Shi Lang’s crisp reply left the girl in a daze. This youngster, this newbie just brushed off her advance as if it had nothing to do with him, she narrowed her eyes and said, “I would like to see, how you will deal with Atlas.”

While she was wishing for Shi Lang to get beaten severely, the object of her wrath was proceeding to the gym area. Although X has yet to confirm the status of the duel, he wished to go forward and visit the place anyway. As if waiting for Shi Lang to think about him, X approved the battle request submitted by Atlas.

Shi Lang received the notification on his communicator and picked up the pace. The design of the military bases was almost the same. The youngster came to the gym area and found the whole class already gathered in the place. He could hear grunting sounds from the inside.

He said, “Excuse me, can I get inside?” his tone was calm, and since no one else was talking they all heard him.

A few people who were standing in the path moved, opening the way for him. Shi Lang came inside and he moved in calm strides. His face had not shown a single fluctuation to anyone here. If someone from his regular circle was to see him, they would have disclosed that the young boy was rather intimidated.

This was a new place, he had no idea what skills his enemy has. He wished he had some more knowledge but since the ball was in his court he decided to get going and deal with it. As Shi Lang arrived, a lot of people gazed at him, they were surprised to see him walking inside the gym area so calmly as if he was out on a night walk.

On the other side, Atlas was fuming in rage, he never expected to be humiliated by a newbie. He has been punching the bag for a few minutes now, and when a peer whispered in his ears that the prey has arrived, his fists froze. The guy turned his head to find Shi Lang walking over nonchalantly.

He wanted to say something but he saw, Shi Lang directly got inside the fighting area and beckoning at him to come over too. The guy clenched his fists and walked over silently he decide to teach this guy a harsh lesson on how to respect the seniors.

Shi Lang and Atlas stood five meters away from each other and the latter said, “The rules are simple, either you admit defeat, or you get knocked out, until then the fight will carry on. Any objections?”

The youngster shook his head and the fight began. Atlas was already raring to go and he ceased the initiative. That was not all, he did not hold back in the slightest, his body had suddenly become like a piece of a flexible piece of steel. His speed was fast and his fist was already upon Shi Lang’s face before the youngster could even react.

Just when everyone was disappointed in missing good drama, the youngster tilted his head to a side and avoided the punch with ease. He mumbled, “Try harder, do not hold back.”

His simple words were a successful taunt to Atlas, the guy shot with his left fist aiming for the gut of the teenager in front of him. You could tuck your head sideways to avoid a attack on your head, but can you do the same with the whole body. The torso was a bigger target.

However, Shi Lang was not in the mood to dodge this attack, his right hand grappled the left wrist and he moved sideways to change his position. After he positioned himself on the right of the opponent, he let go of the wrist and his right palm struck at Atlas’s throat like it was a knife. Although the skin of the person was as hard as steel it was still at the weak point of the body.

The skin was hard but the internals was the same. Shi Lang’s palm chop made Atlas struggle for his breath and the moment, the latter came back to his senses, Shi Lang had already jumped in the air to deliver a roundhouse kick at the temples of the opponent.

The execution of his skills was swift and smooth. It was such a mesmerizing display that the surrounding people could not help but nod in appreciation. After the kick landed Shi Lang did not continue with his blows, but after landing he moved sideways and grappled Atlas from his legs and slammed his body down in a german suplex.


The elastic floor of the fighting area shook from the impact. This drop did not only entice the sympathy of everyone toward Atlas, but they were all somewhat delighted to watch this class bully be beaten.

Quinn stood at the back of the crowd and she was very surprised to see the guy she pegged to fall down had come up like a star in the sky. Shi Lang was unaware of all this and even if he knew he did not wish to pay mind to what a random girl thought about him.

After the German Suplex, Atlas was really surprised. He heard a voice, “This was why I asked if you were worthy of a warm-up.”

The voice of this comment was not lowered in any manner, Shi Lang had been deliberately insulting him. The humiliation in front of his peer was making his blood boil and when that happens people lose their ability to think right and their judgments become lax.

Atlas jerked his leg away and released himself from Shi Lang’s grip. The two people stood up in tandem, but Shi Lang was a little slower and the opponent rushed at him, but this time it was not a frontal attack. Atlas maneuvered himself to appear behind Shi Lang and grabbed his throat between his elbow.

Shi Lang instinctively took hold of his elbow trying to loosen the grip and began to shake his body. Atlas smiled and said, “Struggle more little chicken. Hahaha, flutter your wings.”

He was feeling very satisfied in his heart as Shi Lang jumped up again and again. But the happiness was short-lived, suddenly, the youngster under his hold jumped so high that his body was completely parallel to the ground, and then like a Pendulum, Shi Lang’s body passed down between Atlas’s legs, shifting all his body weight on the latter.

If Atlas did not hold tight, then he will be free. But the guy held on, however, the principal of physics were something that even a Terran cannot defy. Just as Apollo bent forward to maintain his grip his body weight shifted and he found himself falling forward. The bulky guy flipped on his body by his blunder.

Another big bang sounded in the gym area, by now, Shi Lang had knocked down the guy twice. Atlas was stunned and he wanted to retaliate, however, just as he stood up, Shi Lang’s big foot came to show bitter love to his face.

Shi Lang would not have stomped on his head if not for the guy to have steel skin. Every action has an equal opposite reaction. The shoe made love to the face, and the face made love to the floor. Despite the fact that the floor was soft and elastic, the pain was not lessened in any way. The blow did not hit him on the outside but also on the inside.

Stomped on the face, that was a trample on his dignity, and Atlas could not help out but let out a stifling roar from his mouth.

Shi Lang took a few steps back and said, “I see, still want to fight? I am afraid, you might lose your spirit if this continued. I am not used to abusing people.”

Atlas stood up and rushed towards Shi Lang once more, however, this time the attacks were not done in a haste, his fists were jabbed at the younger opponent at a fast speed. While Shi Lang bobbed his head to avoid the jabs, his feet kept moving around the fighting area, to avoid being cornered by the opponent.

This stalemate lasted for five minutes before the speed of the jabs slowed down a bit. Shi Lang could sense a faint huff as Atlas inhaled and exhaled. This huff was what he needed. As soon as Atlas slowed down, Shi Lang went in to kill and his punch landed right on the chest cavity.

The attack disrupted the breathing rhythm of Atlas and then Shi Lang counterred him with a combination of punches and kicks, all aimed at the joints, head or chest cavity. In the next ten minutes, despite a tough steel skin, Apollo realized what pain was, his lungs were on fire and his movements were sluggish. Never in his wildest dreams could he have imagine such a thing.

Shi Lang knocked him on the floor for the third time and asked, “More?”

Atlas panted as he laid down there and shook his head. Quinn said, “Winner, Ace.”

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