Special Press Conference

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– The Glorious Return of <Ripple Raid>! Perfect Raid Success…

– Following Transcendents, Adaptors… New Concepts Emerging One After Another.

– Official Dungeon Name <Wolfenser>, When Will It Open?

– In the End, There Was a Path Where Do Jae-hyun Went! Another Dungeon to Overturn the Holder Realm…

After successfully clearing the dungeon <Wolfenser>, even without a chance to share the joy of returning, the Holder realm was already in chaos.

The monsters with intellectual abilities called ‘Adaptors’.

And the war they waged by dividing into factions…

With the emergence of new concepts that seemed like real stories, Holders began to be thrilled.

A dungeon where the raiding direction changes entirely depending on their choices.

For high-level Holders who were tired of monotonous dungeon raids, it was really a refreshing rain in the drought.

<Wolfenser Raid Report Press Conference – Holder Do Jae-hyun>

Thanks to that, I was inevitably caught for a ‘special press conference’.

Due to the sensational impact nationwide and the new paradigm of dungeon raids, there was a need to fully explain it to the public.

‘…Though I don’t really have to come.’

Actually, this is something the Holder Association should handle, but somehow I ended up coming.

This was because the Holder realm and the public really wanted to hear the raid party’s report directly, and also because the association president kept pleading for me to attend.

The knowledge gap between someone who directly experienced the dungeon and those at the association who only checked reports is incomparable from the start.

‘Ji-hye also asked me to.’

Moreover, the reason I bothered to attend this press conference… Was because Ji-hye, who has a deep connection with me, directly asked me to.

[Holder Lee Ji-hye], if it’s okay, could you attend this press conference in person? It’s become a major issue domestically and internationally, and it would be more effective if the person involved explains directly. Feel free to decline if you’re too busy!

She had only helped me so far, and had never asked for my help like this before.

I heard she got promoted rapidly thanks to my achievements, but indirectly receiving help and directly providing support are different.

Moreover, there was also the greater purpose of informing Holders domestically and internationally, so I gladly attended the press conference.

“Holder Do Jae-hyun! Is it true that you hunted 15 A-grade monsters Virgens simultaneously? You chained water and lightning attributes?”

Of course, not all reporters were polite.

There was a reporter who got overly excited and asked first without waiting their turn or even stating their name and affiliation…

“Hey, you punk! Is Holder Do Jae-hyun your friend? Don’t you use honorifics?”

…And my devoted follower who was worse than Do Seung-min.

It was truly a fantastic collaboration.

Although the first question was a bit subpar, the logic of the rebuking reporter was also flawed.


Calling someone a ‘punk’ just for not using honorifics once?

“What? Punk?”

“Yeah, punk! You’re from MTN, right? I looked into it as soon as a non-holder magazine got invited to this huge press conference.”

“Hey! Are you done talking?!”



The situation was resolved quickly.

In the end, the two were subdued by security and cleanly removed.

Perhaps because this was the first official press conference I’ve attended, with such a huge scale, there were bound to be a few of these reporters despite the strict selection process.

“For information on the raid party’s activities or the dungeon, please refer to the records released by the association. They are well organized with videos and reports.”

I said that preemptively in case any other reporters asked the same question.

Except for the ‘Clark Dawn Raid’ that couldn’t be filmed due to circumstances, most information on <Ripple Raid>’s <Wolfenser> raid was made public.

Since this dungeon emerged as a key to the Holder realm, we had agreed with the association from the start, and I had gotten consent from all raid party members regarding this.

Just browsing the community, there are already circulating videos related to the raid party, so I don’t know what that reporter was thinking with that question.

“I’m Kang Eun-chan from HBN. In this achievement report, Holder Do Jae-hyun mentioned the term ‘Adaptor’. Could you perhaps explain that concept more precisely?”

Still, after the situation calmed down, there were quite constructive questions.

A quintessential press conference question.

I spoke into the microphone to explain, “Our raid party also learned about it through the information window, so it’s not entirely accurate. But it seems to refer to existences within the dungeon with high intellectual abilities. If the conditions are met, they can communicate with Holders, and in some cases, even cooperate in raiding the dungeon. They are no longer monsters to be hunted, but Adaptors of the parallel world and dungeon.”

Existences within the dungeon that can communicate with humans.

It was similar to the ‘Transcendent’ concept that emerged before, so some scholars even call dungeons like <Wolfenser> the ‘Adaptor’s Realm’.

“So do Adaptors use both Runes and items?”

“What is the exact difference between Adaptors and Transcenders?”

With those questions from reporter Kang Eun-chan leading the way, a flurry of questions poured out.

Among them were many nutrient-rich questions worth answering, and I responded to the answers as proactively as possible.

