

[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Demon God]


“This bastard…”

Ronan furrowed his eyebrows. He was definitely someone he had encountered in his past life. Successfully recalling memories from his Punishment Squad days, he muttered in disbelief with an incredulous tone.

“That damn son of a bitch…?”

No doubt about it. Although he was such an insignificant bastard that Ronan momentarily forgot his name, he was definitely someone Ronan knew. The one-eyed tiger Jaeger. He was the leader of the bandits who operated near the Tukan Plateau.

Ronan had wiped out Jaeger’s gang single-handedly back then, as if it were a trivial chore before lunch. Though they were merely a bunch of twenty or so bandits, they were all amateurs, but the most pathetic one was none other than Jaeger.

‘He begged for mercy, pleading for his life, only to try to stab me in the back.’

Thinking about it now still makes Ronan burst into laughter. Perhaps even the little finger of Zaifa would be stronger than this idiot. Ronan remembered the pathetic sight of Jaeger begging for his life after losing his weapon in just one strike, and the sensation of stripping off his skin after repaying his mercy with enmity. Ronan chuckled to himself.

“This bastard… I mean, is that tiger really Jaeger?”

“Yeah. He’s once again trying to raise the Night of the Fangs. The reason that I didn’t return to Philleon and didn’t lift the curse of the beastmen is practically all because of him.”

“Night of the Fangs.”

Ronan twisted his lips at the word he had already heard several times. It seemed like he had found the root of the problem. Suddenly, the smile faded from Adeshan’s face.

“What did you say?”

“Oh, were you awake?”


Adeshan nodded. Even in her exhales, there lingered a faint scent of vanilla, having freshened up with a quick dry wash. Facing Sekreet, she spoke.

“Professor, please explain in detail.”

“I was going to do that. But… your eyes are a bit intimidating.”

Sekreet’s imposing tail slowly lowered. An indescribable vitality was emerging from within her as it seeped out of her ashen eyes. Adeshan quickly averted her gaze.

“Oh, I’m sorry.”

“No, it’s fine. Perhaps being the Student Council President has given you such charisma? So, this Jaeger guy…”

Sekreet continued her explanation. Jaeger. Exactly, Jaeger Urotan was a Weretiger who claimed to be the successor of Zaifa.

In recent months, Jaeger, who had rapidly expanded his influence, was attempting to invade the Empire again by rallying nearby beastmen tribes, including those in the Tukan Plateau.

With rhetoric that stimulated racial superiority and territorial sentiment, he incited the beastmen, looting nearby villages or cities for military expansion, kidnapping talents like blacksmiths. It was indeed a different character from what Ronan remembered from his past life.

‘How did an idiot like that become such a big shot?’

No matter how much he thought about it, he was just a nobody. Despite their brief encounter, Ronan could assess his skills with just one glance. The only thing he could boast about was his face full of charisma, more suitable for a leaflet model than a leader.

A gut feeling that something was amiss crossed his mind. Ronan put the paper down on the bed and asked again.

“Anyway… what do you mean by researching the curses?”

“It’s also a serious issue. Lately, curses have been cast on the territories of the indigenous people nearby. It’s a curse with a nasty twist, so we’re working on a way to deal with it more efficiently.”

Sekreet talked about the tragedy that had unfolded over the past few months. Someone had been cursing the beastmen tribes living in the Tukan Plateau, or rather, the lands they inhabited.

Among the indigenous people, rumors spread that it was the Empire’s army committing such acts to exterminate the northern beastmen. Curses. Curses. Ronan’s eyebrows twitched as he recalled last night’s attackers.

“…Could it be that the curse causes birth defects and shortens lifespans?”

“Huh? How did you know?”

“I met some guys last night who seemed to be victims of that curse.”

Ronan briefly explained the ambush incident from the previous night. The Werewolves transformed into monsters resembling creatures from hell, and the beastmen’s cries filled with hatred cursing humans. He didn’t expect them to be related to Sekreet.

“Is it really something humans would do?”

“I don’t know for sure. Either way, that curse also contributes significantly to expanding Jaeger’s influence. Since it fuels hatred towards humans.”

Indeed, it was a bigger problem than he had thought. If the curse continued, the indigenous people would naturally be inclined to join Jaeger’s new beastmen alliance. Now Ronan understood why Sekreet hadn’t returned to Philleon immediately. Ronan said.

“So, that’s why you were trying to figure out the source of the curse.”

“Yes. Even if I report to His Majesty the Emperor, it will take a while for the Imperial Army to come. So, I was planning to contact them after finding the heart of their operations.”

“Damn it, this is why I hate those furries.”

