A boy with amber eyes, dark and unkempt hair that covered the top of his ears and his forehead, as well as a simple shirt with the Aurelius Logo labelled on it, stood in the middle of a dense forest.

He wore large red sneakers and currently stood completely still, his eyes closed and head slightly lowered.

Standing under tall trees, the countless falling leaves were enough to indicate it was currently Autumn, as the wind made the boy's hair dance on his forehead.

The tall grass coated his ankles and the smell of pollen and plant life one would notice while standing in the middle of thick vegetation wafted under the boy's nostrils.

However, the boy wasn't focused on this.

No, instead he was focused on his brain, the left hemisphere to be exact.


A mental click played in the boy's mind as he snapped his eyes open, instantly disappearing from his position as his silhouette blitzed around the small clearing he was in.

In seconds, the boy suddenly appeared in his original position.

Only this time, both his hands were full with the countless leaves falling from the trees as they had disappeared from midair.

'This is the First Gate of Opening. Cool!'

Isaac grinned in satisfaction as he dropped the leaves, wiping his hands on his pants.

It had been one week since Isaac had learned of his Natural Nen Affinity.

At that time, nothing much had changed in the Academy.

The only major event was the announcement of the Excursion to Ashton City in three weeks.

Naturally, the students were excited upon hearing they'd be visiting Ashton, as well as the infamous Hale Dojo.

'If only they knew.'

Isaac shook his head.

The reason his stress was less evident now, was because the First Gate cleared the mind, allowing Isaac to be calm during, and even after, its activation.

However, despite him feeling better about everything, it still didn't change the state of things.

Oliver was still in his Scenario, alive and well, there had been no updates on the side of Onyx and Xavier and Harrison was still bugging Isaac about the duel.

'But that doesn't mean there isn't good news.'

In this past week, Isaac had nearly mastered Gyo and Shu, the easiest of the Advanced Nen Techniques, and can perform En and In but only while focused.

This brought Isaac to his problem with En, the Nen Technique that allowed Isaac to expand his Aura in a radius around him, detecting anything that entered that space.

Though it was true he needed a sensory ability, he didn't think En could be the one.

Well, at the moment at least.

This was because it needed immense focus, making it impractical to use in battle.

Additionally, it only covered a small radius. Though Isaac was well informed of anything happening within his radius, it didn't help him sense danger coming from afar at high speeds.

Only when it came into his radius could he sense it, and by then, it was too close to walk away unscathed.

Therefore, Isaac's hunt for a sensory ability or Art, as well as the more important combat Art, continued.

Of course, if Isaac wanted an easy way out, he could confront Harrison and accept the deal to fight for him.

But he had no interest in this.

Not only would this come with countless tedious and unwanted attention, but it could also blow his cover.

All this risk for a Combat Art that was likely three stars or below was not worth it.


[Name: Isaac ???

Status: Satiated

Stage: 1

Inherited Character: Wanderer

Race: Human

PS: Nen (Proficiency Level: 4)


100% Efficiency

Transmuter Lvl. 3 (MAX. 10)


Enhancer Lvl. 2 (MAX. 8)


Conjurer Lvl. 2 (MAX. 8)


Emitter Lvl. 1 (MAX. 6)


Manipulation Lvl. 1 (MAX. 4)



[Unless Scarlet Eyes are active]

Nen Abilities:

Avatar Projection (Lvl. 1)

You can create a perfect ethereal clone of yourself. Though it cannot speak, or show emotion and the time it is active isn't very long, this ability holds immense potential.


Immortality (Lvl. MAX)

Zoldyck Genes (Lvl. MAX)

You possess an innate talent and potential for the art of assassination, hunting, and covert operations. This genetic gift allows you to learn and develop your skills at a rapid rate.

Hand to Hand Combat (Lvl. 4)

You are a skilled Hand-to-hand fighter, able to use your body as a weapon.

Vital Strike (Lvl. 1)

You now have the knowledge and skill to precisely target and shut down your opponent's pressure point.

