A Wanderer's Lies

Chapter 74: Unwanted Attention

Okay, okay, Rank 3 isn't bad. Furthest we've ever gone. Besides, I'm pretty sure we were ranked 1 for a few minutes, so I'll take it lol.

Enjoy, you deserve this.


In a fairly sized room with sleek white tiles and steel walls and a high ceiling with embedded lights, countless equipment could be seen.

From training dummies to simple weights that were labelled with ridiculously high numbers, a boy could be seen in the corner before a boxing bag.




The sweat poured down the back of the shirtless boy as the room had become humid due to his overexertion.

A boy with long auburn hair that was dishevelled due to the sweat and vigorous movement as strands covered his forehead, sharp features, defined jawline and hawklike Hazel eyes could be seen swinging his legs like a whip as he struck the boxing back.

This was Daniel.


Taking a short break, a hum could be heard as an orange fluid in a small flask appeared in his hands.

Popping the cap and chugging the liquid, he could feel his stamina returning as he tossed the empty glass into the pile of flasks in the corner of the room.

Without wasting another second, he walked back to the boxing bag, raising his knee till it covered his chest, his back arched and two arms protecting his chin and sides.

'First Cain, then Lucy and now Jett…I'll be damned if I let them leave me in the dust. What good is attention if I'm weak.'


With a deep breath, he launched his leg, his heel striking the bag as it swung in the air.

'I will be stronger than them.'


In a fairly sized office with windows for walls that looked over Spawn, a man with long blonde hair in a ponytail smoked a cigarette as he stared at the file.

The file showed the image of a figure with a white mask, a black lightning bolt over his eye, and a simple black line for a mouth.

All that could be seen under his mask were his pitch-black eyes that seemed like two neverending voids.

However, that wasn't what the man was interested in.

No, instead, it was the description of the mysterious person.

"Nen Proficiency Level 3 and no Hatsu? The main technique of fighting presumably Ren…what is this?" 

Adams scratched his head as he stared at the piece of paper.

Ever since the day he'd met Zol, he was under the impression the figure was a Chakra user. 

Otherwise, why would he want the Eight Gates Technique?

This was the first time he'd gotten some time to research Zol and find out more, yet he was now left with more questions than answers.

"It doesn't mention anything about a stealth technique. Was he hiding that part of his abilities? But why? Even my Observation Haki wasn't enough to notice him, yet he keeps it a secret." 

Adams, and even most others, knew that if one was to present such a useful ability, they'd be noticed by the Guild.

Yet Zol wanted to remain under the radar.

"I guess it isn't surprising. He is disguising himself after all." 

Adams leaned back in his chair as he pinched the bridge of his nose, puffing smoke as he did.

"Just who exactly are you, Zol?" 



Isaac found it bothersome he now had her bound to him.

Merlin was also new to spawn, only knowing the basic information of Inheritors and Verses, much like Isaac a few weeks ago.

Thankfully, she knew nothing of Isaac's status, other than the Zobae and being a Wanderer.

She seemed as though she'd come to terms with her situation as a possession, showing no surprise or bewilderment the more Isaac answered her question.

Additionally, Isaac was able to catch one thing.

Merlin was extremely curious.

With these countless new worlds and characters for her to explore, she was constantly glued to books, bugging Isaac to visit the Library with her whenever they could.

Isaac, too, was curious about Merlin. Therefore, he purchased a book on the Verse of Seven Deadly Sins.

However, like all other books on verses, Isaac was only given basic information on the world.

Perhaps the most interesting thing in the book was how the Seven Deadly Sins were framed, the entire kingdom thinking they were murderers who'd committed treason.

Additionally, Isaac now knew the names of all the Sins.

He especially remembered Merlin speaking on Meliodas, the Sin of Wrath, and also the captain of the Sins.

And Gowther, the Sin of Lust.

There was a paragraph dedicated to Merlin, but it stated nothing he already didn't know.

He searched for information regarding Merlin specifically on the market but found nothing.

Yet, despite all this constantly being on Isaac's mind, for the past two days, Isaac couldn't help but be distracted.


"That's him? Are you sure?"

"Yes, he's the one said to fight Jett during the excursion." 

"I've never seen him before. Who is he?" 

"I don't know. Maybe he's a new student." 

Isaac currently walked through his dorm's corridor as every student he walked by glanced at him, whispering as they pointed.

Some stares were filled with disbelief, some with distrust, but mostly, awe.

This was the first time they were seeing Isaac. Without knowing anything about him, other than being worthy to fight Jett, they instantly assumed he was someone important.

'Just wait till they find out. It'll be ten times worse than it is now.'