Of course, there were some perplexing questions as well.

“Holder Do Jae-hyun. What do you think about your chances of being promoted to an S-grade Holder?”

An S-grade Holder.

The highest level a Rune Holder could attain, and a rare rank with only 5 existing in Korea.

Recently, there has been steady talk about my promotion to S-grade.

It made sense, because no matter how big the gap between the same ranks, wasn’t it questionable to consider me a regular A-grade Holder when I displayed the insane skill of hunting 15 A-grade monsters simultaneously?

As the somewhat sensitive topic arose, the press conference room was tinged with tension.

To exaggerate a little…

It seemed like everyone was just waiting for me to open my mouth.

Approaching the microphone slowly, I opened my mouth against that atmosphere.

The answer was simple.

“I think it’s possible.”




The reporters were flustered by my overly confident answer.

But I didn’t want to beat around the bush and drag it out on this part.

Both personally and objectively.

I was clearly close to being an S-grade Holder.

Of course, the average level of the Runes I had to overcome was still around 10, and my stats were a bit lacking, but there were plenty of other ways to make up for it.

I had already shown a state of full doping equal to Hwang Seong-yeon, so it was almost laughable to call that a regular A-grade Holder.

“However, even I can feel that there are still some shortcomings. I will try to improve on those parts as quickly as possible, and meet the conditions… And take the promotion exam in due time.”

The S-grade Holder promotion exam is very complicated.

First of all, there are no Holders in the Korean Holder Association who can examine S-grade Holders, so multiple S-grade Holders and senior A-grade Holders are invited to conduct the examination.

Even if one manages to pass the exam, it’s not over.

The S-grade Holder rank represents a globally significant position by its name alone, so an additional examination by the ‘International Holder Association’ is required.

‘Most Holders don’t get recognized if they can’t pass the international examination.’

Of course, since Korea is a powerhouse when it comes to Holders, there are quite a few Korean Holders within the International Holder Association as well, so the domestic additional examination was practically enough.

For reference, all 5 of the domestic S-grade Holders had passed the international certification as well.

“Holder Do Jae-hyun! Then what about Pamun’s attack team going forward…”

“What about the additional strategy for Wolfenser…”

“What exactly is the Ludenark Sect…”

In any case, the press conference proceeded smoothly afterwards.

With my willingness to answer any question, the reporters freely poured out their curiosities.

I also had no hesitation other than the S-grade Holder topic, so I freely completed my answers.

In particular, when the topics of Hwang Seong-yeon and the Ludenark Sect came up, I wanted to give a stern warning with a strong tone.

“The Ludenark Sect is a new enemy our Holder society must pursue. They have been the mastermind behind countless villainous acts, and most of the human experiments they conducted were the work of Ludenark. A group that personifies evil. As Transcender Canales described, they are an organization at the center of evil.”

Through this dungeon strategy, the veil was completely lifted.

The Holder societies of Korea and other countries…

Have started paying attention to the Ludenark Sect.

The potential risk is growing day by day, with even Hwang Seong-yeon, the Sub-Master of <Villain>, joining the fray.

“How these beings from the other world operate in the present, and how much power and influence they wield… There is still much that has not been revealed. This will be a homework for our Holder society to figure out going forward.”

The press conference wrapped up without any issues.

It seemed like the delivery of new information and heightened vigilance against Ludenark were well organized as I needed.


The news articles I checked on my way home…

-[Breaking News] Do Jae-hyun declares challenge for S-grade Holder!

-Do Jae-hyun’s bombshell statement shocks the hall… Who will be the S-grade Holder examiner?

-When asked about the possibility of becoming an S-grade Holder, “I think it’s possible.”

<Related Articles>

-Park Jin-woo and Kim Chae-eun. The emergence of other powerful rookies…

-Moon Ga-eun becomes a Multi-Holder, will she surpass her father Moon Jung-hyuk?

-Surprise star Do Seung-min interview, “Do Jae-hyun is a god.”

Were all focused on sensationalism.

“…I told them to write about Ludenark.”

Why was it so predictable?

I knew it would turn out like this, but the reporters were really consistent.

With a sigh, I put away my phone.

“Well, at least I got through it… And wrapped it up nicely.”

The busy vacation I had planned was now over.

While digging into the LudenarK Sect, I learned about the existence of a new enemy, but I also gained a lot from this vacation.

The end of a fulfilling winter break.

Now it was time to welcome the new semester.

T/N: Hi guys, this novel will be done with translation in about 3-5 months depending on tier, so I need a new novel to translate. You can drop your suggestions in the comment and will drop a poll in about a weeks.

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Anyway… Happy Reading!!!

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