Abyss of Dual Cultivation: Goddess's Lust system

Chapter 151 151: You are not who you seem to be - part 1

‘Natasha, we are done here. Let’s go and catch up with those other two before something did end up happening.’

This was what Aurora had initially planned but she changed her thoughts once Damian’s message finally came in. according to him, the situation had been handled on his end but he had run into some ‘unexpected’ company.

The choice of words did arouse Aurora’s curiosity but she chose not to state it over the system.

“Natasha, are you done on your side? I need your help in burning out the trash.”

“Sure. Would lighting the tent on fire be alright? I have a few ways to make sure no ‘evidence’ is left behind.”

Behind Aurora, the ring leader shuddered at the audible threat in Natasha’s voice. He understood the underlying meaning behind Natasha’s cold words.

“Yup. It will be alright. I will make sure that the fire doesn’t spread to other tents.”

With Aurora’s audible permission, it didn’t even take Natasha a second to light the tent on fire. People around the tent were startled once the fire started but they settled down pretty quickly once they realized that the fire was not going to spread.

Once that was taken care of, Aurora turned toward their new ’employee’ who was scared out of his wits.

“Now that things have calmed down a little, let’s talk business. You have been marked by my magic and you will not be able to get rid of it even in death. But if you do a good enough job, I might allow you to get rid of it.”.

“All you need to do is to search for the information about the underground auction rings. Can you do that for me?”

The leader shivered at Aurora’s tone but he nodded pretty quickly. Since he had understood, Aurora let him go.

Natasha’s concern about Aurora’s actions was visible in her aura but she waited till the man was far away before addressing Natasha’s worries.

“Don’t worry about him so much. He is a smart man so he will keep his words.”

Natasha looked even more worried once she heard Aurora’s words.

“N-No. That was not what I was thinking about. Won’t it be a problem if that man found a way to undo your magic and leak information about us?”

Ah, these were real concerns someone might have. Aurora had forgotten that her companions did not know everything about her abilities.

Ever since she had stepped back into the abyss, the feeling of being invincible had enveloped Aurora. She felt like she could do anything and make anything happen.

It was a dangerous feeling which could get Aurora addicted.

But it also told Aurora that her magic was not going to fade away.

“You don’t have to worry about anything for now. Just believe in me and my magic. Even if that man ends up finding a way out of his curse, he will not be able to leak out secrets. I made sure of it.”

Natasha had a complicated expression on her face. Aurora found it hard to read.

No, she did not want to know what Natasha was thinking. She would rather remain oblivious to Natasha’s real feelings regarding this matter.

“If you believe that we will not be betrayed then I will trust your decision. The sun is about to set as well and the night market will appear soon. We still have to find its entrance so let’s go and look for it.”

Natasha was avoiding Aurora’s eyes. Perhaps she was afraid of Aurora now?

After all, Aurora had never shown her real colors in front of Natasha so it was possible for the princess to have gotten the wrong idea about her.

“Natasha, do I scare you? Should I leave you alone now?”

“N-No, it’s nothing like that. Y-You were just a little too h-hot for me at that moment so I don’t want to look at you. I’m afraid I will do something if I looked at you right now and we don’t have time for that.”



Aurora felt her face go red at the admission. She had no idea how Natasha was able to say those words out loud and in open. Aurora would not have been able to do it.

“Natasha, are you aroused? Do you need help?”

“A-Aroused? Don’t be foolish. I am alright.”

“No. I think you need help. I can help you out.”

“R-Really? If that’s the case, then-“

Natasha was about to agree. Aurora was sure that the northern princess was more than ready to take her up on her proposal.

But the universe had bad timing and the familiar auras headed their way killed off the mood. Natasha’s disappointed sigh was almost audible over the sound of footsteps.

“We’re back. And we brought back your luggage safe and sound.”

Rita and Damian were back. And they had the kidnappers bound up and walking behind them.

The second Aurora’s eyes met their own, she saw the kidnappers go pale. They likely recognized Aurora as the source of the curse that they were suffering from.

“So these are the scums that tried to sell Damian? They don’t look like much. I guess they won’t be much help after all.”

Aurora’s cold words caused several people to freeze, including Rita. she almost wanted to laugh at the joke she had played.

“So, can we kill them?”

Damian looked excited to kill their captives but Aurora had other plans for them.

“No. Since these kidnappers managed to somehow survive, we shall put them to good use.”

Aurora took out a paper slip and handed it to the kidnapper’s leader. The man looked startled at Aurora’s action but took the paper slip anyway.

He read the slip but as soon as he finished it, the slip burned away to ash.

“You read the slip so I hope you will be able to follow those instructions. Now go and do not waste my time any further.”

Aurora could see the reluctance in the kidnapper’s eyes but they had no other choice but to obey her words.

All of them left except one person. The only person who was left behind looked to be in his 30s and had a weird aura around him.

The aura he had was not his own which made Aurora instantly alert. The man felt like he was possessed by some kind of higher entity.

“You? What the hell are you and what do you want? Do not take a single step or I will be forced to kill you.”

The man looked amused at Aurora’s words and he even let out a chuckle.

“So I was found out, huh? In that case, let’s talk in private.”

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