Tolerance (Lvl. 1)

You're able to tolerate physical pain, poisons and mind attacks to a certain extent.

Feed (Lvl. 1)

You can feed on the power and PS of others, adding it to your own (Zobae)

National Treasure:

Scarlet Eyes (Mastery Level: High-Beginner)

One of the 7 most beautiful colours in the world, the Scarlet Eyes of the Kurta hold immense power and potential. (Eyes will change to Scarlet only when an emotion is notable)


Ghost's Passage ☆☆☆(Progressible)

A stealth Art created by Wanderer Isaac, capable of hiding the user from all the senses of a human. Essentially becoming a Ghost, it's believed the last thing a victim of the user feels is a cold breeze before being met with darkness. And most terrifyingly, its potential is limitless. CAUTION!: This Art is extremely risky, as one must be in a deathly state to use it.

1st Passage: N/A

Eight Inner Gates ☆☆☆☆

The 8 Inner Gates technique from the Naruto Verse is a powerful set of chakra Gates located throughout the body. By opening these gates in sequence, a Ninja can dramatically increase their physical abilities at the cost of immense strain on the body


Zobae Disease

Haunted by Calamity:

Nature's Disaster

You are more likely to be involved in disastrous events

Bound to a Wizard]

Isaac sighed upon seeing his status screen, more specifically his Nen Proficiency.

'Still Level 4, huh?'

Although Isaac was disappointed, he understood why it was like his.

A week ago, he could have been considered an early or premature level four. Usually one would reach this stage by mastering a few Advanced Nen Techniques.

But he was able to attain this level by being exposed to the immense power of the Scarlet Eyes.

Additionally, Isaac had reached a new milestone.

Avatar Projection. The technique was scribbled on a piece of paper by Don Freecs.

Despite it being so long, he'd never forgotten about this ability.

How could he? It was an invaluable technique.

However, it was simply because the manual he had for the technique was…

'Useless. I mean, he was a grown man with countless detailed books on the Dark Continent, you'd think he'd be capable enough to draw a few pictures.'

The manual was filled with scribbles, showcasing Don's poor drawing skills, thus taking Isaac a while to deduce its meaning.

Additionally, the ability required two Nen Types which Isaac had difficulty with.

One was Conjuration. However, he didn't mind this as his 80% was enough to work with.

However, the other was where Isaac almost gave up learning this technique.

That being Manipulation.

Being only 40% efficient, it would be a waste of time.

'Well, that's considering I didn't have my Scarlet Eyes.'

It was only when Isaac activated his Scarlet Eyes that he gained an 80% efficiency in both Conjuration and Manipulation, also meaning he could only practice and use this Technique with his Scarlet Eyes active.

'Efficiency. It's too much of a hindrance. I can't do all I need to do with these countless restrictions.'

This was something Isaac constantly thought about. What he had wasn't enough.

Despite the Scarlet Eyes giving him enough efficiency to use Avatar Projection, his Enhancement abilities were left weakened, severely limiting his power.

He needed…he wanted more.

'Okay, stay focused.'

He was training. He couldn't ponder on these thoughts at the moment.

He needed to stay vigilant as the next step in his training would prove difficult.

Taking a deep breath, Isaac breathed out.

'Second Gate: Gate of Healing, Open.'


"Hello, Grandfather."

In a large room with leather sofas, rugs that felt soothing to the touch, a chandelier hanging from the ceiling and countless other decorations that indicated the wealth and prestige of the occupant.

From the meticulous architecture to even the pleasant smell that entered one's nostrils, anyone would be satisfied with this sort of living condition.

In the middle of the room, sitting on the sofa with a holographic screen playing a real-time video of a large man with a grey goatee and grey slick back hair, wrinkled face and sharp blue eyes before him, was a boy with similarly coloured eyes and bandages around his wrists.

"Jett, it's been a while."

The man spoke with a heavy and authoritative tone that could be felt from the other side of the call.

