

[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Demon God]


As Navardose flicked her fingers, flames engulfed the two. With the darkness swallowing their vision, Ronan was overcome by the nauseating sensation unique to spatial magic.

‘I just can’t get used to this.’

It felt like his insides were being twisted and turned in a sack. Before long, the darkness dissipated, and the scene before them brightened once again. Billowing cumulus clouds flowed vividly before their eyes. Ronan’s eyes widened.


There was nothing beneath their feet where the ground should have been. It didn’t take Ronan long to realize that his body was floating in mid-air.

“What the…?!”

He gasped, uttering a curse. His body began to plummet straight downward. Frantically scanning his surroundings, he noticed Navardose falling alongside him. She looked at Ronan and spoke.

“Oh, I forgot to explain. It’s quite far to arrive in one trip, you see. This is the range of spatial teleportation.”

“Alright, could you at least do something?! Honestly, I’m scared to death right now.”

Ronan said, trying desperately to maintain his composure. Navardose’s face remained remarkably calm, as if she were unaffected by the heat. If she weren’t the dragon he needed to impress, he might have erupted in curses or screamed at the top of his lungs. Suddenly, Navardose reached out her arm and grabbed Ronan’s wrist, pulling him toward her.

“Lady Navardose…?”

“Do not be so scared, child. Who do you think you’re with?”

She smiled with her eyes as she gently embraced Ronan. He was left speechless, feeling like he was being held by a giant despite being much taller.


Not even a crude joke came to mind. If he were to write a brief review of being embraced by the Mother of Fire, it would simply state that a dragon’s body temperature is much higher than that of a human, and that Itargand indeed needed to have his ass beaten.

Well, long-distance teleportation isn’t so bad after all. He was thinking such a thing when suddenly. Whoosh! The flames surged once again, enveloping the two.




Unfortunately, their journey didn’t last long. They arrived at their destination after a total of seven teleportations. Ronan furrowed his brows at the sight of the majestic castle before them.

“A castle…?”

“Yes. Drimore Fortress. It’s our outpost.”

“Where… exactly are we?”

Ronan asked with a bewildered voice. Having seen all sorts of magnificent landscapes in his two lifetimes, he couldn’t hide his astonishment this time. He felt he understood why she called this place “where the sky thins”.

The fortress was situated in the midst of the sky. Similar to the floating prison, Rodolan, but incomparably grander in scale and everything else.

The sky itself wasn’t what people generally imagined. Above the high heavens one could see from the ground lay another sky, which had only been heard of before.

‘Are there… so many stars?’

It was different from what he had seen from the ground. Even though it wasn’t night, countless stars adorned the sky, forming an uncountable galaxy.

Ronan glanced down at the cliff below. Far beneath him lay the continent where he was born and raised. It was hard to believe that everything he had experienced so far fit within that distant speck of land.

Raising his head slightly, he could see a gentle arc forming the horizon. Ronan could vaguely deduce that the arc was the edge of the planet he had lived on.

As they walked towards the fortress along the path, Ronan looked around like a child on his first stroll. Navardose chuckled.

“Fascinating, isn’t it?”

“Yes. Honestly, it feels like I’m dreaming. This fortress doesn’t seem ordinary either.”

The material that made up the outer wall was unusual. In Drimore Fortress, which overall had a bluish tint, mithril was the most common construction material. Orichalcum, Damas Stone, and even precious metals beyond that were not uncommonly found. They were all materials specialized in both physical and magical damage resistance.

‘Damn, did those materials became rare because they scraped up everything to build this?’’

It seemed that if they were to fortify it intentionally, even if all the imperial soldiers gathered, they wouldn’t be able to conquer it. Ronan, examining the fortress, spoke up.

“It wasn’t built to fight against humans.”

“That’s right. You’re quick to catch on.”

“What exactly are they fighting that they need a fortress like this?”

“You’ll soon find out. We came here to drive them out.”

Navardose, arriving at the fortress gate, gestured lightly. Two doors made to withstand meteor strikes swung open smoothly. Ronan raised an eyebrow at the scene inside the fortress that unfolded before him.

“It’s narrower than I thought?”

“It’s a building built solely for durability. We will have to discuss the matters concerning your father after we’re done, is that okay?”

“Yes. I don’t mind as long as we can talk about it today.”

The interior seemed narrower than expected, perhaps because the walls and ceilings were so thick. Of course, compared to what he saw from the outside, it was narrow, but it was spacious enough for Itargand to move around freely without having to polymorph.

There was hardly any decoration, giving a somewhat dull feeling. Of course, it didn’t matter much since it was built for fighting.

As the two walked side by side down the corridor, they turned a corner. Suddenly, a man an head taller than Ronan popped out. He was a rather handsome man with a mustache that extended to his sideburns. When he encountered Navardose, he stopped in place.

“Welcome, Navardose. You’re a bit late.”

