Confession (4)

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“Long time no see, Jin-woo.”


At the sudden appearance of this person, Park Jin-woo doubted his eyes.

While his father was normally a wanderer like a migratory bird going all over the world, for the past few years he had rarely come home.

His father, Park Ji-hwan.

He had returned home as if it were a lie.

Moreover, his mother and younger sister were out grocery shopping, not at home…

At this ghostly timing.

Park Jin-woo narrowed his eyes.

“Don’t tell me you came at this time on purpose?”

“…If your mother and younger sister see me, they might try to kill me.”

“That’s true.”

He readily agreed to the highly probable statement.

Recently, his younger sister’s temper had become especially fiery, but witnessing the wrath of the final boss of the household, their mother, in that state… Was something Park Jin-woo also did not want.

“So what’s the sudden reason for your visit?”

Though his tone sounded somewhat aggressive, it was a question he asked out of pure curiosity.

His father only came home when there was something really necessary, so there must be a reason for this visit too.

“As expected of my son. You can read your dad’s mind well.”

At that, Park Ji-hwan smiled brightly, but Park Jin-woo shook his head.

“Ugh – just get to the point.”

“…Ahem. Right. Dad came to see your friend.”


Park Jin-woo tilted his head at the sudden word.

This wasn’t a proud fact, but…

Park Jin-woo didn’t actually have that many friends.

He thought of one woman’s face first.

“Don’t tell me you came to see Camilla?”

“Camilla? Who’s that. You have a foreign friend too?”


Well, of course.

There’s no way his dad would know Camilla.

After nodding lightly, Park Jin-woo mentioned the name of his closest friend.

“Then did you come to see Do Jae-hyun?”

“Right, Jae-hyun. I don’t have much time right now, but when I went to his house, he wasn’t there.”

“His house? How do you know Jae-hyun’s house?”

When Park Jin-woo asked back in puzzlement, Park Ji-hwan cleared his throat again and answered.

“Ahem, it’s like that. Anyway, can you give me that friend’s number? I think I’ll need to contact him when I have time later.”

The Ludenark Sect.

The group Park Ji-hwan had been pursuing for a long time had surfaced.

It was time to make contact with Do Jae-hyun, who held the key to the core.

“But Jae-hyun is a little busy right now.”


“Yes, it would probably be better to call him much later or tomorrow.”

A friend’s suffering is my joy.

Thinking of Do Jae-hyun who must be suffering, Park Jin-woo snickered.

“He’s become a thief now, so he has to kneel and get permission for something.”




Taking a step towards the international flow! South Korea also implements the ‘Hendricks Law’…

The much-talked-about polygamy bill, how did it pass so quickly?

The <Judgment of Fire> Kang Woo-hyun, “I think it’s a sufficiently necessary bill”

<Royal> Official Statement, “We support the choice of the association and the parliament”

The ‘Liam Hendricks Law’, which had only been discussed domestically until now.

It was a polygamy bill that had already become a global trend, but its implementation in South Korea was delayed due to various issues.

However, when the key figures of the three major domestic clans moved, the resolution was instantaneous.

The stagnant bill swiftly passed, and through official statements, public opinion in each clan was also steered in a positive direction.

Even the headlines of the articles pouring out from the media are favorable.

The ‘permission’ of Kang Woo-hyun and Moon Jong-hyuk, two giants of the Holder faction…

It was certainly not just a simple permission.

“It seems Holder Do Jae-hyun has put aside even his esteemed father-in-law.”

A soft voice is heard beyond the fingertips clutching the newspaper.

The familiar room and sofa I’ve often been to.

The familiar face and physique sitting on it.

Kim Myeong-hyun, the professor who taught me martial arts and another respected elder.

I sat before him with utmost respect, seeking his permission.

The object of permission was, of course, Kim Chae-eun.

“I was really surprised. Is this really because of the three major domestic clans?”

As my teacher continues to marvel at the articles…

I carefully broached the subject.

“You are also an esteemed person, teacher.”

Although not as renowned as Kang Woo-hyun or Moon Jung-hyuk, my teacher is still a formidable Holder.

He had a high reputation as an academy professor, and his educational philosophy was also firm, earning the respect of many.

Particularly, creating his own swordsmanship and elevating it to the rune [Water Sword Technique ]…

It proved that he was a top-ranking A-grade Holder who had accumulated years of experience and skill.

