A Stolen Kiss From THE CEO!

Chapter 281 - 281 A Fake Realtor

281 A Fake Realtor

Ella felt a strange vengeful force possessing her body as varying repulsive thoughts of the things Leon may have indulged in his wild night of freedom consumed her mind.

Her face slowly drained of its color and bitterness engulfed her mind and soul.

“Please madam Ella, do not tell Mr. Leon that I informed you of this. He will deal with me severely if he finds out that I leached on him.” Ida’s tone sounded anxious and scared.

“Don’t worry, Ida. This is between the two of us. No one will hear of it. Also, thank you for opening up to me,” Ella said reassuringly before ending the call.

Denise, who was sitting close to Ella and overheard all her conversation with Ida was left speechless. Different conflicting ideas collided in her head as she thought of the best way to help Ella get solid proof that she could use to confront Leon.

“How about I disguise myself and trail the activities of this Xia for you?” Denise suggested. ” I could even reach out to her and make friends with her today if you give me the go-ahead signal.”

Ella stared at Denise with raised eyebrows as if to say, “that is impossible.” But Denise quickly read her expression and said in an optimistic tone.

“It says here in her social media account that she is currently looking for a house property to acquire. So I can call her now and pretend to be a real estate agent. Then I’ll suggest some couple of houses in the market to her.”

“Wouldn’t she discover that you are a fake realtor?” Ella asked. Even though Denise’s suggestions were kind of amusing to her, she felt drained of emotion to either laugh or cry.


“Come on, Ella, you forget I have friends who are in the real estate business.” Denise pouted animatedly. “As a matter of fact, I’ll call one right now to give me a quick update on properties that are up for sale. Then I would call Xia in your presence and discuss at length with her.”

“Don’t forget to use a nontraceable line in calling her. Otherwise, the call can be traced back to you in the future.” Ella warned.

“Don’t worry, I always keep an emergency line for things like this.”

True to her words, Denise made the necessary inquiry about actual properties up for sale, through a friend.

Afterward, she placed a call directly to Xia, using a disposable phone line. Placing the conversation on loudspeaker so that Ella could listen to the conversation, she said in a disguised charming voice, “Hello Miss Chu, this is Sabrina Dove, calling from Brooks International Realty.”

“Hi Sabrina,” Xia’s voice was like the gentle and sweet voice of a baby. “I wasn’t expecting a call from your company, because I never made any request there.”

“You have nothing to worry about. A gentleman who wishes to be anonymous made this request on your behalf a while ago.”

“Really! Oh my goodness! I think I may know who this anonymous person is, but thanks anyway.”

Ella and Denise both exchanged surprised glances as they wondered if Leon was the anonymous person Xia was referring to.

“You are welcome, Miss Chu,” Denise smiled mischievously at Ella, who couldn’t hide the fact that she was greatly impressed by Denise’s act.

“So, would you be interested to see some of our breathtaking properties before I call it a day? I have been fully compensated to ensure I give you a tour before it gets late.” Denise threw in the juicy bait and crossed her fingers as she waited for Xia to reply.

She was so certain, that Xia would happily take the bait without thinking twice. After all, who wouldn’t want to enjoy everything done for them free of charge?

“That will be awesome!” Xia’s state of euphoria could be easily read from her excited tone.

“Since I’m new in this city, can we please meet at the zebra crossing on Linton street? I’ll pay for any inconvenience.” Xia said pleadingly.

“Sure! As I said earlier you do not have to pay for any inconvenience. I have been rewarded handsomely to give you the best tour. I’ll be at the stated location by 4:30 PM if that time is okay by you.” Denise shot her fist in the air in excitement.

“Aww! Thanks, Sabrina! I’ll meet you up by that time.”

“See you!” Denise ended the call and slightly shouted, “yes! I told you I could get her to meet with me.”

Ella’s anger instantly melted and was filled with joy and pride for Denise.

“I’m so proud of you, mama bear,” Ella beamed. ” You will make such an awesome detective.”

“It’s not too late to apply for that position detective, is it?” Denise asked in a thrilled tone.

“Of course not!” Ella chuckled. “By the way, what kind of disguise are you wearing? Because she must never recognize your true identity.”

“Don’t worry yourself, sweetie pie, I am the mistress of disguise. Even you wouldn’t recognize me when I’m done changing my appearance.” Denise smile broadly and stood up. “I have to go right now so I can meet up with her.”

“Ugh!” Ella’s face dampened. “How I wish I could tag along. I would have really loved to see her face and hear her talk so that I can figure out the best way to deal with her if she is guilty.”

“Aww!” Denise frowned. “But, you know it’s not safe with Leon’s bodyguard watching your every move.”

“I know,” Ella hissed.

“Don’t worry, you will be able to see her and even hear her talk without following me,” Denise said thoughtfully.

“I’ll have the security department install a micro camera on my dress before I leave. in that way you’ll be able to see everything I see and hear everything I hear.”

“That’s a brilliant idea!” Ella stood up and hugged Denise. “Please be careful and don’t put yourself in any form of danger, okay?”

“Okay, dear,” Denise fondly stroked Ella’s cheek and briskly left the office.

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