Shi Lang ignored the bitter expressions on the faces of the two men. He asked Hayley to get the documentation stuff going for the arrangement. He also mentioned a few things for Colonel Carlos to train a special division of people, expertizing in survival. These officers will have to lead the senior year students from the schools outside in the wild to learn a few things from experience.

Since the federation was implementing military education from a young age, then he might as well help them improve the system a bit. After the four instructors were assigned. Dalia asked, “Sir, may I ask something?”

Shi Lang nodded and the lady asked, “Did you deliberately arrange for the two men to go outside?”

“Yes, they were the ones responsible for providing me bad intel during my graduation assignment. I have no reason to spare them. Also, the skillset they command, it is better for them to be the traveling monks and promote knowledge.”, replied the young man.

Hayley, who had been outside the office arranging things knocked on the door and asked, “General, may I come in?”

Shi Lang replied, “Yes.”

Hayley walked in and passed on the tablet to the two women sitting in the chair. They read the orders and then signed them digitally. Hayley said, “Sir, the Cabinet Minister for education has arrived.”

Shi Lang nodded and said, “I will see him in five minutes.”

Hayley agreed and then after a salute she walked out of the cabin. Yuu and Dalia also exchanged a few words and left the place. The reason Shi Lang did not hide anything in front of them was that these four people were driven by their motives to reach the peak of their fields. They were a version of urban monks.

John and Carlos had not said anything ever since they stepped inside. John was an introvert, and Carlos was a rogue he did not speak because he could not speak without profanities from his mouth.

Shi Lang did not have to wait for long after people left, an old man with a calm and composed temperament walked inside the Cabin with Hayley. Shi Lang shook hands with the man and offered him a seat. The topic of their meeting was to abolish the discriminative rights allowed to the battle class.

His words carried a great weight now, he was the first general of the Federation. After two hours the educational minister found out that in the long term, they were brewing a storm in the house. If one day the technological department gave up, and the growth of the Federation stopped, then they will surely be crushed under their own weight. Shi Lang had stated it clearly that if the battle classes in every school are given so many privileges, then they will run rampant.

After the discussion, the minister of education understood what he needed to do. The old man departed and Shi Lang spend a few hours on the pending documentation processes. Then he stood up and walked out.

The soldiers passing the side would salute him and the young man responded with a nod. When he moved out of the office building he found Hayley standing outside with her briefcase. He asked, “What are you holding there, Adjutant Hayley?”

The girl rolled her eyes and said, “Is it not a spar of battle suits to be carried on a person every time we are outside?”

“Oh, is that so. Well, you have worked hard.”, said Shi Lang.

He was about to call for his vehicle when a slender black lev-car stopped in front of him. The old man stepped out of the driver’s seat and opened the back seat. Shi Lang said, “After you.”

Hayley stepped forward and sat down in the back seat. Shi Lang gestured for the old man to go and command the steering as he went around to sit inside the vehicle. The driver was about to ask where they were headed when Shi Lang said, “Spaceport.”

As the first general Shi Lang was given a ship of his own, and a protection detail of dedicated to his security only. He looked at all the people wearing black uniforms, standing outside the ship. He sighed and said, “The aura they project is too baleful.”

Hayley nodded and said, “Did they ask them to swim through oceans of blood?”

Shi Lang replied, “We are about to find out.”

They boarded a ship with hundred men in black uniforms and maroon berets. The ship docked up with another ship outside the federal gravitational pull. This ship was the dedicated vehicle for the first general. It was equipped with the latest defense and offense equipment.

The ship started and space jumped a total of twenty times before they arrived closer to the base camp. The first fleet had made the last planet at the borders as their base camp. This point was tactically very helpful for them, and the enemy too.

On this side of the territory, they have been facing constant attacks and attempts of invasion from a species of humanoid lizards. These creatures were called Zergs. They have been held back by the First Fleet at a great cost. However, now it was up to Shi Lang.

The young man had been studying the matter from the time he had boarded the ship to this place. He had learned the ins and outs of the situation. Shi Lang caressed his forehead when he thought of the problems ahead of him.

Hayley served him a glass of tea and asked, “What is making you worried?”

“The mountain of trouble I am about to face.”, replied Shi Lang.

Hayley was surprised, and asked, “What mountain?”

Shi Lang took the cup of tea and rolled his eyes as he blew over it gently. He gave the cup a gentle twirl and said, “Subduing the forces, then we have the hostile neighbors, Zergs. At the same time, the first fleet is the biggest and it will have the largest numbers of internal disputes as well.”

Hayley nodded and said, “Is that why you were asking for the intervention of the Secret divisions inside the frontier forces?”

Shi Lang nodded and said, “The secret divisions do not have much to do, seventy percent of the forces are always on stand-by. The rest keep on training and training. How many domestic affairs are there for them to deal with or how many special cases? This is the waste of a good force.”

Hayley nodded and said, “I can understand what you mean, but if you look at it from the point of view of the Frontier Army, will it not be a bit too distrustful to them that they are under scrutiny? After all, they are risking their lives for the civilians.”

Shi Lang nodded and said, “Is that not the reason why I said we will discuss this again when the new council has been formed.”

Hayley nodded and the ship descended on the base camp, this planet was called Frontier. Shi Lang and the people got down from the ship and the young man looked around and sighed, “They did not take care of the greenery at all, did they?”

He stood facing the higher-ups of the first fleet, but he was focused on the red color of the ground. These people were the major links of the command chain. Shi Lang could sense their dissatisfaction with him. He sighed and said, “It is going to be a brawl.”

Hayley nodded, and said, “Well, the general did not use his ability against you. They must think that you got it easily.”

Shi Lang nodded and said, “Indeed, however, the first general’s ability is a little too destructive, at the same time the after-effects on the general must also be taken into consideration. After all, the source of the ability bears the most strain from it.”

Hayley nodded and the people moved. Shi Lang came to stand in front of the deputy generals and other important characters of the fleet, but none of the people were willing to salute him. He could see the blatant disdain in their eyes. He smiled and said, “You people are very discordant that I got to sit on your heads, I understand, I would feel the same. I also know that you all think just because the General did not lose his ability, I won the battle, right? We must have a training field here, right? Let’s go, you can express all that you have.”

Hayley did not think that the young man will take the initiative to throw the gauntlet. However, this was a good way to tell the people that he was not afraid.

Behind the Deputy General and Young Adjutant said, “Hmph, just you. Are you worthy?”

Shi Lang did not move when Hayley directly flashed and delivered a crushing kick between the legs of the soldier. The person did not have the strength to even cry. The people did not expect this girl to be so fast. Hayley came back to stand behind Shi Lang, who was still smiling as if nothing happened.

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