Ronan clicked his tongue. Time was a problem, as Sekreet had pointed out. To suppress such a rebellion early on, it was important to capture the masterminds. Especially in organizations where the importance of the head was particularly significant.

But calling the Imperial Army prematurely might only complicate matters. Not only was the distant journey to Rundalian an issue, but there was also a possibility that calling them prematurely would drive the guerrilla tactics-using Jaeger and his leadership further into hiding.

The Imperial Army was strong, but the North was vast, and it was not feasible to allocate considerable resources to Jaeger alone. However, the misfortune didn’t end there. Sekreet spoke again.

“Recently, hate crimes against humans have been increasing. To be honest, coming to the North right now is very dangerous. From the Tukan Plateau to Heiran, those bandits are causing trouble everywhere.”

“Damn it, even Heiran?”

“Yes. I don’t know where the forge you’re heading to is exactly, but there’s a high chance it’s been occupied too. They have quite a large number.”


Ronan, who was resting his forehead in his palm, bit his lower lip. Even though the mission could wait, it had suddenly turned into an urgent task. If the blacksmiths were kidnapped, they needed to be rescued. Even if they hadn’t been kidnapped and were just besieged, the surrounding enemies had to be eliminated to open the forge’s door.

“Anyway, I’ll further investigate the situation here, so you should hurry back. I think it would be better to visit Heiran and the Sea of Ghosts on the next opportunity. You said you came with the Upper Carabel, it’d be good to advise them to withdraw as well. Rundalian is not completely safe now either.”

“Not safe?”

“Jaeger’s forces are targeting a steel mine located outside the city. Just yesterday, a considerable group attacked, and the soldiers barely managed to drive them away.”


Ronan’s face stiffened. The reason why Carabel came all the way to remote Rundalian was to obtain Cold Iron. He remembered Marya’s words that she would visit the origin, the mine.

‘Could it be.’

For a moment, a foreboding sense of dread gripped Ronan’s heart. He and Adeshan almost simultaneously turned to look at each other. Suddenly, in the solemn atmosphere, Sekreet’s ears perked up. Ronan was about to say something when, Dung! Dung! Dung! Loud bells echoed outside the inn.

“Th-this is!”

Sekreet’s fur stood on end. It was the sound of bells that only rang in the event of an invasion or when the city was in crisis. Ronan immediately grasped the situation and swiftly opened the window and jumped out.



Adeshan and Sekreet screamed, but Ronan had already completed three somersaults and landed gracefully, balancing himself. As he took a breath, the chilly air swept through his lungs.



[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Demon God]

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“Haa.. damn it.”

The entire city was in chaos. Busy residents were running around trying to find safe places, paying no attention to Ronan’s flashy entrance. Even the giant deer hitched to the carts were banging their heads against the walls, roaring in distress. The intensified ringing continued to assault their eardrums.

“Wh-what’s happening again?”

“Jaeger’s thugs have attacked the iron mine. Damn it, they just don’t get tired, coming back again and again.”

Ronan narrowed his eyes as he happened to overhear the conversation of the residents. He couldn’t shake off the feeling that bad omens always seemed to come true. Closing his eyes and concentrating, he began to distinguish various clamorous noises around him.

Sharp metallic clangs, the sound of wood splintering, the screams and shouts of humans and aquatic beings interspersed with the clangor. Among them, there was notably the loud shout of someone with a booming voice. Ronan opened his eyes again, clenching his jaw.


It was unmistakably Marya’s voice. Ronan turned his head towards the source of the commotion. Thick smoke was billowing from the western part of the city where the iron mine was located. It was the carriage Marya was pulling together for their leap. Suddenly, Adeshan’s shout came from behind.

“Ronan, get on!”


Ronan’s eyes widened as he turned his head. Right behind him, a gigantic stag was charging towards him with terrifying momentum. It was a Great Deer, the animal used by the northern beastmen for transportation.

Adeshan was holding onto its antlers with one hand and reaching out to Ronan with the other. The pupils of the Great Deer were tinged with a murky gray. She seemed to have taken control of the mind of whoever was hitching a ride on its carriage. Ronan grabbed her hand and swiftly climbed onto the Great Deer’s back.

“To the west!”

“Yes, we’re already headed there!”

Adeshan replied. With her abilities, she seemed to be able to control the Great Deer without holding the reins. As the Great Deer’s hooves pounded the ground, the surrounding scenery whizzed by swiftly.

Dashing through the spaces between buildings, over the heads of residents, and leaping over tall stairs, the Great Deer suddenly broke through the castle gates and arrived at their destination, the iron mine, in front of the chaos. Ronan frowned at the scene of devastation.

