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“Did you get promoted to a C-grade Holder then?” Kim Chae-eun asked me while eating grape-flavored pudding with both hands.

After showcasing my cooking skills, we were enjoying a relaxing dessert time.

“Yeah. I went on a one-day hunting spree, and it happened.”

“Wow… That’s fast. I’ve never heard of anyone achieving results that quickly.”

“I stumbled upon an undiscovered dungeon on the way. That significantly shortened the evaluation period.”

The dungeon called ‘Goblin Lair’ was a haven for monsters. It was teeming with C-grade monsters, Goblins, scattered all around, seemingly endless to hunt.

Once I successfully cleared the Goblin Lair, I managed to accomplish all the goals set by the Association within two days. It was the result of being completely devoted to hunting day and night.

Lee Ji-hye, who was the examiner, looked at me as if I were a monster myself. Even I find it hard to believe how fast I was hunting.

Anyway, I completed my promotion. I am now a true C-grade Holder.

“That dungeon… the Goblin Lair, right? Is it really yours now?” Kim Chae-eun asked, her eyes shining with curiosity.

Usually, clans own most dungeons. Exploration, conquest, and management require the collective strength of a group. However, this undiscovered dungeon, the Goblin Lair, was solely mine. Since I managed all the processes usually carried out by a clan by myself, I had no problem passing the ownership assessment.

“Yes. I made a contract with the Association at a 7:3 profit-sharing ratio.”

“30%? Why did they take such a big cut?”

“Because the Association handles the management. They handle the entrance fees and check the dungeon’s yields. From my perspective, I get to sit back and earn money, that’s all.”

“Do dungeons really make that much money?”

“Yes. Holders prefer dungeons over fields because they are filled with monsters.”

Unlike the scarce appearances of monsters outside the boundary in fields, dungeons are overflowing with monsters and regenerate on a weekly basis. So, naturally, Holders prefer dungeons over fields. As a result, owning a dungeon brings significant revenue.

First, Holders have to pay an entrance fee to enter a dungeon, and they also have to pay a fee based on the results of their hunting inside. The income from magic stones incurs a 50% fee, while other products incur a 20% fee. The Association then splits this revenue with Holders at a 7:3 ratio.

The income from entrance fees alone is substantial, but the revenue from magic stones and other products is beyond imagination. Literally sitting and making money, it’s no wonder why clans vie to own dungeons.

“Heh… fascinating.”

“If you ever want to hunt alone, you can go there. Except for the boss, all the monsters are C-grade, so it’s easier to hunt.”

“For free?”

“Of course.”

Kim Chae-eun, and even other friends if they wish to enter, will be able to do so for free.

The Academy’s Underground Dungeon that we tried with a five-member party would have been much harder if not for them. I probably wouldn’t have made this much progress in such a short time, and I might not have been able to save Kim Chae-eun during the evaluation last semester.

Being a [Rune Hunter] or [Effort of the Seeker] is great, but having a party or companions was the real key to a Holder’s growth.

“I’ll pass. It seems too challenging for me.”

However, Kim Chae-eun didn’t hesitate much. She immediately declined.


“Ugh… How can a mage-type handle solo play? I’ll get hurt for sure since I can’t tank.”

“But you’ve been learning swordsmanship lately.”

“That’s for self-defense.”

Why does a Holder learn self-defense martial arts? It’s pointless from the start.

“But still, aren’t there people who do it occasionally? Like… Kang Juyeon?”

After thinking for a moment, I tilted my head and said.

“… Kang Juyeon?”

“Do you want to die?”


Oops, I touched a sensitive spot again. For some reason, Kim Chae-eun seems to feel a sense of rivalry with Kang Juyeon. They are of the same age and class, but Kang Juyeon is a higher-grade B-grade Holder and the successor of one of Korea’s three major clans. Moreover, she had witnessed Kang Juyeon’s powerful performance firsthand during a party, making it quite natural for her to aspire to catch up to her.

Hmm, the desire for improvement is always the driving force behind growth. It must be due to that, right?

“Alright, then. Let’s go together later.”


“Yes. Honestly, it was a bit tough with just the two of us in the underground dungeon. We pushed ourselves too much. The Goblin Lair will be much easier to hunt.”

While I can manage to conquer the dungeon alone, there’s no harm in teaming up with Kim Chae-eun. A reliable dealer is always helpful. Hunting speed will increase, efficiency will improve with role distribution, and I can also develop my tanking skills, which I lack.

Going on a dungeon conquest together is quite exciting.

Kim Chae-eun’s face also blushed inexplicably.

“Ah, except for this summer vacation. During the vacation, I’ll be an intern clan member.”

His words instantly cooled down the warm atmosphere.

Ah, why did I bring it up?

Kim Chae-eun looked at me with a casual eye roll.

“So, you’re going to get in there after all? The Judgment of Fire?”

“…It’s a good opportunity as a Holder. It would be a shame to miss it.”

“Tsk. Then it’ll be hard to see each other during the vacation.”

Then it’ll be hard to have meals together during the vacation.

This feeling must be a mistake. I must be imagining it.

Beep! Beep!

By the time I finished organizing my planned actions, an abrupt disaster alert rang loudly on our phones.

