A Star Reborn: The Queen's Return

Chapter 806 - The Pink Princess Dress

Chapter 806: The Pink Princess Dress

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Ye Xingfei was surprised to learn that her sister was already a big superstar.

Before her car accident, her sister was so mediocre, tending to stutter in front of people and seemed to only be her sidekick. When they were auditioning for the training camp, she had heard two teachers discuss them. “Only Ye Xingfei has talent. If not for wanting to create a sister duo group, we wouldn’t even consider someone of Ye Xingling’s standard.”

How did her mediocre sister become so famous?

She had mixed feelings about this news. On the one hand, she was happy for her sister, but on the other hand, she was disappointed.

If not for the car accident, would she be the famous one right now?

Auntie Liu’s voice cut through her thoughts. “Feifei... that girl used to listen to every word you said. Now that you’re awake, you should tell her to help you, and let you record some of those popular pop songs and go on programs. You’re so pretty and you sing so well, you’ll definitely be able to become more popular than her!”

Xia Ling stood speechless at the door of the ward.

She had found a new low about Auntie Liu—she had no lower boundary to her shamelessness.

She raised a hand and knocked on the room door. The three at the bed turned to look at her. A look of surprise came across Ye Xingfei’s face, before turning to awkwardness. “Sister... you’re here.”

Auntie Liu, on the other hand, showed no discomfort as she greeted her with a fake smile. “Xiao Ling, you’re here! We were just talking about you, saying that you’re such a big superstar now. You should help your own sister... when Feifei is all better, perhaps you can sign her into your company and groom her to be a big star too.”

Xia Ling ignored Auntie Liu completely and walked over to Feifei’s bedside. “How are you feeling?”

“Not bad.” Ye Xingfei smiled and replied Xia Ling.

Auntie Liu was upset from being ignored. “Ye Xingling, I’m talking to you!”

Xia Ling turned and glanced at Auntie Liu, saying resolutely, “No.”

“No?!” Auntie Liu immediately lost her temper. “Ye Xingling, you heartless person. I’ve fed and clothed you all these years and now that you have some semblance of success, you’re biting the hand that fed you!”

“Zhaodi...” Father Ye tried to stop her sheepishly. “Xiao Ling only just got here to see Feifei. We can discuss about longer term plans later on. Don’t be impatient. Xiao Ling, please don’t take Auntie Liu’s words to heart. She’s just worried about Feifei’s future. Dad knows that you’re the most understanding and will help your sister in her future plans, right?”

Xia Ling’s lips curled into a cold smile. Look, so this was what her “father” and “mother” were like. They hadn’t met in about five or six years, and they were already looking to see how she could be of benefit to their biological daughter without so much as a word of concern or welcome!

How sad.

She responded lightly, “I know what to do.”

Everyone’s faces in the room lit up hearing her words.

With this promise from the Diva, Feifei would be set in the industry, right?

“I just knew that Xiao Ling wouldn’t be an ingrate.” Father Ye was overjoyed, wanting to reach out to pat Xia Ling’s shoulder, but was side-stepped by Xia Ling. He sheepishly retracted his hand. “Please do find a way to help Feifei.”

Xia Ling was getting mildly irritated. She turned and passed the bouquet in her hands to Feifei. “This is for you.”

Feifei accepted the flowers—a bouquet of pink and white carnations—which filled the room with a pleasant fragrance. She bent over to smell the flowers, saying, “They are beautiful. Thank you, sister!”

However, Auntie Liu commented, “You bought these flowers at the entrance of the hospital, didn’t you? I remember that stall... their flowers are 5 yuan a stalk. This bouquet didn’t cost you more than a hundred yuan with the packaging, did it?” Given that she had been taking care of her daughter in the hospital all these years, she was extremely familiar with the shops in the area, down to the items that they sold and their prices.

Xia Ling had sent her assistant to buy the flowers and didn’t know how much they cost, but thought to herself that the stalls near the hospital would probably all be around this price point. She said, “Yes, I got these at the hospital entrance. I came over immediately after taking Father Ye’s call and didn’t have any time to buy a present. Feifei, I’ll give you another present next time. What do you want?”

Feifei smiled sweetly. “Sister, do you remember that we used to pass by a store window on the way back from school? There was a pink dress in the window and I would stare at it for ages. I wonder if that shop is still around... can you buy me that dress?”

In Xia Ling’s memories, there was indeed a pink princess dress.

When Ye Xingling and Feifei were in middle school, they would pass by a clothes shop every day after school. In the window was a lace princess dress that was lined with faux crystals. It wasn’t expensive—just two hundred and forty yuan—but that was exorbitant to the two of them, who were not well-to-do at that time. The sisters saved all they could from the allowance given to them and promised to share the dress after they managed to buy it.

Recalling this memory, Xia Ling felt envious of the sisters for having such an innocent and close relationship.

She said gently to Feifei, “I’ve already bought that dress a long time ago—it’s in my closet at home. It’s brand new. I’ve not worn it even once. I was waiting for you to wake up so that we can share it.” Before Xia Ling’s reincarnation, Ye Xingling had been saving up ever since she got into the training camp to buy that dress. That silly girl remembered her promise to her sister and prayed for the day a miracle would happen and her sister would wake up.

Now, it was time to bring out that dress which was a testament to their close relationship.

Feifei’s eyes opened wide as she exclaimed, “Really?!” Her eyes filled up with tears.

She knew why her sister had bought the dress as the promise was still fresh in her mind as well. At this moment, she forgave her sister for not coming to visit her in the hospital. She forgave her for everything. The promise was real and she was so touched that her sister fulfilled it.

“Sister!” She cried and hugged Xia Ling tightly.

Xia Ling was not used to having someone lean onto her like that and froze momentarily, before slowly stroking Feifei’s soft hair on the top of her head. At that moment, Ye Xingfei felt like the real sister that she never had.

Auntie Liu’s voice destroyed the touching atmosphere. “You’re talking about that new dress in the closet at home? Xiao Ling... that was bought so many years ago? Are you going to be so stingy? That only cost you two hundred and forty yuan.” Auntie Liu had discovered that dress in their closet many years ago and had beat Ye Xingling for buying it, scolding her for wasting money, even though Ye Xingling had explained while crying that she bought it for Feifei.

Auntie Liu said in disdain, “That dress is made of synthetic fibers! It’s not even made of pure cotton, let alone silk! The beads on the dress are all glass, and while they look all sparkly, they are worthless! Our beautiful Feifei can’t be dressed so shabbily—we’ll become a laughingstock! Xiao Ling, shouldn’t you minimally be giving Feifei some branded items... LV... and, and... cha... what is it... Chanel? You should also buy her some nice accessories—earrings, necklaces... If your sister is dressed well, it’ll look good on you as the older sister as well, won’t it?”

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