“I see. So that’s something that happened to you in the Northern Republic? And you met a green-haired female in the older Natasha’s dreams that caused this problem?”

Aurora had told Ava the shortest version of the story. Somehow, she did want to tell Ava everything but Aurora still needed answers.

And if the only way for her to get answers was by trusting Ava, then that was what Aurora was going to do.

“I remember falling into the abyss and encountering someone incredibly strong but I cannot remember anything about that person. But somehow, I think that person was an overlooker as well.”

Aurora could have easily told Ava about that blue-haired man from before. Aurora had gotten stabbed by him and then lost consciousness soon after.

But somehow, Aurora wanted to keep her silence about this topic. And also the topic about that familiar soul.

Aurora did not want to reveal that she had felt Clove’s soul fragment in Natasha’s memories.

“So you cannot tell me anything about that man since you don’t remember. But even if you tell me he was an outlooker, I cannot help you know which one it was.”

“There are almost 13 of us and outlookers also expire and are reborn into another body. I haven’t seen any other outlooker for years now so I am no help.”

This was what Aurora was afraid of. She was afraid that even Ava will not have any information about the things that had happened.

“However, I do have a faint idea about that green-haired girl. As far as I remember, there was only one green-haired outlooker among us. She’s likely Zoe, the one denoted by the Ox. But if that is the case then you should not focus on her.”

“What I am saying is – forget that you ever met her and never chase after her. She is extremely dangerous. She’s much more like a snake than an Ox.”

Aurora was startled to hear such open hostility in Ava’s voice. The normally calm and collected girl had a dark expression on her face.

Also, comparing Zoe to a snake was ironic for Ava who was the snake of the zoodiac. There must be a deep beef between them.

And for some reason, Aurora got a feeling that it was related to the lost goddess who had abandoned the Tower.

“So, you are saying to not chase after Zoe and take revenge for what happened to Natasha. Don’t worry. I am not foolish enough to do that and jeopardize our operations. And besides, we have bigger fish to try at the moment.”

“Is it about the inspection you told me about? Have the tower finally decided who they want to send here?”

Aurora nodded, successfully changing the topic. As much as she wanted to talk about personal problems, the broader picture needed to be considered right now.

“The tower did decide on who to send. But the person they chose will be a problem to deal with for Rex. He doesn’t get along well with that female and she will also do her best to humiliate Rex. We will need to make sure that nothing goes wrong in the process.”

“Don’t get along? So you’ve met the inspector before.”

“Yes. She’s Rex’s stepmother. They don’t have the best relationship in the world so I’m worried. I also don’t want to show my face for personal reasons. So I’m thinking of sitting this dight out.”

Aurora felt bad for leaving all the work to other people while she got the time to relax. But what could she even do in this case?

There were times one needed to back off and enjoy life. And Aurora knew that was her time.

“Oh? But can’t you change your appearance with magic? I’m sure it would be enough to fool any ordinary person.”

Ava did make a good point but if only things were that easy. The whole reason Aurora had not even considered using magic was for one and one reason.

“Lady Voile is special. She can detect even the barest amounts of magic and recognize it if she’s ever seen it before. We won’t be able to feel her no matter what we do.”

Since Lady Voile was a minor goddess, she did not have particularly high amounts of magic power. But what she lacked in power, she made up for in technique.

And this extreme perfectionist habit of her had led Lady Voile to develop her secret technique. She could feel the magic in the same way the highest gods could.

“Rightttt. You have really strong magic so you will be caught right away and made to answer questions. You told me that you should be 13 years old right now. It would be a problem if you got recognized.”

Thankfully, Ava easily recognized what Aurora’s real problem was. The outlander was sharp in this aspect and could even tell that Aurora was worried.

This was the reason Aurora had sought her out as her first choice. If there was anyone who knew what Aurora could do in this situation, it would be Ava.

“Do you know anyway for me to be able to hide? If possible, I would not like to leave the academy at such a crucial time but I don’t I will have any other choice in this matter.”

Just the thought of leaving the academy vulnerable when they had enemies inside felt foolish to Aurora. It pumped her paranoia and made Aurora unable to keep thinking straight.

Besides, Aurora wanted to be here in case some emergency broke out and she was needed.

And knowing the tower and that fearsome tower master, something big was bound to happen that Aurora would not be able to ignore.

“Hmmm. If it’s only about changing your magic signature and making you appear as someone else, then I know of a way. But we will need some time to prepare. Do you know when the inspection will be conducted by the cabinet?”

Aurora felt hope build up inside her at Ava’s words.

While she had expected Ava to have an answer, getting one back right away made Aurora’s heart feel lighter.

“Well, we can delay the inspection for a week for now. Do you think it will be enough time for us to get what we need?”

“Do you think a week will be enough time for us to reach floor 7 from floor 5? I won’t be much help on those floors since I’m not their overlooker so it’ll depend on you.”

A week to clear 2 floors? It was more than enough time for someone like Aurora.

“Then it’s a done deal. Let’s get started.”

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