"Yes, Grandfather."

Jett answered simply.

He currently stared at his fingers, playing with them as a drop of sweat rolled down the side of his face.

His timid posture, paired with his weak eyes and quivering lip, was enough for anyone to guess the emotional state of the boy.

"I've just heard about the battle that ensued a week ago. The battle where you fought the Rank 1. When were you planning to tell me?" Jett's Grandfather asked.

As he said these words, Jett's timidness grew as he stammered.

"I-I was…"

Before Jett could finish, his Grandfather cut him off.

"Why didn't you tell me you challenged that boy in front of the whole class and kicked his ass?!"

Jett's Grandfather burst out in laughter as he yelled joyfully, slapping his thigh as he did.

"But Grandpa…I lost." Jett spoke, confused.

"And?" The old man paused as he raised an eyebrow.

"Well, aren't you mad I didn't win?"

As if he'd realised something, the old man sighed as he smiled, replying shortly after.

"Jett, listen to me son. It isn't about winning or losing. I mean, sure, winning is pretty sweet and you should do your best to attain victory, but that isn't what it means to be a man."

Jett listened intently as he raised both eyebrows.

"Being a man is knowing you took the step no one else could. It means overcoming your fear, being strong on the inside, as well as out, allowing you to protect those close to you."

"Knowing how hard it must have been for you to stand before that boy…well, I couldn't be more proud."

Jett's expression slowly changed as the words sank in. It wasn't long after that a bright smile could be seen on the boy's face.

"With that being said, we as Hale's do not accept a loss twice. Next time, I want you to beat that boy."

The old man grinned widely as Jett nodded with a bright smile.

"Oh, guess what. Do you remember that Longfield girl? After the fight, she congratulated me and started asking me all sorts of questions about my strength. She was really interested in me."

Jett spoke enthusiastically, moving closer to the hologram.

"Ahahaha, that's my boy. Now remember what I told you about the girls, Jett. If fast and quick is a miss…"

"Play it slow and steady till I catch the fish. Got it, Grandpa!"

Jett nodded, remembering the poems his Grandfather would read him as a child.

However, suddenly, the old man's expression changed to a serious one as he spoke.

"Jett, the reason I called is to inform you of the bet I've arranged with your Vice Principal. The main attraction of the Dojo Showdown this year is you vs any first-year student of Harrisons. He has chosen his student."

Jett's ears perked as he paid attention.

"Do you know anyone named Isaac?"


Isaac sneezed as he walked into the room of his dormitory.

'I don't think allergies and the common cold should be a problem for me now that I have the Zoldyck Genes.'

Isaac pondered but soon shrugged it off as he threw himself face-first on his bed.

He was exhausted.

Opening the Second Gate proved far more difficult than the first, as he would need to apply constant pressure on the Gate to open it for the first time.

Once opened, he could freely control it, however, doing it for the first time is what was tricky.

Therefore, after being unsuccessful, he felt mentally drained.

'I wonder if Zach is home…'

Getting up from his bed, Isaac walked toward the door, however, his thoughts and movement were cut short and he dropped to the ground.

Suddenly, a scorching and piercing pain erupted from his neck as he clutched it with one hand.

The pain shot through his body as the area on his neck felt as though it was on fire.

However, despite the pain, he was able to tolerate it.

It was nothing compared to some of the events he'd been through.

Despite this, this pain didn't last long, as in a few seconds, it stopped.

Isaac breathed heavily on his hands and knees, sweat dripping from his face.

'What the hell was…'

Before Isaac could continue, something caught his attention and he raised his head to look forward.


A feline creature with black fur purred before Isaac as he sat.

Isaac paused.

'Did that Cat just…talk?'


Long chapter today, enjoy!

Next chapter title: Merlin [2]

As the days go by, I realise more and more how much I need an auxiliary chapter. I promise, I will get to it...soon.

Also, if 1 chapter a day isn't working out for you, you can always find more on my Patreon!


And as usual...


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