Isaac could only inwardly sigh as he continued walking, soon exiting the building.

Despite it being only two days, the news of Isaac's battle with Jett had spread like wildfire.

'This is the price I have to pay to make sure Onyx's plans remain unchanged.' 

Thankfully, the crowd seemed to lessen after Isaac had exited the building.

"Um, excuse me?" 

Upon hearing a shaky voice come from the side, Isaac turned his head to be met with a black-haired boy with striking blue eyes and bandages wrapped around his wrists.

Isaac paused in his steps, staring at the boy as he too replied with an awkward demeanour.


Jett stared at Isaac, his mind feeling confused.

When his grandfather mentioned the name, he didn't know who this Isaac was. However, after some research, he found out they were in the same class.

An F-Rank Wanderer.

He didn't know what to be surprised at. The fact his opponent was an F-Rank, or that he was a Wanderer.

He remembered hearing a Wanderer in his class, but he never pondered on it.

"Can I help you?" 

Isaac asked, snapping Jett out of his trance.

Usually, he'd be running his mouth at his foe, but that was because he usually sought stronger opponents.

This time, his opponent was…an F-Rank.

He didn't know how to act.

"No, I just wanted to say…uh, good luck." Jett gave a thumbs up as he froze in an awkward smile for a second, soon turning with rigid movements and walking away.

Isaac simply stared at the departing figure with a raised eyebrow and clueless expression, he soon shrugged his shoulders and kept walking.

'I guess I understand why he's acting that way. I wouldn't know how to act either if I were told to fight an ant.'

Except, Isaac wasn't an ant. But no one knew that.

As he kept walking, passing the usual stares that hung on him, entering the main building corridor and not far from his class, B-21, he came to a stop.


But before he could reach his class, he heard his name being called out as he turned his head, noticing a familiar figure.

Isaac remained rooted in his position, his expression or demeanour showing no signs of weakness as he stared at the figure walking closer to him.

"Ms Katlynn, how can I help you?"

Isaac stared at the tall female with the fashionable robe paired with the black and white hair who soon stood before him.

But to his surprise, gone was the usual scowl that would appear on her face whenever their eyes met, this time replaced with a warm smile.

"I've been looking for you, Isaac. How have you been?" Katlynn asked enthusiastically, leading Isaac to believe she had a few screws loose.

However, he already knew the reason why she was acting like this.

'From what Merlin has told me, she's cursed. Although I don't know what type of Curse she has, it makes her highly obsessed with me.' 

Upon Merlin telling him this, Isaac couldn't help but nod. 

Although Isaac had lived life constantly encountering unreasonable individuals such as herself, Katlynn was the worst he'd seen.

It was as if she was made to be a poorly written-villain.

"I've been well, thank you for asking. Is there something you need?" 

Although Isaac spoke respectfully, both of them knew the opposite individual was only putting on an act.

"Yes, there is. Please meet me at the end of the day in my office, there are a few things we must go over regarding the information of your Scenario." 

'Yeah right.'

Isaac thought inwardly but kept himself from blurting it out.

"Is that so? Well, how about I visit you when classes are over?" 

Katlynn quickly shook her head.

"Unfortunately, that doesn't work for me. The end of the day is best. Preferably sunset." 

At this point, Isaac was only playing with her. It amused him to see this act she so desperately put on to lure him.

"Okay, I'll be there." Isaac nodded with a smile.

Katlynn too smiled, soon turning as she walked away.

As she did, the smile on Isaac's face faded as he lowered his head.

[Merlin, are you ready?]

Isaac spoke inwardly, a soft voice replying in his mind shortly after.

[Far from it. With my current capabilities, it'll take at least an extra week to be complete.]

Isaac shook his head.

[We don't have a week. We have 12 hours at most until it starts.]

With a slight pause, Merlin soon replied in her calm voice.

[I'll do my best.]

Raising his head once again, Isaac turned as he continued to walk toward his classroom.

'12 hours.' 

He couldn't help but ask himself…could he do it?

This wasn't like his usual opponents. 

Not like the Juggernaut who he could outlast till the activation of his Scarlet Eyes.

Not like the Green Zone Terrors.

Not like the Siren either.

This was a fellow Inheritor who was vastly stronger and more experienced than him.

One which he knew nothing about.

'Well, that's what my plan is for.'

Isaac paused, sighing shortly after.

As time passed, he was becoming more…bold.

He didn't know if that was a good thing or not.

'I guess we'll find out in 12 hours.'


Next chapter title: The Figure in the Forest [Single Chapter]

NNext chapter title: Katlynn Vs The Figure

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