Kim Chae-eun and I exchanged glances simultaneously.

We put down the pudding we were eating and checked the message.

[Korean Holder Association] Emergency Disaster Message

-At 19:08 on June 27th, an S-grade presumed field monster appeared in an area 4 km northeast of Dongbuk-dong, Pohang. All nearby residents are advised to evacuate to the shelter according to the Association’s instructions.

[Korean Holder Association] Temporary Attack Force Notice

-Currently, an S-grade presumed monster has emerged in front of the East Sea. We are forming a temporary attack force for the hunting of this field monster. The force will consist of 5 A-grade Holders, 20 B-grade Holders, and 50 C-grade Holders. For details and the breakdown by type, please refer to the Korean Holder Association’s official website. Holders who wish to participate in the attack force should apply to the Association immediately. If an S-grade Holder expresses interest, the number of B-grade and C-grade Holders may be reduced to zero.

Finally, it has come.

The hunt for the S-grade monster, Swirl Leviathan.




My application to join the attack force went smoothly. Although I was just promoted to C-grade and still a rookie Holder, I had shown promising abilities and achievements in evaluations, so fortunately, I was selected for the attack force based on my specialization. Moreover, Lee Ji-hye, who had overseen my promotion assessment, was a great help.

-If there’s anything you need help with, feel free to contact me. I’ll do my best to assist you if it’s something I can do.

Her words encouraged me. I never missed this opportunity and immediately sent her a message after submitting my attack force application. Luckily, there was a senior Holder of hers who was in charge of the disaster monster hunting attack force. With no issues in my application, I easily got in. Truly, networking pays off.

“Whoa, an S-grade monster, it’s nerve-wracking.”

“…Why are you here?”

I asked Kim Chae-eun, who was sticking closely to my side.

After receiving the official notice and the confirmation of the temporary attack force formation, she followed me all the way to Pohang. Kim Chae-eun’s holder grade is F, just like my previous self, having never updated it since registration. As an F-grade Holder, she couldn’t participate in the attack force, even though I explained it thoroughly, her persistence couldn’t be stopped.

“You left me out when you went to Bukhansan, and now you’re coming alone again? I feel wronged.”

“What’s there to feel wronged about…”

“Anyway, I feel wronged!”

“Stay here, even if you came for the hunt, you can’t participate. I told you, only C-grade and above can participate.”

“Hehe, it’s okay. I’ll wait at the safe line.”

Was she here for the hunt or for a trip? Anyway, we arrived in Pohang as we stepped off the warp gate.

Facing the East Sea where Swirl Leviathan appeared, many Holders had already gathered near Guryongpo, Pohang. I came as quickly as possible, but it seemed I was slightly late.

I quickly approached the Holder Association staff at the safe line and said, “I’m Do Jae-hyun, a C-grade Holder assigned to the temporary disaster monster hunting attack force. Can I receive instructions?”

After quickly checking the list, the staff nodded. “Nice to meet you. Holder Do Jae-hyun, you can head to the southeast direction where this magic stone points. Join the Warrior Team 5. The situation is urgent, so hurry.”

“Yes, understood. Thank you.”

“What about the person next to you?”

“Oh, she’s a companion. Not a member of the attack force.”

“Companions can wait over here. Under no circumstances should they cross into the safe line.”

After hearing the staff’s instructions, I turned to look at Kim Chae-eun. She nodded as if to reassure me, saying, “Be careful and come back safely. Don’t push yourself like last time and get injured!”

“I got it. I’ll eat pudding if I’m bored.”

“Tsk. You ate too much and felt bloated.”

Making a silly joke, I turned and faced forward.


Thankfully, I had the [Sprint] rune, which allowed me to move at a much faster speed than others. Even though I was slightly late, I managed to reach my assigned squad without any problem.

However, as soon as I arrived at the scene…


I felt expletives involuntarily.

The coast of Pohang was devastated. There was no sign of the beauty it once had. Everything was in chaos. Houses that looked like residential areas were all destroyed, and nearby ships, cars, and roads were all in ruins.

The only fortunate thing might be that there were no casualties? But even that could be obscured, as there might have been evacuations already.

Nothing was properly intact…

The term widespread destruction perfectly described the scene.

It was the aftermath of an S-grade monster’s appearance.

Surrounding the area, numerous Holders had gathered to hunt the monster.

“Oh, it’s coming! Be careful!”

“Damn it! Everyone, get out of the way!”

And as soon as I arrived…

An immense vibration shook the ground.

Instantly, all the 18 Holders in front of me hurriedly fled.

Have they never experienced this before?

Their movements were swift and precise.

The perpetrator of the vibration quickly revealed itself.

Goo Goo Goo-

With a thunderous sound…

A colossal sea monster emerged from the water.

-Kaaarrr…!! Aaaaah-!!

The monster stood between the land and the sea, at a certain height. It took less than a second to narrow that space. Countless breakwaters turned to dust, and the concrete on the ground melted like ice cream.

The creature that single-handedly destroyed everything around it.


“It’s a wyrm, a dragon…!”

A monster with overwhelming destructive power and an imposing presence just by its appearance.

An S-grade monster that I had only read about in text, but was now facing with my own eyes.

It was the appearance of Swirl Leviathan.

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