Shi Lang caught up his breath and stood up from his breath. He got up and found that the First General has stepped up on the field, and he was not wearing his military coat. This was enough to know that the man was talking business.

General Edwards said, “You did a good job. I did not expect your skills to be so good.”

Shi Lang replied, “Thank you for your praise, Sir.”

The computer system announced, “Mock Battle Final Round, Fleet General Edwards, versus Major Shi Lang. Battle Begins.”

Mock battles allowed the people to compete to the very end of things. The result did not depend on the aggregate of the battles played before. People participated in the mock battle as a group but the scores were based on individual fights.

Unlike the other fights, Shi Lang and the General did not make an advance this time to reach each other quickly. They did not seem to be eager to start the battle. They both were standing idly, no one could predict what was going through their minds.

No one thought that any one of them was scared, they could perceive the aura of battle radiating from their bodies.

Rosa, Archie Arkham, and Amelia were watching the scene with solemn expressions and Quinn said, “The battle of wits.”

The other three nodded, and at this time. Darcx and Jenkins came over with some bandages over their wounds. They had used the advanced healing procedures in the infirmary, and right now only had some serious wounds left from being healed.

On the other side, all the generals had gathered as well. They all knew that their fates have been doomed, but if the young man, who barged inside the general council meeting, was able to defeat the first general, then the Federal Military will undergo an unprecedented change.

They did not know if the future will be dark or will it be well illuminated, however, they will have no power to control anything.

The computer system said, “It has been detected that the two contenders have not made any moves for the past ten minutes. The system will now enter the quick fight mode. If the outcome of the battle is not achieved within five minutes, then the system will deem this battle a draw.”

Shi Lang smiled and he leaned forward, the first general also had the same reaction and he also moved. The two people were waiting for the battle to enter the quick mode so that they can use their best cards to deal with each other.

While Shi Lang was showing his respect to the man in front of him, the person who had inspired him to aim high ever since he was a child. Well, as a Terran, General Edwards was the epitome of success.

On the other hand, General Edwards did this to encourage the young man in front of him. Taking down two of the best people in the federal military within a minute did not need strength but also wits.

The people did not even notice their movements but they were shaken by the shockwave set from the punch they exchanged.


The punch they exchanged shocked the people and the ground. The impact was so strong that they both had to take a few steps back to calm it down. Shi Lang and General Edwards smiled at each other and when the first general directly assumed his famous hero stance. Shi Lang also did the same.

Only Jenkins, Amelia, and Rosa were not surprised when they saw this. Everyone else did not know the details of how Shi Lang knew this and neither did they know what was the implications of this. The First General asked, “Do you know the meaning behind this stance?”

Shi Lang replied, “Everyone has a different brain, and the same thing can have a different meaning in different visions.”

His reply was nothing short of diplomacy but it made the first general nod, after all, this was the profundity of the statement. If you were a rich person, you will seek luxury, but if you are starving, you will find a soiled bun to be the heavenly nector. Different people, in different situations, will have different opinions.

Archie Arkham asked, “How much power of that stance, can Shi Lang extract?”

Jenkins replied, “Two years ago, at school, he could take out twenty percent. However, he has changed a lot since then. This stance of his may look similar to the one of my father, but the idea is different. He is not a hero, he is a survivor, a hero strives to sacrifice himself, while a survivor sacrifices everything while striving for life.

This may put Shi Lang in the selfish part of the world, however, he only looks for survival in battle. Only when you survive do you win a battle.”

The masked lady nodded. On the side, Darcx asked, “Yo Jenks, why is fleet general Cui looking at you as if you are some treasure?”

Jenkins coughed up and said, “Shut up.”

Quinn raised her eyebrow and said, “Good job Jenks.”

The young man shook his head trying to pretend himself look innocent.

Soon the focus again turned to the battle on the field. The two people were attacking each other ferociously. They had begun to use their whole bodies as a set of arms.

The first General was attacking really fast, however, Shi Lang was moving between the defense and offense modes. His stance was impeccably close to what the first general was using, however, there was a stark difference between the two people.

Shi Lang’s attacks were all aimed at the vital points and they were damaging the general deeply since the person seemed to have put the term defense in the back of his mind. The young man was making the spectator’s blood boil.

He had yet to take a single hit from the general that could make him take a step back. On the contrary, his solemn steps were pushing back the general. None of the people could digest the fact that Shi Lang was pushing back the first general despite fighting in a balanced mode.

He was using all sorts of methods to dispel the impact of the attacks, hard and soft, grapple, dodge, and block. It was as if Shi Lang was the encyclopedia of combat arts and his actions were as precise as a computer.

The people did not know what to say about this young man. It was like a war robot placed in front of the first general.

Rosa commented, “I had no idea this kid was hiding so deep. I mean, look at him. Going head to head against that barrage? How is this possible. I cannot even see the punches and kicks thrown by the first general.”

Archie Arkham said, “Neither can he, look at his eyes.”

The people only found out now that the eyes of the young man had been closed, and they had no idea. Amelia said, “He is using his ability to the limits. Sensing the movements of the opponent from the fluctuation in the atmosphere around him.”

Archie Arkham nodded and said, “That explains it. I cannot think of any other method that can allow him this much combat ability. However, all his attacks are precise, he has dealt more damage to the First General than the other person has done to him.”

General Edwards was circulating his blood to the limits along with the spiritual energy too. Shi Lang wanted to notify him that this method will do him more harm than help in the long run, but he did not have the time. He was busy dealing with the attacks thrown at him.

Thinking of something, Shi Lang started to infuse his spiritual energy into his attacks, and the first general began to slow down. The spiritual energy channeled from the attacks made by Shi Lang was acting like a dam to obstruct the flow of spiritual energy inside the First Generals body.

General Edwards was running on an empty tank all of a sudden. Shi Lang closed in on him and said, “I know that you will not give up so easily, Sir. Your pride stops you. So, allow me to help you out.”

Shi Lang put up the standard military boxing stance and rushed at the first general. He weaved his head from right to left, lowered his center of gravity, and when he was almost sticking to the body of the first general, his left fist connected to the ribcage of the former.

This was not a normal punch, Shi Lang had increased the output of spiritual energy from his body, and sent it all directly inside the first general from the point of contact. The sudden infusion caused the whole body to shake, and the blood flow was also affected.

The first General did not expect this sort of force from this young man, it was stronger than himself. The next thing was a right fist connected directly to his chin. This punch sent the senses of the General into disarray. No matter how strong the Terran race might be, the fundamental body was still the same as that of the humans.

As the general reeled back from the blow, Shi Lang took two steps, and then he took a light jump and a beautiful straight punch landed on the nose bridge of General Edwards.

The stinging pain blinded him for a reason, as the general quickly controlled his neurons and stopped the pain receptors, Shi Lang had already placed a blade in his throat.

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