At my admiring gaze towards him,

Professor Kim Myeong-hyun suddenly burst into hearty laughter and waved his hand.

“Haha. That’s not what I meant. I was just marveling at those two. I might have misspoken.”

He briefly placed the newspaper on the table and looked at me.

Like his gentle voice, his eyes still held a warm energy.

“I hope Holder Do Jae-hyun also feels their greatness. Although the two readily permitted your simultaneous relationships, there must have been a lot of contemplation and intense emotions they had to endure.”

My teacher’s words conveyed much.

That although Kang Woo-hyun and Moon Jung-hyuk treated me comfortably with smiles, there was a long period of contemplation before reaching that point.

That a father’s heart is not so simple when he has a daughter.

Likewise, the words from my teacher, who also has a daughter and is about to give me permission… they resounded deeply in my heart.

“I will keep that in mind.”

I nodded firmly, and my teacher gave me another warm smile.

“I will also permit you to meet Chae-eun. To be honest, when I first heard about it, I wanted to beat Holder Do Jae-hyun to a pulp, student or not…”

He trailed off and took out a letter from his pocket.

“But after reading this letter, I couldn’t do that. I suppose there’s no father who can overpower his daughter.”

A blue letter with a frost flower emblem.

There were a whopping 5 pages densely written.

A letter Kim Chae-eun wrote herself to persuade her father.

It detailed why she came to like me, how she met her three friends, and her honest feelings through it all…

Various stories were crammed into it.

A letter solely intended to make her father understand the current situation.

Reading it, I felt both apologetic and grateful towards her.

‘…They all worked so hard.’

It wasn’t just Kim Chae-eun.

I heard that Kang Juyeon and Moon Ga-eun also spent a long time persuading their fathers.

They emphasized that they had discussed it among themselves first, and honestly expressed that they all genuinely loved me.

What was considered only an obstacle, the permission of the fathers.

To obtain this relatively easily…

There were deep efforts from the girlfriends.

“Holder Do Jae-hyun.”

My teacher suddenly placed his hand on my shoulder and spoke to me.

And we quietly met gazes.

Ironically, I could read the emotion held in his eyes.


It was certainly an immeasurable love for his daughter, Kim Chae-eun.

“Please cherish Chae-eun a lot. As Holder Do Jae-hyun may also know, Chae-eun is a child who grew up receiving only half the love from her parents. She has grown up lacking, and needs that much more affection.”

Kim Chae-eun does not have a mother.

A fact I naturally came to know from being acquainted with her for a long time.

I did not delve deeply into it.

Chae-eun also did not want to talk about her mother in detail, and Professor Kim Myeong-hyun, who is my teacher, did not mention it either.

Although I still do not know the precise details, the teacher was directly mentioning that part to me and making a request.

“Please fill the lacking affection, Holder Do Jae-hyun. From what I’ve seen of Chae-eun, she will gladly accept that affection from you.”

As much as the lacking love from her mother…

He was making the most courteous request a father could, asking me to fill Chae-eun with more love.

“I will keep it in mind for life.”

I quietly nodded my head and promised him.

Seeing that, the teacher also smiled brightly and nodded.

“How reassuring.”

It was the moment of receiving…

The final permission to freely meet my lovers.

“Well then…”

The teacher, who had been enjoying the lingering feelings of emotion, suddenly clapped his hands and took out his sword.

“Shall we go to the training grounds?”


“Since we’ve finished the important matter, we should slowly start the lesson. Today we agreed to research the new ultimate skill of the Flowing Sword style that you discovered, right?”

My master made a cruel remark with a faint smile.

That’s right.

Before being my master, Professor Kim Myeong-hyun…

Was the combat instructor who taught dedicated lessons.

‘No, I want to rest a bit today…’

I was in despair at the lesson proceeding without exception.

In fact, I had been running non-stop until now, and over the past few days, the mental fatigue from obtaining the fathers’ permission had accumulated, and I really wanted to rest, but…

“Sword training research together with the son-in-law. It will be such a fun time. Haha.”

With those words, I couldn’t even open my mouth.

‘This is unfair.’

In this situation where I had just received permission to date…

Moreover, I even had a chance to score points.

There was no way I could disappoint my master here.

T/N: Hi guys, this novel will be done with translation in about 3-5 months depending on tier, so I need a new novel to translate. You can drop your suggestions in the comment and will drop a poll in about a weeks.

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Anyway… Happy Reading!!!

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