Ace Of Terrans

Chapter 718 Glory & Trouble.

Zhu Lin was troubled. However, he could not say anything now when he wanted to find a way out. An elderly voice nailed his foot to the ground.

"Hmmm, Lord Yang, what are you doing here?"

Everyone turned around and found an Old man with a hunched back walking over from a distance. The old man wore a coarse white robe. Yang Tie clasped his fists and bowed as he said, "Greetings, City Lord Pei." 

Shi Lang took the hint and followed Yang Tie's example to bow and greet the old man. The old man revealed an amiable smile. After all, everyone present was bowing to him in greeting. This lean and hunched old man was an Immortal Emperor. On top of that, he was a saint-level forger.

There were distinctions between the forgers, and this old man was a saint-level forger. He was able to craft weapons and artifacts with spirit imbued in them. Master forgers could create a hundred refined weapons or artifacts. This artifact will allow a smooth spiritual flow and increase the lethality of the attack by ten percent. 

A forging grandmaster could refine a thousand-refined weapon or artifact with an amplification of fifty percent. The damage capacity of this weapon would be off the charts. Then came the Legendary Forgers, capable of creating a ten thousand-refined weapon or artifact with a hundred percent spiritual energy amplification. 

Yang Tie was one such legendary forger. As for the saint, think of it as the person who could bring the weapons and artifacts to life. Yang Tie said, 'Young Master, City Lord Pei is a saint forger.' 

This point made Shi Lang understand the world's vastness one more time. He conveyed the same thing to Yun Xue and Bo Qingtan. It was not only the strength of an Immortal Emperor but also the identity of the Siant Forger that made the people hold him in high esteem. 

The old man waved his hand and said, "Lord Yang, please raise your head. The old man was passing by your pavilion and found from Old Mao that you had come to the City Gates to the Champion of the Dragon Army, so I thought, why not take a look? So, tell me, where is this fabled young master of your pavilion." 

Yang Tie was humbled by this old man and wanted to introduce Shi Lang when the Terran stepped forward and bowed to the City Lord before saying, "Junior Ace has seen your excellency." 

Old Man Pei was surprised. What sort of prideful genius had he not seen in this world? They would all greet him and look expectantly as if seeking their favor. However, the terran did no such thing. He bowed his head willingly. 

Old Man Pei waved his hand again and chuckled loudly, "Young Man, raise your head." 

Shi Lang did as he was told. He looked at the wrinkled face of the City Lord and found that this person had a long beard, and his face was covered with wrinkles. However, despite the marks of time, the vitality radiating from the eyes of the old man was blinding. It was as if Shi Lang was facing a child filled with curiosity. 

Zhu Lin also said, "Greetings, City Lord Pie." 

The old man's expression changed, and he indifferently nodded to the young man. He had no attachment to the Zhu family's pride whatsoever. This young man was too ambitious for his good. Shi Lang watched the scene and picked up the hint. He was not the only one. This gesture cleared what was going on among the management of the city. 

Old Man Pei asked, "Guard Chief Zhu, would you be ever so kind to enlighten this old man on the situation here?" 

His calm tone was akin to cold water pouring over the Zhu family members. They did not expect the old man to draw a line with them in such a manner. 

Zhu Lin took a step forward and began to narrate the entire incident. Shi Lang was listening to him keenly. If the young man were to add or subtract anything, he would not hesitate to correct him. However, Zhu Lin was tactful. He knew what to do and did not add to his disadvantages. 

Old Man Pei listened calmly and said, "Well, what Young Master Ace did is quite reasonable. Let alone the people from outside the city. If the Former Head Guard were to offend the Young Lady or the Young Master of the Meng family, he would have been hanged at the city gate without a shred of clothes. 

Also, the city council has been providing you people with enough money, and I think, given that you are so wise, by now, the demon-detecting stone could have been handed to the city guards. I do not know what is happening with your city guards, but get those stones equipped by sundown. Do you understand?" 

Zhu Lin's face was so pale that he looked like a corpse. However, to save himself the remaining dignity, he nodded and replied, "Yes, City Lord." 

Old Man Pei nodded and turned to face Shi Lang. He said, "Young Friend Ace, how about we go to the Heavenly Dragon Pavillion and have a chess game?" 

Shi Lang smiled faintly and said, "I would be honored to learn from you, Senior." 

They had established a friendly relationship in front of Zhu Lin and the crowd. This vexed Zhu Lin a lot, but what could he say? The two people walked away, and Zhu Lin could only watch them leave in the crowd. One thing good happened from this entire issue. Shi Lang did not continue to nag him about the apology to the members of the Heavenly Dragon Pavillion. 

However, before he could heave a sigh of relief, Shi Lang turned around and said, "Young Master Zhu, about that apology. It would be kind of you to send a letter addressing the Sovereign before sundown. That is when Yang Tei will report the entire day's happenings to them. Sovereign has been very troubled, first with the blood moon and now with the centurion tournament. 

I would not allow him to vent his frustration if I were you. Sovereign Heavenly Dragon may look nice, but he is grumpy inside." 

The people heard the last sentence and stifled laughter while Zhu Lin's face turned black. Shi Lang did not wait for Zhu Lin and said, "It was nice meeting you, Guard Chief Zhu. See you again." 

They left the place quickly, and the crowd watched Zhu Lin with mocking expressions. After a few minutes, the city gates were deserted. Only the Zhu Family men were left behind. Zhu Xiameng was shivering. He was sure that he was going to die. The third young master was not to swallow such humility lying down. Shi Lang had left him no face after this encounter and as the reason at the roots. 

Zhu Xiameng would die without a complete corpse. As he thought about the outcome of this incident, his heart palpitated. His family will not be left alone, either. They will suffer the wrath of the Third Young Master. 

Thinking about this, he collected himself and steeled his resolve. He walked before Zhu Lin and knelt on the ground. He said, "Young master, I am why you were dragged into this mess. Sire, I am willing to pay with my life. You can behead me and use my blood to write the letter to them. I am willing to do anything you want, but Young Master, please spare my family." 

Zhu Lin gazed at Zhu Xiameng coldly and said, "You will be paying for this either way. However, you are of greater value to me than died." 

He waved his hand and left the place with the group of people. He had to write a letter and also settle the rattled subordinates. He did not have the time to think about Shi Lang and the heavenly dragon pavilion. However, his eyes were filled with indignation. He said, "Young Master Ace, today's humiliation will be returned to you a thousand times." 


Shi Lang followed Yang Tie to the Heavenly Dragon Pavillion while talking to Old Man Pei about various aspects of forging. The old man was surprised when Shi Lang told him about many ideas of artifacts and weapons. Old man Pei did not expect such ideas to come from a young man. 

He could not help but ask, "Young Friend Ace, do you have any samples?" 

Shi Lang smiled and revealed the spiritual communicator on his wrist. He said, "Senior Pei must have seen this device being supplied from the Jade Towers, and also the rifle from the Cao Union?" 

Old Man Pei nodded and said, "These two artifacts are really mind blowing. Although the level is not too high, but the efficiency is very good. I wonder how these things came to be." 

Shi Lang replied with his spiritual sense, 'Senior Pei, these two things are designed by me, and they origin from the Lower Plane where I lived.' 

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