Chapter 768: Remove Your Masks

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

The stretcher arrived quickly.

The two carrying the stretcher were nervous and didn’t dare to lift their heads as they stood by Xia Moyan.

Only Li Lei’s expression appeared normal as he ignored his own injuries and helped Xia Moyan lift Xia Ling onto the stretcher, before protectively following her towards the ward. The people crowding around watching the commotion hurriedly moved aside to create a pathway for the stretcher to come through, not daring to breathe.

However, Xia Moyan stopped abruptly.

The owner of Blissful Paradise was jittery as he asked, “The Preceptor... what’s wrong?”

“Take off all your masks.” Xia Moyan’s cold voice rang out.


The guests standing around were stunned. None of them wished for their identities to be exposed as being people involved in the pervert activities on board Blissful Paradise. Their masks were like a protective shield for them, and they were all hoping that The Preceptor would not find out who they were.

However, this wish of theirs was quashed with his statement.

“The Preceptor...” The owner of Blissful Paradise’s expression darkened. All these guests that enjoyed the thrill of coming to Blissful Paradise were largely here on the assurance that their identities would be kept secret. How would all these wealthy people react once their identities were exposed?

Xia Moyan remarked mildly. “It’s time for Blissful Paradise to close down.”

This incident had made him furious, but he knew this was a part of his sister’s destiny, so he couldn’t interfere too much. To merely close Blissful Paradise down was already a huge pardon on his part. If the consequence was too big, it might mess with his sister’s destiny. Otherwise, he was tempted to annihilate every person on this boat such that they would disappear for eternity.

These people should feel relieved that the Xia Family always taught their Preceptors to be tolerant and restrained. If Xia Moyan was a lunatic like Li Feng, the matter would not be resolved so simply.

The owner of Blissful Paradise’s face turned white as he thought to himself, Oh no...

He was regretting having accepted Old Master Li’s request to bring that problematic kid on board the ship. Not only did this bring Li Lei and Xia Ling to the ship to save the child, but it also gained the attention and fury of The Preceptor. When The Preceptor came to him, he knew that his good days were over.

“Yes...” Cold sweat was forming on his brows as he replied respectfully, “Blissful Paradise will be closed effective immediately. All members will be stripped of their membership, and there will not be another similar organization in this world ever again.”

Xia Moyan’s expression was unreadable as his gaze swept across the guests that were still wearing their masks.

Seeing that the owner of Blissful Paradise had caved, many guests reluctantly removed their masks, revealing the faces of many influential gentlemen. Away from this place, many were in positions to effect changes that could affect the world. Yet, now they didn’t have the mood to look at each other and were just anxiously regarding Xia Moyan, praying that this powerful man would let them off.

Xia Moyan’s voice rang out again like a cool breeze blowing across the place. “Those who removed their masks can leave, but don’t ever think of coming to the Xia Family for help in three generations.” As he spoke, he turned to a man with greasy hair and said, “Johnny, go tell your first uncle that his meeting with me three days later is canceled.”

The man named Johnny stood stunned as he recalled that his first uncle had managed to enlist the help of Preceptor Xia with much difficulty. The date of their meeting had been set for three days later and the whole family had been preparing for Preceptor Xia’s arrival. The entire premises had been newly renovated, and the ingredients and utensils for the banquet carefully selected, fearing that anything would not be to Preceptor Xia’s tastes.

If he were to let his first uncle know that the meeting had been canceled and that the family was not to look for The Preceptor for help for three whole generations, his first uncle... no... his entire family would hate his guts. He would be the black sheep of the entire family.

“Preceptor Xia!” He knelt down with a loud “thump”. “Please, I beg of you, don’t cancel the meeting!”

Xia Moyan ignored him.

Seeing that begging had no effect on The Preceptor, Johnny turned towards the weak Xia Ling on the stretcher. “Miss Ye, you’re beautiful and kind, please help put in a good word for me with The Preceptor...” He could tell that The Preceptor thought highly of this girl, and if she pleaded on his behalf, perhaps The Preceptor would listen.

Yet, before Xia Ling could say anything, Xia Moyan huffed in disdain. “You dare disturb Xia Ling at this juncture, Johnny. That’s adding fuel to the fire. Your family can forget about ever seeking help from the Xia Family.”

Johnny’s face was ashen as he crumpled dejectedly to the ground.

He didn’t dare beg Xia Moyan anymore, fearing the consequence on further incurring his wrath. Perhaps next time it wouldn’t be so simple as not helping his family anymore, but rather to met out severe punishment. That would then truly be a disaster beyond proportions! He was really regretting appearing on this ship.

Seeing Johnny resigned to his fate, several other guests removed their masks as well.

Even though they were wealthy gentlemen, they weren’t in the echelons that had heard of the mysterious Xia family. They hadn’t bothered about Xia Moyan’s threats. However, seeing the powerful senator Johnny falling to his knees in fear, all of them realized the severity of the problem and hurriedly followed in removing their masks.

There were only a few left still wearing their masks.

Those with their masks on had never heard of the Xia family and didn’t realize what deep trouble they were in. They didn’t give Xia Moyan’s words much thought, thinking that they were powerful enough to deal with him.

Xia Moyan looked down gently at Xia Ling, grimacing slightly. “I don’t want to begin a killing spree.” Killing someone would be bad karma for his sister and make her life more difficult than it already was.

One of the men still wearing his mask gave a cold laugh. “You? Kill me? Dream on!”

Xia Moyan continued speaking to Xia Ling listlessly, as if not hearing the man’s outburst. “But they didn’t lend a helping hand to you even though you were in such a dangerous position. They are also testing the power of the Xia Family.” He ran a long slender finger gently across his sister’s face and concluded in a low voice. “Thankfully, there’s someone to help share your burden. So...”

He turned and shot a glance at Li Lei.

Li Lei instructed the few remaining warriors standing by Old Master Li. “Go remove the masks off those people that refused to do so. Then, throw them into the sea.” Removing their masks was so that they could identify them, so that Xia Moyan could reject all future requests from their families for help. Throwing them into the sea was giving them a taste of their own medicine. Since they were mere bystanders when Xia Ling was in trouble, then the whole ship could watch as they were thrown overboard.

They were in the open seas, and there was no other ship in the near vicinity. Being thrown overboard was a death sentence.

This was the consequence of offending the Phoenix.

The warriors glanced at each other before looking to Old Master Li for direction.

Old Master Li reluctantly instructed. “Do as the Second Young Master says.” He was old but not ignorant. He could tell that he had offended Preceptor Xia through and through. The only way to save matters was to count on his grandson.

Hence, the brawny warriors did as they were told and threw the individuals overboard.

Hearing the cries of help as they were thrown into the deep seas, the remaining guests on board felt relieved that they had chosen to comply with removing their masks. Otherwise, they would be met with the same sad fate

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