
Swirl Leviathan’s water magic engulfed the docks. The immense water magic brimmed with calamity. It flooded the surroundings like a tsunami, and the massive whirlpool made of water swallowed some of the Holders as if they were prey. At first glance, it seemed like around six Holders were caught up in it. They were probably all C-grade Holders… and they must have all died.

This was a special disaster monster temporary hunt squad. It wasn’t a hunt that could be easily undertaken like an ordinary dungeon raid. The reason for its lack of popularity became clear. The majority of C-grade Holders were novices.

“Reform the formation!”

“The opponent monster’s magical attack is too powerful! Change the strategy!”

B-grade Holders were blocking Swirl Leviathan’s attack at the front. The supporting C-grade Holders gathered together. And in front of them, at the forefront, one Holder ran at lightning speed. The same A-grade Holder from before, one of the five.

Among them was their leader, Holder Lim Hyun, in charge of the warrior class.

“Warrior squads 1 and 2, follow me to the front! Squads 3 and 4, go with Lee Seong-hwi to the back! Squad 5, protect the recovery teams!”

He rushed forward at an incredible speed and mounted the Swirl Leviathan. Brandishing a skill-like magical sword, he thrust it into Swirl Leviathan’s body.

-Ka, Aaaah…!!-

Swirl Leviathan let out a scream of agony. It was the most effective blow among all the attacks from the hunt squad thus far.

Usually, the warrior class focused on tanking due to their inherent roles in parties. But that didn’t mean all warrior class Holders couldn’t act as damage dealers. Park Jin-woo, for instance, leaned more towards dealing damage than tanking, and I, with a diverse range of runes, also leaned a bit more towards the dealer side.

‘That person too…’

Lim Hyun, an A-grade Holder and the leader, was also of that type. Unlike other B-grade Holders holding shields, he only used dual swords to confront monsters. He compensated for the tanking role with his natural toughness and evasion ability, all confirmed with his own two eyes. I was purely amazed.


That’s the level of strength an A-grade Holder possessed. He couldn’t completely defeat the S-grade monster, but he was inflicting sure and effective damage on Swirl Leviathan.

“Squad 5, this way!”

One of the B-grade Holders leading the warrior class shouted to Squad 5. Among the temporary hunt squad members, there were two A-grade Holders in the warrior class. Both of them went to deal exclusively with Swirl Leviathan, which led to a B-grade Holder becoming the temporary squad leader.

I raised my shield and followed him. My role in Squad 5 was to protect the recovery teams.

“Treat the most critical Holders first! Use all the remaining recovery power you have!”

“We don’t have enough recovery-class members!”

“If we don’t have enough, just do what you can! You won’t be going to fight that monster, will you?”

Even the rear was now a battlefield. Holders had been hit by Swirl Leviathan’s water magic and projectile attacks. There were Holders who had died, but even more were injured. It wasn’t good news to have this many casualties already since the battle began.

‘Recovery-class Holders are enduring a lot as well…’

Moreover, the atmosphere was quite tense. Perhaps it was a natural occurrence. Jokes were only made right before the battle. In actual combat, regardless of class, every Holder became sharp. Even the smallest mistake could lead to the party’s destruction, especially in a battle against monsters.

That’s precisely what a battle with monsters was like.

“Don’t panic and focus on what’s ahead.”

Then, a voice came from somewhere. It was a female Holder preparing magic beside me. She seemed to be in her late 30s, roughly… maybe. Even in such a chaotic situation, she appeared very composed. I could tell she was an experienced high-grade Holder.

“Ah! Holder Jeong Seon-young, I’ll accompany you…!!”

My instincts didn’t fail. The B-grade Holder, who was leading Squad 5, saw her and shouted upon realizing her presence.

Holder Jeong Seon-young. If my speculation from earlier was correct, she was likely the leader of the magician class. Among the five A-grade Holders, she was the one responsible for the magician class.

She shook her head at the B-grade Holder’s words.

“This Holder is enough for me. Please protect the recovery line or other dealers.”

“… Alright.”

The B-grade Holder complied with her words and immediately changed positions.

…Damn it.

So, I’ve become the exclusive guard for an A-grade Holder?


And once again.

The Swirl Leviathan thrashed about.

Its first appearance was a physical attack with its tentacles.

Then came the water magic.

This time, it was another physical attack.


“Ugh! Its strength is too much…!!”

“Everyone, run! We can’t tank this!”

“Damn it… it’s a real monster.”

The Holders in the front were thrown back like autumn leaves by Swirl Leviathan’s attacks, utilizing various parts of its body such as the tail, hands, and fins.

The strength and speed of an S-grade monster were not something easily dealt with, even for warrior-type Holders.

And taking advantage of that opening…

The dealers’ second large-scale attack was ready.

Our counterattack after its retaliation.

The Holder next to me, Holder Jeong Seon-young , completed her preparations and cast a spell.

“Swallow the cold.”

A short command came from her mouth.

I knew its meaning.

‘It’s an oration!’

Before the start of the spell, she used an oration.

Using an oration meant that Jeong Seon-young ‘s magic was an ultimate skill.

Furthermore, the type of magic was unique.

It wasn’t the lightning-type magic that was bothering Swirl Leviathan earlier.

It was freezing-type magic.

The aura of magical power that chilled the surroundings and the content of the oration undoubtedly indicated that Jeong Seon-young ‘s magic was related to [Freezing] rune magic.


Kwaang- Kwaaang!!

The onslaught from the attack force was instantaneous.

Jeong Seon-young ‘s ultimate freezing-type magic, various lightning-type magic, and the blessings of the archer-type Holders’ arrows.

In addition, the physical attacks from the warrior-type Holders in the front.

The attacks of nearly 50 pure dealers were combined.

This succeeded in stripping off Swirl Leviathan’s hide.

“It’s working! We’re dealing damage!”

“S-grade monsters aren’t so tough! Just like this…”

Is that dialogue a standard line?

Swirl Leviathan, who had crouched down after the attack, stood up again.

Its appearance was much shaggier than before, indicating that the attack had a significant effect.


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