“I had some business to attend to. How’s the situation?”

“It’s settled for now, but they’ll be back soon. We’ll need you to lead the defense.”

“Understood. The ‘passageway’ hasn’t been damaged, has it?”

“I got injured like this protecting it. Damn it.”

The man grumbled, showing a scar on his forearm. Though a few drops of blood were oozing out, it was rather embarrassing to call it a wound. Suddenly, he glanced at Ronan and spoke again.

“So, is this a snack for me when I get hungry?”

【Refrain from jesting, Taklamakan. He’s my guest.】

Before Ronan could say anything, Navardose’s voice suddenly grew stern, and Taklamakan, as he was called, shrugged his shoulders. A forced smile appeared on his lips to cover the situation.

“Haha… why are you making such a serious face? It’s been a while since I’ve seen a mortal, so I thought I’d play a little prank.”

“I’ll see you later.”

“Yeah, yeah… see you later. Make sure this delicious-looking human doesn’t die of shock.”

Taklamakan patted Ronan’s shoulder and passed by. It wasn’t difficult to deduce his identity. Ronan said,

“He’s a dragon, right?”

“That’s right. He’s quite a famous Earth Dragon. A few thousand years ago, there were few who didn’t know his name. He’s the one who destroyed the Galacia Kingdom overnight.”

“Not an easy task.”

Ronan nodded. Although it was an ancient history not mentioned in history books, he could feel the magnitude of the event from the word “destroy.”

As they walked out of the corridor, they encountered several more individuals. They were all of immortal races like elves or dragons. A woman with azure hair bowed her head in greeting to Navardose.

“Ah, Lady Navardose, you’ve come. I’m sorry for asking for too much help.”

“No, it’s fine. Who’s on the front lines right now?”

“It’s Bnihardo and Irainiel Remation.”

“That’s a good combination. Get some rest.”

Most of them showed Navardose polite respect. Even Taklamakan, who looked like a ruffian, seemed intimidated, showing that among the immortal beings, there was a distinct difference in status.

Before long, the two arrived at another gate. Navardose, who had opened the door, pointed ahead and said,

“Here we are.”

“This is…”

For a moment, Ronan’s mind went blank. It was more magnificent than he had imagined. The sea of stars he had always looked up to was spread out before his eyes.

There was no visible boundary between heaven and earth. He had seen a similar landscape somewhere before. It was like the sight of a desert covered in salt instead of sand on a rainy night.

About three hundred paces ahead, a translucent barrier was visible. It was so wide that its ends couldn’t be seen in any direction, and it seemed to be some kind of defensive barrier.



[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Demon God]

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There was a hole in the middle of the platform, about 10 meters in diameter, which seemed to be the “passageway” mentioned by Navardose. Ronan, looking at the stars shining below his feet, spoke up.

“Isn’t this just a cliff?”

“It looks like this because of the material. Don’t worry, the floor continues beyond the barrier, so step forward.”

Ronan did as instructed. Indeed, there was ground. It seemed quite solid, and jumping around wouldn’t be a problem. Navardose’s appearance as she glanced sideways made it seem as if she were walking on air. She said,

“They’ll be coming straight on, from beyond the barrier we’re looking at now. Originally, it was meant to prevent things from pouring down from above, but Lorehon reconstructed the space. This way is much better.”

“Lorehon? The Lorehon I know?”

“That’s right. Didn’t I mention it? That child is also part of our front line. He’s quite unique among mortals.”

Ronan’s eyes widened. This was unexpected information. Not far away, he heard a man and a woman talking.

“How pathetic. You should moderate your dependence on Mother.”

“What can we do? If we deal with each other, it takes too long.”

“Why don’t you go and try persuading Orsay? Even if there’s no support, that little one could be a significant force.”

“Hah, I’d rather have you breathe fire hotter than Lady Navardose. Where would Orsay listen to you?”

Ronan turned his head in the direction of the sound. A red dragon and an ageless elf were having a conversation. The elf who spotted Navardose bowed his head.

“Ah, Lady Navardose, you’ve come.”


The dragon next to her also bowed his head. Ronan raised an eyebrow upon hearing the term “mother.” Somehow, their scales seemed similar, indicating that he was probably of the same lineage as Navardose.

Although smaller than her, he still seemed twice as large compared to Itargand, indicating that he was quite an old dragon. Navardose said,

“Bnihardo. How long has it been since we drove them away?”

“It’s been just under thirty minutes.”

“They’ll be back soon. You did well.”

Navardose gently stroked the dragon’s snout. Unable to contain his curiosity, Ronan asked her,

“So, what exactly are these ‘guys’ you’ve been talking about?”

“They’re beings from the sky beyond the sky. Their forms are varied, but their purpose is all the same… They’re the most repulsive race in the world.”

“Their purpose?”

“Yeah. The world we live in…”

Navardose was about to say something. Her horns began to emit a red glow again. The dragon named Brihardo and the elf both turned their heads simultaneously.

