Hot Victory Report (5)

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“Oh, Do Jae-hyun. Could you calm them down a bit?”

“Why do you keep asking me to calm them down? It’s the nickname they got themselves.”

“Damn it friend, please.”

He only calls me a friend when it’s convenient for him.

I ignored Park Jin-woo’s earnest plea and walked away.

At any rate, after confirming the safety of my two lovers, one friend, and many members of the raid team that I was most concerned about, the anxiety in my heart was somewhat relieved.

Fortunately, there seemed to be no casualties within the attack team.


“Ah, Seung-min.”

Passing by the parade-like line of Lycan, I arrived at one section and there was someone I had been waiting for.

Before the dawn raid began.

No, from the very beginning when the <Ripple Raid> was created, there was a member assigned a special mission… Do Seung-min.

Usually a mischievous younger brother and an ardent fan admiring me, but now he bowed his head solemnly and reported.

“I succeeded in tying up Angela Gremville. I have secured evidence that she was communicating with the Ludenark sect as you said, brother, and I have captured the situation where she tried to escape the camp at dawn.”

In the end, Angela turned out to be the spy of the Ludenark sect.

She had thoroughly hidden the fact that she was a spy, but in the end, she could not withstand the overwhelming situation and my hint that ‘she might have already been discovered.’

In fact, I only had a hunch and no evidence, so it wasn’t easy to openly monitor her. But it seems Seung-min faithfully carried out the role assigned to him.

“You’ve worked hard. It must not have been easy to detain such a high-ranking mage.”

“Jiten and the other Lycan helped a lot. Thanks to you, brother.”

Seung-min, who had been operating alone during the surveillance, had Lycan assigned to him at the start of Clak’s raid, thanks to a request to Enrichten.

Including Jiten, who had given us the [Token of Trust], a total of three Lycan were assigned solely to assist Seung-min’s activities.

Thanks to them, it seems Angela’s detention went more smoothly than expected.

No matter how powerful a mage she was from the Ludenark sect, she could not fend off the combined attack of three close-range A-grade monsters and a B-grade assassin Holder.

“She’s in the prisoner tent now. Would you like to see her?”

“Yeah, let’s go for a bit.”

Following Seung-min’s suggestion, we went to the prisoner tent.

As he said, Jiten and the Lycan were keeping Angela locked up inside.

It seemed there had been some struggle in the short time, as her hair was disheveled and there were scratches all over her body.

Biting her lip tightly, she…

As soon as she saw my face at the entrance, she widened her eyes.

“Captain! What is this? Can you arbitrarily detain an innocent member like this?”

Well, well.

Coming out all brazen like that?

Seeing Angela spewing nonsense without batting an eye, I stuck out my tongue and approached her.

Even with the evidence out, she did not lose her impudence.

“When I return to the present world, I will officially file a complaint with the Korean Holder Association and the Seoul Holder Academy. For a Korean student Holder, just because he’s a captain, to do this to an American student Holder–!!”

“Are you not an American Holder anymore?”

“…What did you say?”

I poured cold water on the enraged Angela.

Lowering my head to meet her gaze, I spoke slowly.

“You know your friends from the Ludenark sect and Hwang Seong-yeon all lost to us and ran away, right?”

I heard the rough situation from Park Jin-woo.

In the area he was in, there were definitely two mages that looked like ‘humans’, using powerful magic to pressure our troops.

They must have been the main members of the Ludenark sect.

The superiors who ordered Angela to be a spy.

As I mentioned them, Angela’s expression hardened.

“…I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“You don’t have to pretend not to know. It won’t change anything. Anyway, they lost and ran away. Well, they probably found some way to return to the present world, just like how they entered this place.”

I don’t know exactly how they entered this dungeon either.

That’s probably something I’ll have to interrogate Angela about.

But they must have had some faith, which made them infiltrate without considering the risks.

That’s why I didn’t bother ordering the raid team or our troops to chase after them.

I figured they had already returned to the present world anyway.

“But those guys… The traces of communication with you, the information related to you, the identity they prepared for you in America – do you think they’ll leave all that as is?”

Angela’s eyes shook slightly.

I shook my head lightly and continued.

“I don’t think so. They’ll probably erase anything suspicious. There’s no reason to leave anything behind.”


Angela, who had been full of spirit until just before, was now listening to my words in a dazed state.

It seemed she was finally grasping the situation.

Then I smiled faintly and added.

“Angela. Do you know why I suspected you from the beginning?”

The spy of the Ludenark sect.

The reason I gradually narrowed my suspicions down to Angela.

To be precise, I didn’t suspect her from the very start.

Initially, she was recognized as a talented and insightful member of the raid team. And if being from America was grounds for suspicion, then Camilla should have been a target too.


“I sensed a familiar aura from you. Definitely something I felt somewhere before.”

The all too familiar aura I felt from Angela.

At first, I couldn’t tell if it was negative or positive…

Honestly, I was a bit confused at first.

