Acquired the Scam Rune in the Academy

Acquired the Scam Rune in the Academy 244

The Warriors of Baraten (6)

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“An all-out war is too dangerous.”

Enrichten shook his head at my suggestion to swiftly lead the war to conclusion.

Generally, an all-out war is a form of total war mobilizing all available forces.

Unlike local battles or guerrilla warfare, it’s a battle where all forces are poured in, and with that, if the forces are not evenly matched, the tide is likely to turn in one direction.

“Although he has become a damned enemy now, the Clark tribe has long been known among the tribes for its toughness. Their combat power is also very excellent, and the number of their forces is overwhelming.”

We are outnumbered for an all-out war.

There are only 13 Baraten warriors stationed here.

On the other hand, according to Enrichten, there are 22 Clark warriors.

Among them, Duke, who led the scouting unit, has been killed, so 21 remain.

We are outnumbered just in the awakened Lycan warriors, and we also lack greatly in the unawakened Lycans and trained Virgens.

The reason the other Baraten warriors were dispatched one by one to the border areas was to try to contain the unfavorable frontline into localized battles as much as possible.

But I did not give up and persuaded him.

“Reconnaissance or local battles also have limits. Unless we find an amazing trick to reduce the enemy’s forces, we will eventually face an all-out war. Especially here, there are too many wastelands, making it difficult to take advantage of the terrain.”

That’s not all.

The killing of Duke, an awakened Lycan warrior.

Taking this as a turning point, the Clark side will become more aggressive.

They are not fools to sit still after losing their main force.


Enrichten has a pensive look at my reasonable reasons.

Many of the surrounding warriors also seemed to agree, nodding their heads.

At this point, I drove in the wedge I had prepared.

“And most crucially, we have a means to strengthen our warriors.”

“A means of strengthening? What is it?”

“We wear armor.”


Enrichten’s voice is tinged with doubt at the unfamiliar word.

The other Lycan warriors watching our conversation with interest were the same.

Since they had never fought equipped with gear before, my sudden suggestion to ‘use armor’ must have sounded strange.

“Enrichten, and other warriors… As you can see with your own eyes… Our strike force’s combat power is not overwhelmingly strong. It will certainly be helpful in this war, but not strong enough to completely turn the tide of this unfavorable situation.”

It’s only natural.

Most awakened Lycan warriors possess the strength to be classified as S-grade monsters, and generally an S-grade monster requires A and B-grade Holders in a strike force unit to hunt it.

The reason I and Park Jin-woo were able to kill Duke of the Clark side relatively easily…

Was because we used ‘silver weapons’ that showed great power against Lycans, the opponent was a magic-type Lycan, and we landed the full-powered [Accel Piercing] as a preemptive strike.

In other words, not all 32 of our members have the skill level of awakened warriors.

“Still, the reason we could defeat Lycan warriors was due to role division based on abilities and the use of proper equipment for each person.”

Along with those words, I took out two items from my magic bag.

One was an item called [Sturdy Iron Gate].

The other was a plain iron armor.

“This iron gate has its own durability stat. It has exactly 50,000 durability.”

Sometimes actions speak louder than words.

Without long explanations, I placed the [Sturdy Iron Gate] on one side and the armor with a [Sturdy Iron Gate] layered on top of it on the other side.

Then, with force in my right hand, I struck each one hard.

Bang! Bang!

My strength stat of 90.

The [Master of Martial Arts] rune that aids martial arts.

With the fist of a combat Holder that is far from ordinary striking down, the [Sturdy Iron Gate] was so crushed its original form was unrecognizable.


“As you can see, this gate is much more stably protected compared to a regular iron gate. Wearing protective gear will be a great help in defense during battle. Not just against physical attacks, but especially against magic attacks.”

The intuitive experiment showing the defensive power of protective gear.

Looking around at the Baraten warriors who seemed quite surprised, I said, “Therefore, in this war, I intend to provide custom armor for the Baraten warriors.”

“Custom armor…?”


I emptied the magic bag brought in advance by special operatives, spilling the items onto the table.

Clang, clang, clatter.

Dozens, no, hundreds of crafting materials.

Specifically, these gears were…

Not geared to the specifications of regular Holders, but geared to very large and huge specifications.