“You’ve arrived just in time.”

Navardose smiled wryly. A chill, like pouring ice water into one’s veins, engulfed Ronan for a moment. He had felt a similar sensation only once before.

‘This is…!’

The four of them turned their heads in the same direction at once. Unlike the relatively calm three, Ronan froze in place. Navardose, pointing beyond the barrier, said,

“Take a good look, child. Those are the true enemies your father taught us to face.”

“True… enemies.”

Ronan murmured as if he were entranced by something. Hundreds of foul masses were rushing toward the barrier. Crawling, running, flying, swimming—the grotesque creatures’ appearances were something Ronan had never seen on the surface.

If you put tentacles and mouths on swollen lumps of flesh, they would look something like that. The elf named Irainiel frowned.

“Ugh, these creatures are tough. We should have called Lady Navardose anyway.”

“It seems so. I’ll help. Mother.”

“Enough. I’ll be here soon, so just focus on protecting this child.”

Navardose waved her hand and took a step forward. As she gestured, the barrier blocking the passage disappeared in an instant. Then, Bnihardo, who had finally seen Ronan, spoke up.

“By the way, what are you, human? What’s your relationship with Mother?”

“I’m curious too. You don’t seem to be a mage like Lorehon.”

Ronan didn’t respond. His gaze remained fixed on Navardose’s back as the barrier behind her was ominously restored.

‘Is that really okay?’

Navardose knew better than anyone how powerful she was, but seeing it firsthand still made him anxious. Amidst the approaching horde of monsters, her polymorphic figure looked as precarious as a candle flame in the wind.

“…An impolite human, aren’t you? Are you scared?”

“It’s quite a sight to be scared of.”

“Well, as long as you stick with us, we’ll protect you, so don’t do anything foolish. Mortals like you can’t even scratch those things.”

Bnihardo spoke arrogantly. Ronan, who reacted belatedly, glanced at him.

“Mortals can’t even scratch them?”

“Huh, you could speak after all.”

“Yes. That’s the common trait among those creatures. To be precise, among mortals, there are hardly any strong enough to harm them. They naturally possess a barrier different from mana.”

Irainiel answered instead. The phrase “a barrier different from mana” lingered in Ronan’s mind. Was it like the Protection of the Stars that the baldies used? Lost in various thoughts, Ronan finally witnessed Navardose taking action.

【You keep coming without getting tired. Aren’t you afraid of dying?】


Her majestic voice reverberated. Simultaneously, the approaching monsters all roared in unison. Ronan’s brow furrowed. He had expected them to be silent due to their quiet approach, but their voices were so loud, it felt like the sky might shake.

Now, the gap between the monsters and Navardose was less than two hundred paces. She quietly raised her right arm. Ronan could feel the flow of mana gathering around her palm. Irainiel spoke.

“You’d better cover your eyes.”


She was already covering her eyes with both hands. Ronan was about to say something when, in an instant, a red flash erupted, followed by flames pouring out from Navardose’s palm. Kwaah! The crimson torrent engulfed the monsters.


-Kieeek! Kieeeeek!

Eerie screams echoed. Most of the creatures turned into ashes on the spot, but a few larger ones writhed and twisted slowly as they burned, like fish thrown out of water.

Ronan realized why the elf had told him to cover his eyes. The heat and glare beyond the barrier were so intense that he couldn’t possibly keep his eyes open.

Navardose turned slowly, incinerating the monsters. Her flames, pouring out in a radial pattern, formed a red wall covering the same area as the barrier. Brihardo burst into hearty laughter.

“Ahahaha! Mother is truly exceptional, even with a human disguise!”

“Today, the fire seems weaker than usual. It must be the fatigue from the morning battles.”

Ronan chuckled at Irainiel’s remark. It was staggering to think that this was considered weak. As the flame-made barrier gradually faded, a faint cracking sound came from one corner of the barrier.


Ronan turned his head. Except for him, it seemed like no one else had heard it. He narrowed his eyes and looked in the direction of the sound. A needle-like, elongated creature was charging towards them.

“What the…!”

Ronan gasped. He was fast, but it was even faster. The creature, burning in Navardose’s flames, looked like a red meteor. The creature let out a belated scream of agony.



Only then did the other two turn their heads. However, the creature was already upon Brihardo. Ronan immediately leapt, kicking her off the ground. It didn’t matter what he would do if the attack failed, that was not a concern at the moment.

“Oh no…!”

It was too late. Brihardo, sensing the danger, snapped his jaws shut. The coiled body of the spiraling creature was aiming to pierce his neck. Ronan, who barely reached in time, swung his sword. Swoosh! A white line was drawn across the burning mass of flesh.


Brihardo’s eyes widened. Ronan, landing on the ground, splattered blood on his sword. The wriggling body of the creature fell to the ground.



[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Demon God]

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