Ace Of Terrans

Chapter 732 Changes In The North.

Shi Lang began to punch and kick through the void. His footwork was unstable, but he did not fall. Yun Xue and Bo Qingtan watched him from the side, and the former asked, "Senior, can I have a mouthful of this too?"

Zither Soul was surprised but regained her composure and said, "You can have the mouthful, but you will not gain enlightenment from it."

Yun Xue asked, "Do we need to get drunk?"

lightsΝοvεl ƈοm Zither Soul nodded and replied, "Yes, this brew is not something anyone can consume; you need to be at least in the Immortal King realm to control the kick you get from it. Lower realm practitioners can lose themselves to ecstasy. Do you know what that means when you have the power to destroy a mountain with a punch? Chaos."

Yun Xue nodded to her. Zither Soul said, "You do not have to feel down about it. I will give you this jar as a gift."

The snow maiden was shocked. She wanted to refuse when Zither Soul said, "You are at the peak of the Immortal Lord realm. You can step into the next level at any moment. This will help you consolidate your foundation in the next realm."

Yun Xue nodded, and Zither soul took out two small jars. She casually tossed them to both of them. Bo Qingtan was surprised that he also got one. He asked, "Senior, is the growth of the Titan Sect really that bothersome?"

The lady nodded and said, "Yes, it is not about who holds more power but self-monitoring. The history of the Immortal plane has proven time and time again. Power can make people go mad and act in ways detrimental in the long run."

Bo Qingtan nodded and said, "Back in the sect, my Master used to teach us that people with power should always maintain a humble mindset and help the weak. Only after coming to the Central Plains did I realize that those with power are hungry for more and want it at any cost."

Fairy Moon Jade nodded and said, "That is the truth. If not for this eternal internal strife. The demons would not have been able to get the better of us."

The two nodded and wanted to talk more when Tian Long arrived. The two bowed to greet him, and the latter hummed in acknowledgment. He said, "Why are you two standing? Have a seat."

Bo Qingtan was flustered and asked, "How can we sit next to you, Your Excellency."

Tian Long rolled his eyes and said, "Shut up and sit down already."

Yun Xue and Bo Qingtan were denied the right to protest. Tian Long looked at Shi Lang and asked, "He is drunk again?"

Moon Jade nodded. The two youngsters found it odd when the two seniors acted as if they had known him for a long time. Tian Long noticed this and said, "It is about time I will tell you both something. You must keep it a secret from Shi Lang."

The two were stunned and nodded. Zither Soul watched her husband with curiosity. Tian Long said, "We talk about him like this because his soul has a fragment of a friend we knew from our time in the lower realm. You two may not understand this, but souls are very mysterious. Even though we do not know how it works, it is the process of reincarnation. This is why he gets some special treatment."

The two people were stunned; they did not expect Tian Long to let them in on something like this. After all, this was a sensitive issue. Yun Xue asked, "Does he not know the truth?"

Tian Long nodded and replied, "He does not and should not. The awareness of this thing can change the course of his life. We do not wish to do anything like that."

The two youngsters nodded. Zither Soul asked, "What happened to the issue he sent you to deal with?"

The heavenly dragon sovereign replied, "I have solved it. To think this guy has charmed a Saint Forger into committing such a crime. If the Zhu Family or the Titan Sect found out, they would go crazy."

As he finished speaking, Zither Soul appeared behind him and smacked the back of his head. The people were stunned, and Zither Soul said, "Have you lost your mind? Why are you talking out loud? Do you think the Heavenly Dragon Pavilion is free of spies? My brother is correct. You are getting complacent in your old age."

Tian Long was stunned; it had been long since Zither Soul snapped at him. He raised his head to look at her and wanted to apologize when the lady glared harder at him and replied, "Not another word."

Tian Long was trained to be an obedient child. Zither Soul looked at Bo Qingtan and said, "Boy, you should get going now. Titan Sect is far."lightsnovel

Bo Qingtan stood up and followed the eviction order. Yun Xue was smart and stood up from the side as she said, "I will be heading to cultivate as well. Have a good night, Seniors."

Zither Soul nodded, and Yun Xue trotted away quickly. Shi Lang was still practicing his moves in a daze, but he was getting sharper with every step.


While Shi Lang was practicing, Amelia was investigating the Titan Sect. She had sent out scouts and was coming up with a strategy to deal with this shady move by the Titans. The main hall of the War Maiden Sect had been transformed into a war hall. The elders and the elite legacy disciples were present to help Amelia.

Amelia stood at the table, looking at the situation with narrowed eyes. All the details they had about the Titan sect and their strength were compiled and verified at this place. She said, "Elder Flower Sword, do we have the people in position?"

Flower Sword nodded and said, "Seven teams have been selected. Each will be under the lead of an Immortal Empress. But, Sect Mistress, I have a question."

Amelia nodded and asked, "Yes, please tell me what it is, Elder."

Flower Sword's words made everyone look at Amelia. They also wanted to know a few things. The elder asked, "Why are we sending out an Immortal Empress to deal with these forces?"

Amelia nodded and replied, "You misunderstood my actions, Edler. We are not sending the seniors to deal with the enemy but to protect the teams in action. The young will take the action, and the seniors will only guide them when necessary. The expeditions are an experience for the maidens out there.

Another purpose for the Seniors is to notice if there is any suspicious movement in the shadows. I will not be ruling out the possibility of any demonic involvement in this situation. The Titan Sect has been upright for thousands of years. Why are they trying to upset the balance of power in the immortal region? I need to find out all these answers. Also, please instruct the teams if they encounter anyone with black and red robes. They are not to attack and cooperate with them."

The women were surprised when Ying Yu said, "Those people belong to allies from a secret investigative agency operated by Ace."

The name Ace was enough to make everyone understand it. Amelia said, "Go on, begin the operation."

Flower Sword nodded, and then she used the spiritual communicator. The War Maiden Sect used this device for tactical usage while the world was still catching up to normal communication. The jade tower has gifted these communicators to them as a gift of alliance.

Amelia was happy because she knew what a big deal it was for her sect. She grew up where these things were hailed from and knew how to use them better. She exchanged a message with Shi Lang to develop a tactical communicator that could be used for instant communication, and the Terran had promised her that he would be doing that soon.

She raised her head and gazed at the seven spiritual screens suspended in the void. Flower Sword said, "The attack has commenced."

Amelia nodded. In the past few days, they have been training to covertly infiltrate and take down the enemy. Amelia was teaching them the Terran way of attacking. They have complete knowledge of which forces were conspiring with the Titan Sect. The important targets were all sorted.

They would take out the people who betrayed the alliance with the War Maiden Sect and make an example out of them. Amelia may look gentle but even colder when maintaining a higher status in an alliance. Ying Yu watched the people move on the spiritual screen and said, "Do you think someone is in the shadows?"

Amelia replied calmly, "Too early to tell. Elder Flower Sword instructs the teams not to drop their guard at the end of it all. If they fell in a trap, I will skin them even if they survived."

Her cold, commanding nature made the people fear her, and Flower Sword hurriedly forwarded the message. The sect had come to believe in a new ideology, 'Cruel to the enemy, crueler to yourself.'

Amelia followed this path of thinking to her core. After three hours of continuous monitoring, the teams reported completion with minor injuries. Amelia instructed them all to pull back immediately. She said, "Sister Ying, send the message to Senior Zither Soul. There is a dark hand in shadows."

The people were shocked because they did not know what Amelia noticed.

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