As if designed for Lycans to wear.

‘This is why I spent all the money I had.’

All this time, the preparations made by Master Blacksmiths like Choi Yoo-min, Lee Hyun-ho, and countless others for clearing the <City of the Estranged Wolves> dungeon.

Included not just silver weapons, but also this Lycan-custom armor.

With the quantity exceeding 100 units, even for normal-grade items, the cost was astronomically high.

“Is this all… Doh Jae-hyun. Are you really going to just give us all this gear for free?”

So perhaps that’s why.

Surprised by the sight before him, Enrichten asked me in wonder…

And an earnest smile formed on my face.

“Of course not. Let’s discuss from now how we can rationally distribute this gear to the warriors.”

War is war.

Business is business.

Free handouts were never in my dictionary.





Camilla Flores stood dumbfounded, her mouth agape at the absurd scene unfolding before her eyes.

A business selling defensive gear against werewolves.

Not only was this ridiculous act being carried out, but they were even charging exorbitant prices – almost 4 to 5 times the original price.

The warriors of Baraten, ignorant of market rates, readily accepted those prices.

Since werewolves had no currency where they lived, they were conducting barter trades with corresponding magic stones, byproducts, and special items.


“…Huh? What?”

Camilla called out to the male member of the attack squad closest to her.

Park Jin-woo.

The Holder she had first met when he came to Korea as an exchange student.

In this attack squad, he was the vice-captain, the person closest to the captain, Do Jae-hyun.

“Captain. Something’s fishy.”


Hearing Camilla’s awkward Korean, Park Jin-woo found himself nodding unwittingly.

Though her friend…

He was truly displaying business acumen as fishy as it gets.

The Lycan purchasers of the defensive gear all had satisfied looks on their faces, an ironic point.

But this was also a reward commensurate with the investment made.

Just the information that werewolves were appearing, coupled with the term ‘Baraten faction’.

That alone allowed him to deduce it was a factional war between monsters, and prepare specialized defensive gear accordingly.

Did he have the ability to see the future?

Such a frivolous thought crossed his mind, as it took an extraordinary amount of audacity to make such an investment.

“He’s a smart one. Capable too. He works unhindered in the direction of the attack squad. That’s probably why this operation has been successfully carried out so far.”

That’s why Park Jin-woo respected his friend.

In leading this attack squad, Do Jae-hyun lacked nothing.

The execution ability to carry out his planned tactics flawlessly.

Unwavering leadership unshaken by any variables.

He even demonstrated overwhelming personal power as a Holder that left all observing squad members aghast…

He was showing everything a squad captain could show.

A temporary attack squad of 21-year-old academy students?

Could they really pull it off?

He had neatly proven his ability, dispelling the doubts of the media and Holder community who had questioned it.

Thanks to him, the previously somewhat unfocused attack squad had now rallied around him, boasting close-knit teamwork.

“I’ve never seen Jin-woo praise someone before.”

Camilla looked at Park Jin-woo in wonder.

This was the same guy who used to only joke around and lament, “That guy’s a total scammer! How is he even an assassin?”

Seeing him give such sincere recognition was refreshingly new.

“Oh, did I? Well, I gotta give credit where it’s due. That guy may seem flippant on the outside, but he gets serious when it comes to leading people. His ability goes without saying.”

Having observed him up close more than anyone…

Park Jin-woo was someone who could acknowledge him.

And seeing that, Camilla slowly nodded her head too.


“Huh? Ah, haha. That Do Jae-hyun kid is kinda cool, I guess. His ability, and his looks too-”

Park Jin-woo’s words sped up slightly in embarrassment.

To which Camilla shook her head.

“Jin-woo is.”


“Jin-woo is cool. For being able to acknowledge and respect others. And Jin-woo is capable too. Jin-woo is smart too.”


The sudden barrage of compliments.

For Park Jin-woo, who listened intently to every word Camilla said, these unexpected praises caught him completely off guard.

Jin-woo is cool.

Jin-woo is cool…

Those words echoed repeatedly in his mind.

The tiny spark burning within his heart…

Felt like it was erupting into a raging volcano.

And he pondered quietly.

‘…Am I really that smart?’

Coming from Camilla, Park Jin-woo wanted to believe every word.

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