Abyss of Dual Cultivation: Goddess's Lust system

Chapter 155 155: Taking the edge off - part 1

Aurora did not take long to return to her group after she finished her initial deal and had the pass for the auction house.

She had gotten a response from Astoria about the deal and Michelle did not take long to reply to Aurora about her inquiry.

The witch would be arriving on the sixth floor shortly along with Astoria to take these people out.

Technically, the resistance was smuggling these people out with Eve’s help but no one knew about it. Rex had kept the extraction method a secret from the other resistance members.

That was why the only member present in this meeting from the resistance’s side was Rex who already knew Ava’s secret and was under an oath of secrecy.

“Have the representatives arrived yet? What about the people we rescued? Is everyone here?”

Aurora quickly met her group at the allocated location. She was the only one who was late but that had to be expected.

“Everyone is here. Astoria said that they will be here shortly with Eve. Their side has already made contact with each other so we do not need to worry about it.”

Rita gave Aurora the best news imaginable. It took a huge chunk of worry off Aurora’s shoulder.

“Rita, Natasha, stay here and make sure these people get out alive. Since it will take Astoria and Rex some time to get here, I need you both to make sure everything stays in an alright position.”.

“Once you both are done, come and join me at this address. There are your tickets so you will be able to enter without problem,”

Aurora handed the two tickets she had been given to her companions.

She would have preferred to go together as a group but there was not much time before the auction starts.

The auction was not Aurora’s real target but the after-party was. That was where the real action of information took place and that was also where Aurora needed to go.

But it was only possible if one took part in the pre-auction and bought a membership.

“You cannot put it off?”

“No. This might be our only chance to enter the after-party. Our tickets will be invalidated after today so I have no other choice but to hurry up.”

Aurora felt like she was forcing herself to perform many tasks. Her body was beginning to feel the effects of corruption but it was not something like a heavy blow.

“Aurora, you look paler. Is it your ‘illness’ acting up again? Do you need help with that?”

Rita leaned in toward Aurora’s face. Her body was close enough for Aurora to smell her natural scent, which was a bad idea.

“I can manage for now. You can help me after the after-party is over. So do try and hurry up the business here so that you can join me later.”

Aurora almost panted those words out with effort. Her condition had not been bad before but it was worsening by the second.

Her proximity with Rita was not helping her case and Aurora instantly took a step back to calm her body down.

And she lost her balance at that moment. Her legs felt tied and her body was tense.

‘Pull her closer and dominate her. It should be easy to do that and take pleasure in that soft and warm body. It is so easy to pull her close and-‘

“Aurora, are you alright? Your hands are clasped too tightly on my arm. Do you not need any help?”

Rita’s voice cut Aurora’s thoughts off. She had not even realized that the voice was back had Rita not called her out.

But her lack of response made both females in front of her aware that something was wrong with her.

“Natasha, you stay here and make sure Damian and others get to the surface. I will go with Aurora for now and try to make her calm down. There is not much time left before the auction.”

Rita could see the reluctance in Natasha’s expression but the rational lady did see sense in not stopping Rita.

As much as Natasha wanted to help Aurora, now was neither the time nor the circumstance for her to be able to help.

Moreover, Rita had more experience with Aurora and would be able to stop her if things went a little south.

“Fine, you can take her away. But before you do that, let me do one thing at least.”

Rita didn’t stop Natasha’s actions. She was not even sure what Natasha was going to do before she did it.

Aurora was suddenly sandwiched between Rita’s body from behind and Natasha’s from the front.

And then she was pulled into a violent kiss. It was a kiss that Natasha dominated with her willpower alone. Natasha’s tongue was mapping Aurora’s mouth out.

And Aurora had a dazed expression when Natasha let her mouth go.

“Here. I took some edge off her for now but it will be up to you to make her feel better. Now, hurry up and go.”

Rita nodded, a little stunned at her stoic companion’s sudden and out-of-character actions. She had not expected Natasha to ever be this bold but it was not unwelcomed.

The spark of jealousy and irritation was still there but it was not as dominant as it should have been.

“Did you have to do that in front of all of us? I should charge you for that.”

Damian’s sudden voice almost caused Natasha to break out into a flush. Her white skin was too red to hide her blush.

“I don’t know what you are talking about. And where were you until now? You should have talked with Aurora before you left this place.”

Natasha tried to divert the talk to something else as soon as she realized there was no other way she would be let go in this situation.

Unfortunately, Damian was too smart to be caught up in her trick.

“I decided to stay away as soon as I saw you three make those bedroom eyes. Do you know how uncomfortable it is to talk to you all when you are busy pinning over each other?”

“We do not pin over each other.”

“So you did not disapprove of the ‘bedroom eyes’ part, huh? Even you are self-aware of your actions and you still ask me why I am uncomfortable.”

That was the day Natasha realized that Damian was a menace and the less she tried to provide him, the better.

For ten years old, his soul had seen too much.

“By the way, who taught you all this stuff? I am sure a normal ten-year-old doesn’t know all this.”

Natasha had not when she had been that age.

“I’m not a prude. And also, Alexander is a treasure of information if you can get him to spill.”

Of course, it was Alexander who taught Damian. That man had gotten along with Damian like fire and oil. Suddenly, Natasha was afraid of what the future held for them all.

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