Shi Lang stood in front of an outpost with a sword in his hand. His body was brimming with energy. On the way to the outpost, he was constantly improving his body with spiritual energy. His normal vision was now stronger than the beastmen and more than that, his Terran cultivation level also reached the six-star level.

The blood was enriched with spirit energy and thus made his potential explode. Spiritual energy is nothing less than a gene enhancement serum. Shi Lang scanned the outpost using his visor and found ten sentries guarding the passage. Four people were standing on the watch towers and six people were moving on the ground in pairs.

Shi Lang looked on the ground and picked up four pebbles, then using his sword he carved the pebbles into darts. Closing the distance to the gate, he flicked his wrist, and with a whistling sound, four darts flew through.

The guards were not very alert as they have never faced any invasion or attack. However, they were beasts with a keen instinct. They all heard a whistling sound and turned their heads to locate the sound but before they could find anything, they all froze and with a thud, they fell down.

“What was that?” asked a guard below the tower.

Another one suggested, “Go check.”

They moved quickly but Shi Lang had arrived. Two guards who stood in the middle of the road reacted and called out, “Who goes there?”

The next moment, they sensed a figure behind them, the killing intent made them freeze. Shi Lang did not want to waste much time and stabbed the two people in the neck. The call from earlier had already attracted the attention of the other guards, they saw their comrades falling down. They raised their guns but then again, a whistling sound made them all freeze and fall to the ground with holes in their foreheads.

Shi Lang shook his head and said, “If only I was at a higher level, I could have manipulated the darts in the air.”

He walked closer to the corpses and took out his darts. He received a message on his comms, “Captain, we have arrived at the incursion point.”

Shi Lang replied, “Alright. I am beginning.”

He collected his darts and began to walk in the direction of the second gate. This time he was holding two handguns. The area near the second gate was brightly lit up. However, it did not seem to matter, Shi Lang has given up all the care for stealth. Since he was going to attract attention, then he might as well do it in a manner that strikes the hearts of the people with fear.

The guards all spotted him and they began to speak in the Arcadian language. Shi Lang replied, he raised his handguns and opened fire. The guards fell to the ground before they could even react.

A senior officer on the watch tower yelled, “Sound the alarm, this guy got past the first gate, it means he killed the people there.”

A subordinate pressed the distress button on his communicator. The whole base was now aware of the assault and they picked up arms and began to run in the direction.

Inside the camp, the commanding officer was also aware and asked, “What is it?”

The adjutant said, “Sir, someone attacked the gates.”

“How many people? Which faction?”, asked the Commander.

“The faction is unknown, but the reports said it is just one person.”, mentioned the guy.

The commander scoffed and said, “Did he think, this is a park?”

They thought that this was all just a stunt, this person must have a death wish. However, after fifteen minutes, the sounds of battle did not seem to quiet down, but they grew closer. The Commander was getting anxious, he picked up his gun and walked out of the cabin, and he was shocked.

A figure cloaked in a black suit and mask seemed to be walking in their direction, and his hands were bestowing everyone in his way with the gift of eternal slumber. It was not as if he was not being attacked. The enemy soldiers were firing shots at him but the aim was always off.

The beastmen were shocked, and they were fearful of this person. In the past ten minutes, Shi Lang had killed almost a hundred people with his handguns. His speed was not fast, but every fire from his gun took away a life.

His footsteps became a bomb that would explode in the hearts of the enemy. Shi Lang kept moving, reaping lives, painting the ground red with the blood.

Since the camp was alerted all the forces were focused on the assailants. The Arcadians did not want to waste time, they had developed an intelligent system that will command the soldiers when they are alerted by a distress signal. If the system detects that the forces sent forward to provide aid did not manage to deal with the problem, the system will assign more power.

Cara had researched every single detail of the Arcadian defense. Since the forces moved, Quinn and the rest got a clean passage to get past this line. They moved quickly and after taking cover on a high vantage point, they began to survey the situation to see if Shi Lang needed help. What they saw shocked them to the core.

Amelia was the only one calm enough to watch all this without any fluctuations. She was aware that Shi Lang was very scary once he enters the battle mode. At this moment, when his guns were raging fire and he was walking amidst the sea of phaser beams, yet he was not hurt or even scratched, she realized that he was indeed not simple.

Jenkins asked, “How is he avoiding all those shots?”

Nexa was stunned, her world was frozen at this moment. How much courage and craziness are needed by someone to walk into such a situation. Darcx suddenly said, “His footwork. His footwork is not normal.”

The others trained their gaze at the feet of the young man and they were surprised, Shi Lang looked as if he was walking normally but that was an illusion. Shi Lang was using cultivation footwork that he used in his past life. This footwork allowed him to dodge the attacks coming at him with perfect judgment.

Not only the Terrans were shocked, but the commanding officer was also doubting his life. He raised his communicator and said, “Sir, this is Jarl, we have been attacked, the assailant is a single person, he has taken down two hundred soldiers on guard duty here. I request aid, however, by the time your forces can arrive here, I might have walked ahead. However, I hope that you will avenge us, and do not let go of this monster.”

He did not wait for the other side to reply, because Shi Lang was already done with his adjutant, and at this moment a black hole was all that he had in his vision. Shi Lang did not waste his time, and with a squeeze, ended the life of the Commanding officer.

He raised his communicator, “Did you guys get through?”

Amelia replied, “Yes, we are through, see you at the second rally point.”

Shi Lang nodded and said, “Stay alert and do not give up stealth in any case.”

Amelia agreed and then the two people greeted each other and left to deal with their own tasks. Shi Lang was to attract even more rage from the enemy, while the team was to infiltrate the lands and get closer to the imperial city.

Cara sat beside Nexalia in the study. She gazed at the lady and asked, “May I use the holocomp, Your Majesty?”

Nexalia was busy with some work and she nodded to the girl. Cara walked up to sit in front of the device and began to use it. After twenty minutes, Nexalia raised her head and was shocked.

In front of her eyes, a scene from the battle was being displayed. She asked, “What is this?”

Cara replied, “I left a bug in the satellites of the Arcadian capital. I just used one of the neomonian deepspace transponder satellites to access that bug and get the footage of the battlefield.”

Nexalia asked, “What is this footage about?”

Cara said, “Captain Ace, broke through the lines. He seems to be gathering the attention of the enemy and letting his team sneak in. He is strong, he has taken down two hundred guards alone.”

Cara did not realize much, but the method Nexalia witnessed on the screen shocked her to the core, she was horrified to think this guy was a guest on their planet and he could have killed all of them with such ease, yet he stayed calm. This confirmed two things.

The first was that the Terrans sought their alliance sincerely, as they could have directly asked this guy to assassinate the court and take over the empire. The second was that this guy did not treat them as a significant enemy. Although a misunderstanding, fine.

She said, “Can you teleport this footage to the command ship of the allied forces?”

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