juyeon, Kang Juyeon…’

Kang Juyeon had a stern and cold personality, but she was generous to those she saw eye to eye with. Once she became interested in someone, things progressed swiftly. This applied to Clan interns and those immediately placed into operations as well. It seemed like seizing opportunities was important.

“…So, have you been with Holder Shin Yuna all this time?”

Suddenly, Kang Juyeon alternated her gaze between me and Shin Yuna. For some reason, I sensed a chill in her voice.

Was I mistaken? I asked again to make sure, “What did you say?”

“It’s nothing,” she replied, but it wasn’t really nothing. She had definitely said something…

I felt quite uneasy about it, but I didn’t dig deeper. Leaving behind the odd cold atmosphere, Kang Juyeon adjusted her bag and said, “… Let’s go. I’ll continue with the Clan Tower introduction.”

“Is today’s first stop the Clan cafeteria?”


Chatting about various things, quite some time had passed since the Hunting Team 5 members had left their locations. By now, when we reached the cafeteria, they would likely be eating without waiting. Kang Juyeon, myself, and Shin Yuna, who was awkwardly standing in the middle, walked toward the cafeteria.




Clan Tower, 11th floor.

The Clan’s internal cafeteria.

We found a quiet spot in one corner of the restaurant. Looking at the splendid dishes in front of us, I was surprised and my voice filled with astonishment.

“Wow… Buffet?”

On a large plate was beautifully arranged red beef. Beside it were various vegetables, including bean sprouts. There were numerous sauces and elaborate side dishes around them. In the center of the table was a small stove. A pile of charcoal lay inside the stove. A clean iron plate occupied the top. The setting was perfect for cooking top-grade Wagyu beef.

“It often comes out like this,” Kang Juyeon said nonchalantly.

Her words made my face fill with surprise. Seriously, what’s this?

Wagyu beef is served for lunch in the Clan cafeteria? Is this because it’s a wealthy large Clan? Or is it in line with the name <Judgment of Fire> that they’re presenting flame-cooked dishes…?

But Shin Yuna seemed accustomed to such sights. She naturally picked up her tongs and began grilling the meat. With an expression that seemed to understand my thoughts, she said, “There’s no need to be so surprised. I was amazed at first too, but considering the earnings of the Holders, it’s only natural.”


“Yeah. Even the basic salary alone is quite substantial, and those who go on missions, like the Hunting Team, earn substantial extra income. Since the income is quite significant, the Clan cafeteria menu is as luxurious as this.”

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