But now, I clearly know its identity.

“You were the creator of the Bone Dragon, weren’t you?”


The Bone Dragon.

While she may not have been the sole creator, she at least participated in creating the original form of the ‘undead’ that is now my contractor, Tyrbon.

The faint aura I sensed from her was Tyrbon’s.

A skilled undead creator of the Ludenark sect.

That must have been her true identity.

Hearing all those deductions and facts, Angela’s expression became one of resignation.

I whispered quietly into her ear.

“I’ll make good use of the Bone Dragon. So you should just resign yourself to it now. When you return, no matter how much you protest, you’ll be immediately investigated.”

Angela Gremville, the spy of the Ludenark sect.

There was no way out for her.




The Allied Forces of Baraten did not drag things out.

They had already secured one victory in a major battle and had backed their enemies into a corner… There was no reason to give them time to retreat back to the city and defend.

After a short rest, they marched directly to the enemy’s city.

They swept away all the remaining wolves of the Clark faction, achieving successive great victories.

And in ‘Wolfenser’, which was the <City of the Estranged Wolves>…

All the defected wolves had gathered there.

In the center was Enrichten, the leader of Baraten.

“Warriors! This is the head of Blake, the leader of Tol Clark! Victory! Our Baraten has won the long war between the Lycan tribes!”

Enrichten raised the severed head of Blake, the enemy commander.

At this sight, all the wolves of the Baraten faction went into raptures.


“We won! We finally won!”

“For Baraten! For our human friends!”

All the wolfmen embraced each other, and even hugged the humans, celebrating their victory.

The process of coming into the dungeon that had been like a wasteland, helping Baraten form an alliance, and fighting and defeating Clark…

That process, whether long or short, had finally borne fruit.

[You have led the ‘Baraten Faction’ to victory in the Tribal War! You have fulfilled one of the various liberation conditions within the dungeon. The city of ‘Wolfenser’ does not have a special boss room, and the special audience chamber within the palace serves as a substitute for the boss room.]

[Amazing Achievement! You have helped the ‘Adaptors’ overcome a trial that no one else has accomplished before. With this unbelievable feat, all of your abilities experience rapid and dazzling growth.]

[You gain 3 points each to all general and special abilities, and 1 point each to all resistance abilities.]

[The level of the ‘Warriors’ Enhancement Arts’ rune has increased!……]

[The level of the ‘Power of the Boiling Werewolf’ rune has increased!……]

And at that moment,

The system also acknowledged that the dungeon had been fully conquered.

Since the condition for clearing the dungeon itself was to lead one faction to victory in the war, there seemed to be no special boss room.

The special audience chamber within the palace was likely just a rest room.

However, there was something more important.


The new term ‘Adaptor’ that appeared in the information window.

Just as the <Transcendent Chamber> faced the great and distant Transcendent, beings like the Baraten faction who could communicate and cooperate with humans seemed to be collectively called ‘Adaptors’.

The dungeon <Wolfenser> was indeed different from existing dungeons.

It was clearly a different form from simply hunting mindless monsters, and thanks to this, the result of successful conquest was recorded as an ‘amazing achievement’ and provided exceptional rewards.

The ability scores grew rapidly again, and certain runes also leveled up.

<Rune Information>

◎Name: Do Jae-hyun

◎Gender: Male (21)

◎General Abilities

◎ [Strength: 103]

◎ [Magic: 100]

◎ [Speed: 106]

◎ [Recovery: 70]

◎ [Toughness: 73]

◎ [Willpower: 73]

◎Resistance Abilities

◎ [Fire: 22]

◎ [Water: 24]

◎ [Earth: 15]

◎ [Wind: 15]

◎ [Lightning: 19]

◎ [Poison: 18]

◎Special Abilities

◎ [Leadership: 65]

‘My magic has also reached 100 now.’

The ability scores that had stagnated for a while had all surpassed 70, reaching very high values. The main abilities (strength, speed, magic) had all exceeded 100.

At this level…

There would be no place where I would be inferior in terms of abilities.

Just when fighting against Hwang Seong-yeon previously, I had engaged in an intense battle using [Dragon Transformation] and [Dragon Spell].

“Do Jae-hyun.”

As I was briefly checking the information window,

Enrichten, surrounded by the cheers of the Lycan, approached and spoke to me.

And the reason was probably one.

“I would like to invite you and your friends from the Assault Team to the palace of our Wolfenser.”

The <Ripple Raid>, now friends of the Lycan.

To give us the true reward for conquering the dungeon.

T/N: Hi guys, this novel will be done with translation in about 3-5 months depending on tier, so I need a new novel to translate. You can drop your suggestions in the comment and will drop a poll in about a weeks.

Access to all month’s chapter + 10/20 chapters ahead for 18$/32$ via Buymeacoffee

Schedule: 4 ch per wk @ [mon, wed, fri, sun]

Anyway… Happy Reading!!!

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