“This is…!”

The smell of burning wood was nauseating. As expected, carriages laden with goods were lined up, halted. Six horses lay dead, blood spattered around them.

A thick column of smoke rose from one of the carriages engulfed in flames. Mercenaries, merchants, and city soldiers were on edge, vigilant of their surroundings. The thieves, however, were nowhere to be seen, having apparently vanished. Taking in a deep breath, Ronan shouted at the top of his lungs.

“Come out here! You bastards!”

Ronan jumped, drawing his sword. Determined to strip the hides off every thief in the city, whether it belonged to beastmen or humans, if anything had happened to Marya or Duon. Adeshan, who was standing on the Great Deer’s back, raised her crossbow. Surveying the surroundings meticulously, she cocked her head.

“Wait, Ronan. Something’s not right.”

“What do you mean?”

“The enemies… I don’t see them.”

Ronan’s eyes widened. Adeshan saying that meant that there were really no enemies in sight.

‘What does that mean?’

Calming his excitement, Ronan looked around again. The atmosphere was indeed strange. Rather than being on edge, the mercenaries, merchants, and soldiers were frozen in surprise. Though there was a sense of impending danger, what had happened? Suddenly, amidst the crowd, Ronan spotted the familiar figure of a middle-aged man.


“Ro-Ronan?! How did you get here…!”

“Are you alright? Damn it, what happened?”

Ronan quickly scanned Duon’s condition. Other than his clothes being a bit torn, he seemed unharmed. When their eyes met, Duon shrugged.

“I… I don’t really know either. We were suddenly caught in a skirmish, and the bodies of the opposing beastmen started flying upwards…”


Duon, still shaken, pointed upward with his index finger. It was only then that Ronan noticed the peculiar shadows scattered across the ground. Frowning, Ronan lifted his gaze.

“…What’s that?”

Several strange entities were floating about 30 meters above the ground. Each one seemed to be wriggling violently, resembling living creatures. Ronan quickly realized that they were the beastmen who had attacked the Carabel.


“Ronan, Adeshan Unnie, you guys came!”

At that moment, a familiar voice came from not far away. Ronan turned his gaze downward. A blonde girl was running towards them, carrying a massive greatsword on her back.

Thankfully, she seemed unharmed. Soon, Marya stopped in front of him, breathing heavily.

“Haah… I’m exhausted. I ran a lot.”

“Marya, what’s going on?”

“I don’t know… Haa… We were fighting fiercely, and suddenly the thieves’ bodies started floating upwards. Since then, they’ve been in that state…”

Judging by the blood on her greatsword, it seemed like she had managed to kill several of them despite everything. Ronan grimaced at the testimony, which didn’t seem particularly helpful. Then, at that moment, Adeshan, who was perched atop the Great Deer’s antlers, shouted while looking at something.

“Guys, over there…!”


Ronan and Marya simultaneously turned their heads. Her finger pointed to the roof of a mineral warehouse about 50 meters away. Both of them blinked in surprise.

“What’s that…?”

“A girl?”

There was a small girl standing on the roof. With ruby-like red hair shining brightly, she stretched her hand towards the floating creatures in the air. She was pointing towards the floating beastmen with her outstretched arm. Just then, one of the Werebears, which was floating lower, shouted in a deep voice.

“It’s you, you rat-like human! Release this right now!”

“Ah! I-I’m sorry. Please don’t shout!”

“Graah! My, my back!”

As the girl reached out her arms, she hunched her shoulders. Simultaneously, the beastmen screamed. It seemed that their grip had become stronger. Ronan and Marya’s eyes widened in shock.


It was a familiar voice. And very much so. Ronan blinked his eyes once or twice at the girl, then looked back at her again. As expected, she was someone he knew.

Why was that brat there? Ronan swept his bangs in amazement and called out his name.

“Aselle, you brat!”


The girl turned her head. Aselle’s eyes blinked several times as they met Ronan’s. It was exactly three seconds.

“Ro-Ronnan? Marya?!”

Aselle, who belatedly recognized the two, jumped up from his place. With the loss of concentration, the telekinetic force holding the beastmen vanished temporarily.


The beastmen’ fur bristled. Though they regained their freedom, the place they were falling from was too high to overcome with agility.

The black masses began to plummet rapidly. Unfortunately, Aselle couldn’t regain his composure until they hit the ground. Boom! Bang! The cannon fire announcing the end of the intruders resounded loudly.

[TL/N: guys if this novel gets 10 more reviews on NovelUpdates i’ll do a mass release :3.. go leave a review HERE]



[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Demon God]

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