After the discussion, Shi Lang left the council building after Xenon had agreed to help him with his plans. The boy was quick in his movements and left just like he came to the place. Xenon has given him an encrypted communicator to talk with her.

The second phase of the plan had kicked in at this moment. Shi Lang was not sitting on his bed, with his eyes closed. The night has just ended and he was cultivating when suddenly his military communicator rang. He opened his eyes and tapped on the accept button. The call connected and the hologram of Archie Arkham formed.

The lady asked, “What is the progress?”

Shi Lang replied, “Reached alliance with the youngest Empress of the native government leaders. She was the one who suffered a rape attempt from the Administrator. She has the reason to align with me and in return, I can put a good word about her to the new administrator. That way her standing among her peer will improve. Mutual benefit.”

Archie nodded but then asked, “How sure are you that she will help you?”

Shi Lang replied, “If she wants her standing and status to improve, then a hundred percent. Do not worry about this boss. I still have a few things to do. Tonight is when we take action.”

Archie Arkham nodded and said, “Godspeed, Ace.”

Shi Lang replied, “Godspeed, Commander.”

The call disconnected and Shi Lang picked up the encrypted communicator given to him by Xenon. This was a phone with one contact inside only, and since Shi Lang did not know how to read or write in the language of the people here, Xenon had to teach him how to initiate a call.

The communicator in his hand looked like a mobile, he pressed a few icons on the screen, and then a call was connected. After a few rings, Xenon’s cold and calm voice sounded from the other side.

“What is the progress?” asked Shi Lang.

The lady replied, “My messenger has set out, I will inform you in a few minutes. He will come you do not have to worry.”

Shi Lang replied, “For both our sakes, I hope that he agrees. The rest of the things?”

“They are ready, the package is delivered at the location we discussed. You can find the place on your military communicator. I hope that you do not falter.” replied Xenon.

The boy replied, “I will not. Till then, Your Majesty.”

He disconnected the call and got off the bed to take a shower and get ready to execute the task.

While Shi Lang was getting ready, in the Terran Military Command Outpost, a native appeared in front of the main gates. The soldiers on duty aimed at her with their guns, making the lady shiver. She said, “I have an urgent message for Sir Administrator. It is very important that he sees it. Please contact him.”

A guard retorted, “Why should we? What is this message and who sent you? We cannot allow just anyone to get inside the base.” he was correct.

The girl said, “Sir, I cannot mention the source who sent me here. But if you can forward a message, I believe the Administrator will be happy to praise you.”

The soldiers all exchanged glances and one of them asked, “What is it?”

The lady slowly took out a letter from her bosom and extended it to the guard with both hands. She said, “Sire, this is the letter that you should give to the administrator. Only he is to receive this. The information inside is very sensitive.”

The lady was wearing a cloak and hiding her face. The guards only heard her voice and the sweetness and weakness of her tone made them all become gentler towards her. The scent that this girl gave off was not something they have ever sensed before. A guard took the letter and said, “Okay, I will help you with this. Go now, you should not spend too much time here.”

The lady bowed to thank the person and left the place quickly. The black cloak hid her face and head completely. She was aware that if she infiltrated the base, she will be discovered and shot at sight. The surveillance was that high inside since her empress has told her to deliver this message secretively, then she decided to charm the guards in the front and have them do it for her.

The girl walked inside an alley and took off her black cloak, revealing a head filled with violet hair. She was very beautiful. A small scar on her chin seemed to give her an aloof charm. The girl fished out a similarly encrypted communicator from under her cloak and after dialing a call she waited. When the call was connected, the lady said, “Your Majesty, the letter has been delivered. I used the whisper daisies to get things done.”

Xenon on the other side said, “You have done well Poem. Now hide and wait for the prey to come out and inform me.”

Poem nodded and the call was disconnected. She had applied the enzymes of Whisper Daisy on her body, to make the people slightly absent-minded. This daisy was medicine the natives used to make them calm down hyperactivity. Cat-men can be really hyperactive at times which may result in them losing control. This plant and its, enzymes were used to counter it.

The guards were slightly light-headed but they did not know the cause of this. They have spent many years on this planet and the atmosphere was not hostile to them. Thus a few months ago they had been cleared from wearing any masks. They were not aware of the effects of whisper daisy. They have never tried it and given the lack of skills without a machine, even the best medical personnel might not notice anything out of ordinary.

The guard did not think much and walked inside the base to hand over the letter to the Administrator. It took him five minutes to reach the place and then he knocked on the metal door. A hoarse and irritated voice sounded from the inside, “WHO IS IT?”

The guard sighed as if resigning to his destiny and said, “Sir, someone sent you a message.”

The man on the inside asked, “Oh, what is this message?”

“Sir, it is a sealed letter.” said the guard. His words piqued the curiosity of the man inside the room. A few seconds later, the door slid open revealing a man wearing a white military uniform. The man was handsome and could be called a male god. He gazed at the guard with his eagle-like gaze and said, “What letter?”

The guard hurriedly raised the letter with both hands, and the man snatched it before closing the door back. He was a major rank administrator and the guard was only a private, where was the latter to show his dissatisfaction?

The handsome man recognized the seal on the envelope and opened the letter carefully, but not before he took a deep sniff of the scent lingering on the surface of this paper. The man read the content written on the page with beautiful handwriting. As an administrator, he had learned the language of this planet. It was vital for him to do so.

He read out aloud, “Dear Administrator Marshall. I am writing this letter to you because I cannot keep my feelings bottled up inside my heart. This is also to tell you that you are very cruel. That night when you tried to take me on the cold stone floor, I had to protest despite liking your dominant style.

I am an Empress, I cannot engage with you in public eyes, yet you never took the initiative to approach me again after that incident. Now, I found that you will be departing from this place, going back to your home, If possible, I would like to spend some time with you alone.”

This letter was filled with loopholes, but the big sniff before reading and the fire of lust inside his heart made the guy’s sense of reasoning dull. He did read ahead and found a place and time was mentioned in the letter. It was mentioned in the letter to destroy the paper after reading as to not have it tracked back. Administrator Marshal took out his cigar lighter and set the page alight in front of his eyes.

The negligible fumes of the paper were inhaled by him, making his senses even dimmer. The paper material had whisper daisies in it. Marshall sat down on the couch with his gaze locked on the watch on his communicator.

He was waiting for the opportune time to arrive. The man did not know that he was like a moth driven to the fire that will vaporize him. The web around him has been spun, now all that it need to set the end game was Shi Lang to make his move.

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